Ileus: The Dark Prince

Chapter 190 - Turned On

Chapter 190 - Turned On

"He developed the land with the help of his followers who came along with him to his world. Almost a thousand years later after he founded the Demon Realm, the younger brother fell in love with a human and had children with her." Ileus stopped the broom and helped her get down. The broom disappeared. He smoothed her hair back and continued, "That land was kept hidden by the elder brother. He created too many barriers. No one could pass through the barriers and reach the Demon Land. There are ferocious warriors that are said to keep a constant vigilance over the boundaries." He became silent and scanned the forest. "However, no one knows much about it. At least there is not much in Norhall's library."

"You mean that right next to the Fae realm, there is a Demon realm?" Anastasia remarked with a raised eyebrow as if not believing a word.

"That's what history says," he replied. "The inscriptions on your arm—some of it, resemble that language."

"Oh my!" Anastasia gasped. "Does it mean that Og'drath knew that language? She was the one who had asked her people to paint these tattoos on me!"

They walked hand-in-hand up the slope. "It is possible. I can't say…"

Anastasia felt a shiver down her spine. She became curious to know about the tattoos on her arm. "Where are we?" she asked. "This doesn't look like Yelgra."

Ileus nodded. "Yes, this isn't Yelgra. We are on the outskirts, as in several hundred miles away from the Kingdom of Wilnyra, the Vampire Lord Lazarus' territory." Lazarus had risen from his grave only a few days back with the help of his wife Emmaline, who in turn was helped by Dawn."

Her eyes became wide with surprise. "Why have you chosen this place for training Ileus?"

"That's because our enemies will detect your presence the moment you unleash your powers in Ixoviya." He walked behind her and unshackled her wings. Immediately her wings appeared. Not able to bear the weight, she let the gravity take the toll. "Now spread them. I am here to help you. Show me that you can."

She didn't want to. "Tell me about Tides of Bromval."

He narrowed his eyes and a half smile appeared on his face. "For that you have to do what I asked you to and I will tell you about it."

She pouted. "I know what you are doing." She took in a deep breath and readied herself. Magic thrummed in her chest and she wondered if she could use the magic to open the wings without using the strength of her shoulder blades. She willed magic to flow in her veins to her wings. The silvery mesh of pulse lines that forked all over the insides of her wings, throbbed. As she slowly lifted her wings, the pulse lines flickered like lightning, as if waiting for her to open them. She could feel blood gushing to her wings, magic flowing with it. The weight of the wings was heavy on her shoulders. She concentrated on the silence and calm of the forest around her and imbibed it into her magic. The pulse lines that were flickering became stronger. She didn't realize the strength of the forest she was imbibing. The magic became stronger and with a roar she released it into her wings.

Ileus stepped back as he witnessed those huge, beautiful wings with white feathers that rippled in the wind. They shone brightly in the sun-dappled forest. He was mesmerized. He smiled with pride. However, the feeling died as soon as her wings fell back.

"That was nice," he said as he walked to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She was panting as if she had lifted massive weight. Her shoulder blades cried with pain. He massaged gently and warmth spread to her skin and seeped to her muscles. "Tides of Bromval is located at the end of the Lore. A few hundred miles from there is the human realm. That route is a very popular trade path amongst the Loreans and is therefore infested with bandits."

"Then won't it be difficult to tread there? Maybe we can take a portal?"

He removed his hands from her shoulders and all her pain vanished. With his chin he pointed to her wings.

"Ileus!" she protested. But the man crossed his hands across his chest and waited patiently

She let out a heavy breath and reluctantly repeated the process. She was breathless when the wings crashed down on the ground.

He walked behind her and then massaged her shoulders and back to ease her pain with his magic. "No, we can't create a portal and go there. Since it became a very popular trade path, it became vulnerable to the rogues and bandits. They would create portals any time and loot the traders. The traders protested and a law was passed that bound every Lorean—no one was allowed to create portals in that path. Those who violated the law were severely punished."

Her heart plummeted to her stomach. "Does that mean we have to ride?" That was why he was so concerned about her going to the Tides of Bromval. She couldn't deny his concern. "Isn't there any other way?" she asked.

He leaned on her ear and said, "Let's see if you can beat those beauties."

"No!" she retorted, but she ended up flaring them again and again. She was so irritated because of his constant persuasion that when at last she flapped her wings, with a bellow to the sky, the dense skies gathered and lightning struck the ground somewhere near. Trees groaned. Something burnt. Thunder clapped. It started pouring. And through the incessant rains, Ileus saw the trees burning on the right side.

He looked back at her and when she opened her eyes, their gaze met—his filled with pride and patience, hers filled with fire. They were violet with silvery speckles on the back. Anastasia looked menacing, dangerous with those massive wings spread behind her, with cold rain pouring around them and with flames rising high in the forest on the right.

He found himself turned on.

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