Idle Mage: Humanity's Strongest Backer

Chapter 248 At Last, A Sorcerer

Peace returned to Fantasia after another successful defense from the invaders, thanks to the Mystic Guild's efforts.

The stock of resources was also refreshed thanks to their efforts. After all, the Invaders dropped some crystalized remains once they died. These materials were needed for many things and the guild obviously wants to have as much as they could.

Just like what Ashton said, a banquet was prepared once they returned. The guild had a massive victory party that lasted for three whole days. A merry atmosphere descended into the guild and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Once that's done, it's back to business with them. But of course, there were some noticeable changes.

Seemingly fired up with Ashton's display of strength, the Guild Members are now taking their training even more seriously than before.

Their horizons were broadened to such a degree that they couldn't help but want the kind of strength Ashton possesses. One that would qualify them to sit on top of this world and never be afraid of threats from the outside world.

This goes especially well with Ashton's beneficiaries except for Mary, Alice, and Blake. Until now, memories of Ashton's sheer power replayed in their mind from time to time, it's even haunting them in their dreams.

One against a million troops. The one wins and it's not even a competition. 'Inspired' would be an understatement of what they truly feel.

Ashton was of course aware of what they were feeling. In fact, this was his goal all along.

He displayed his strength to show them what one person could do should they really take their training and cultivation seriously. Words aren't enough to simply drill this concept in their minds, that is why he stepped out and showed them how it's done.

Well, his intended results were showing, meaning that he made the right move. In time, his Beneficiaries would show similar results, hopefully.

In the meantime, they still have a long way to go so it's best for them to train some more.

Currently, Ashton was taking it easy at his home.

With Jerry being autonomous, most of the administrative work was passed to him. Ashton only has to check some paperwork from time to time, meaning that his schedule was mostly free so he could relax like this.

He's playing with some spells like a kid. Seeing what they look like and they feel, and thinking about certain scenarios where they could show their potential.

Ashton already received knowledge about all manner of magic in this universe. So long as he has the required amount of mana to cast them, he could do it.

The only reason that he's not going through all of them at once was because of his specialization.

Being a White Mage gives him a strong affinity towards White Magic, however in return, that dulled his affinity for other branches of Magic.

This isn't to say that he couldn't perform them. He could but they cost at least twice or more the amount of mana it would usually take to cast them.

And even though he is the Child of Mana, he could only have so much before he runs out of them. Which prompted the idea of figuring out what other branches of magic he could use in an actual battle, for now at least.

As he sat down inside his training room, playing with all sorts of spells now knows, Ashton felt some movement in his Mageroot.

He stilled and canceled all the spells he was casting. He blinked several times in a row and went silent.

Then, he felt it again. This time, it's even stronger.

Ashton's mind buzzed as he could feel a certain thing happening. Hurriedly, while he's still conscious at least, he let out several strings of orders for the AI of the house and immediately secluded himself.

He set up several layers of formations around him, even going as far as to stretch out Space around him just to make sure that he wouldn't destroy everything here.

Once his set-up was complete, Ashton closed his eyes and let go, releasing all reigns he had on himself, allowing his magic and cultivation free.

As it turns out, setting up for this event was a wise choice. Because as soon as he released his control, a strong pulse rocked the world around him, sending everything rumbling and shaking. Without his preparations, these shockwaves would've been felt by everybody within Fantasia.

His Mageroot presented itself and a man flooded the entire space. Stormy fluctuations raged around with him at its epicenter.

As for Ashton himself, his consciousness detached from his body, arriving at a certain place where he floated aimlessly. He was unfocused, unaware of everything happening around him. He didn't have control of anything, he was like a leaf amidst a great storm, just existing and letting everything happen.

This is yet another breakthrough for him. Finally, after all of these years of constant refining his Virtues, it's happening.

Speaking of Virtues, the crest that represented each of Virtues appeared around him, exerting some level of authority over the environment.

Mana, Purity, Life, Death, Water, Fire, Earth, Space, and Time.

Nine Virtues, all refined up to a certain degree of mastery, each displaying their profundity.

They started spinning around Ashton. And as their rotation speed increased, so did the intensity of the storm around him as well.

Ashton's core hovered before his head, releasing a brilliant radiance. A rainbow cloud obstructed vision and the magical circles beneath him spun as well.

The rotation speed of the crests became so fast that it has become difficult to distinguish which one was which. In fact, to a certain degree, they're starting to look the same.

As time passed, the crests turned small, but their spinning speed turned even faster. They also moved from their previous location, and now they're spinning around Ashton's core instead.

The storm around him still rages without him knowing but Ashton's consciousness recovered up to a certain degree, though he's currently preoccupied with something.

'The Virtue of of the bounty of energy. One which springs forth and displays generosity. Unceasing and nurturing.'

'The Virtue of Purity represents innocence. Unblemished by outside influence, remaining true to one's roots.'

'Life and Death's Virtue represents a cycle. What Life loses, Death gains. And what Death releases, Life nurtures. Together, they represent balance in all things.'

'Fire's Virtue is that of Ambition. The desire to be something greater. Something more than what it is now.'

'Water's Virtue on the other hand is that of Fluidity. The aspect of not seeking out competition and working out whatever it is that was given to someone.'

'The Virtue of Earth represents Stability. Steadiness no matter what the world throws at you. Being prepared and responsible for one's actions.'

'Space's Virtue is that of Boundlessness. There are no limits to a determined mind and horizons are meant to be broad. So does one's outlook in life.'

'And finally, the Virtue of Time. It represents the concept of moving forward. Reminiscing the past and staying still in the present is okay, but one can never escape their own Future. Like or not, time will move forward and so are you.'

The concepts of every single Virtue he had clarified themselves in his mind. And as Ashton recited them, the spinning crest spun faster and came closer to his core.

Ashton regained a certain level of control over his body. However, instead of taking the entire process by the horns, he chose to guide it instead. Coaxing it in the right direction instead of forcing it.

Eventually, the Crests of Virtues fused with his core. And all of a sudden, everything stopped.

Then, a massive suction occurred. His core turned into a black hole that swallowed everything around him. Ashton emptied his mind and allowed the process to do its thing.

This phenomenon happened for a good while. Then, the black hole swallowed Ashton.

An explosion occurred, divine brilliance flooded the entire place and strange hymns were heard.

When everything subsided, something appeared where Ashton previously was.

A 99-foot-tall tower that seemingly flicked in and out of existence. Draped in dreamy glamour and mystical air.

Ashton could be seen hovering on top of this tower like he was the center of the universe. His eyes were wide open but his pupils were replaced by a rainbow-colored gleam.

This was Ashton's very own Sorcerer's Tower. A clear sign of his successful breakthrough.

After many years of patience and waiting, he finally reached this stage. He is now a legitimate Sorcerer.

And this wasn't enough to drive the idea home to him, the string of System's messages should do it...

[Congratulations on your breakthrough.]

[You have successfully fused your core with the Virtues of Mana, Purity, Life, Death, Water, Fire, Earth, Space, and Time.]

[As a result, the Dream Laws recognized you and gave you reign over its profundities.]

[Congratulations! You've acquired the Title: Dream Sorcerer!]

[Title: Dream Sorcerer]

: Gives you authority over Dreams.

: Allows you to overlap a Dream to Reality, its effectiveness depends on your Mastery over Dream Laws.

"...Dreams, huh?"

This is what Ashton said the moment he regained full control over his body.

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