If You Could Hear My Heart

Chapter 61 - 061: Rolling Down the Hillside

Chapter 61: Chapter 061: Rolling Down the Hillside

Translator: 549690339

The man called Boss quickly grabbed a pair of binoculars to check, and sure enough, at the mountaintop ahead, huge rocks were rolling down, accompanied by mud and rain, thundering loudly.

“Turn around quickly, get ready to retreat!” The boss was terrified too, if rocks were to fall in their direction, their lives would be in danger!

“Turn around quickly!” The man yelled again!

Xu Chaomu struggled fiercely in fear, a landslide?

They were now binding her; what if a landslide occurred, would she become their human cushion?

She shivered with fear.

“Okay!” The man driving responded.

But they didn’t expect the terrain here to be extremely complicated and the road too narrow; they had to drive forward a bit to be able to turn around!

Whether it was because the car was too old or the rain was too heavy, the driver tried to start the engine several times, but suddenly, with a “snap,” the car stalled.

The whole car shook for a moment before coming to a calm stop, with only the sound of the pouring rain “pitter-pattering” on the roof and the leaves of trees around!

The people in the car were stunned for a moment, and within seconds, they all started swearing.

“Damn it, why does it break down right at this time, of all times?” “Boss, what do we do? This rain won’t stop anytime soon.”

“Yeah, with a landslide ahead, we can’t just hide in the car forever!”

“You guys go and check, see what the problem is!” the Boss ordered.

The men looked at each other, none wanting to go out into the torrential rain. But they had no choice, waiting any longer meant death.

Reluctantly, the driver got out with an umbrella, but outside it wasn’t just heavy rain, the wind was strong too. As soon as he got out, the umbrella couldn’t hold up, and he hurriedly closed it, getting drenched in rain.

Looking left and right, seeing no apparent issue, he had no choice but to get back in the car, “Boss, it’s too dark to see what the problem is. What do we do?” “Call the brothers to come pick us up!” the Boss said.

“That’s no good, Boss, with the downpour and the bad road conditions, they definitely can’t make it over by car!”

“Aren’t solutions meant to be found? Call them, they’ve got to crawl over here for me!”

No one dared to speak; the driver immediately called his brothers, but the signal was very poor, making the call intermittent.

After finally finishing the call, the men discussed again, “Boss, what about this girl? She’s truly a burden.”

“I say we just ditch her in this ravine. With the rain pouring down like this, she won’t be able to escape. That way, it’ll be easier for us to explain when we get back. ”

“No way, the client said to send her away from C City, the farther and more remote, the better. We’re still within the bounds of C City now, how can I just leave her here!” the Boss mulled over it for a few minutes.

“Boss, isn’t the decision to send her or not ultimately up to you? Who would know too much about it? Right?”

The Boss evidently had similar thoughts. Right, who would know whether she was sent or not.

Xu Chaomu listened to their words, client? Who was the client? Who wanted to send her away?

“Or… the dead can’t talk. If the Boss is worried…” someone whispered softly.

Xu Chaomu’s heart rose to her throat; she was so scared she couldn’t move.

“If we kill her it’s murder, but if we just leave her at the bottom of the mountain, with the rain like this and the landslide, I doubt she’d survive,” another man said.

“Boss, you decide, with her in tow, we’re too conspicuous.”

After taking a drag of his cigarette, the Boss stayed silent for a few minutes,

“Just do as you said, throw her far away!”

Xu Chaomu was totally stunned, she could not see, but she could hear the rain outside.

It was midnight, the rain was pouring, and her hands and feet were tied; did she still have a chance at life?


The men began to carry Xu Chaomu, taking her out of the car. The rain was truly heavy; after walking a few steps, they didn’t want to go any further, so they threw Xu Chaomu onto the hillside.

The heavy rain quickly soaked the burlap bag, and raindrops hit Xu Chaomu’s face, chilling to the bone!

“Mmm-mmm, mmm-mmm…” she made muffled sounds.

All to no avail, the only sounds around were the rain and the rumble of rolling boulders!

She struggled, struggled, and struggled fiercely!

However, she had no idea where she was, and as she struggled, the earth gave way, and she tumbled down the hillside!

“Boss, it looks like that girl fell down the hillside!” someone saw it from the window.

“Forget about it; everyone keep your mouths shut. Make the call, tell them to come over quick!” the Boss bellowed.


The sky was pitch dark, without a glimmer of light. The only thing breaking the silence was the occasional thunderous noise in her ears, like thunder, or an earthquake!

Before long, someone came to pick them up, and they quickly abandoned the broken car, squeezing together in the van that arrived.

Xu Chaomu tumbled to the middle of the hillside, where she was stopped by a large pine tree, her head slamming hard against the trunk!

Right after the impact, she passed out.

In her dreams, she kept calling Shen Chi’s name; he was the only person she regretted leaving behind.

If she died, would he be willing to give her a kiss, just one…

She really liked him.

She didn’t know how much time had passed; everything was still pitch-black. The cold rain hit her face, but she couldn’t move.

She didn’t know where she was; she struggled with all her might, struggling.

Unexpectedly, because a branch hooked the bag, it tore open a large hole and, struggling, Xu Chaomu managed to get the bag off her head!

Now the rain soaked her head entirely, her clothes were completely drenched!

Xu Chaomu found a large rock and, straining herself, rubbed against it.

Sweat and rain soaked her through and through, but finally, she managed to wear through the cloth binding her hands!

Excitement, elation, and agitation!

Xu Chaomu took a deep breath, feeling as if she’d gone from hell to heaven.

But everything was steeped in darkness; she hugged her arms to herself, cautiously feeling for the path. The soil of the hillside was loose; with a slight step, the earth would crumble away.

She dared only cling to trees, inching her way down step by step.

But she had no idea what lay below, was it an abyss or level ground?

The wind whipped her face painfully; the rain mixed in, her clothes clinging to her body, causing discomfort everywhere.

Her backpack had been thrown somewhere, as well as her little wooden puppet…

Shen Chi’s Hummer took a shortcut through the western path. True to its superior performance, even on the winding road, its speed was unmatched.

Soon enough, he was the first to catch up with the vans of those men!

The black Hummer arrogantly blocked their path, causing them to slam on their brakes and nearly lose their souls with fright!

The glaring headlights lit up, and the men shielded their eyes, sneaking a glance at Shen Chi.

The man in the Hummer had an icy face, his expression rigid with taut lines, his eyes capturing souls, like the King of Asura or a malevolent spirit emerging from the darkness..

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