I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 408

Chapter 408: Re-Appearance Of The Evil God

The storm passed through the ghost ship without leaving any trace on it. As this vessel came closer, the people on the motorized boat were surprised to see the churning waves and buffeting winds settle.

“Look, everyone! The words on the hull and mast of the ship.

Someone excitedly pointed his finger at the ghost ship and looked at the countless magic patterns that emerged on its surface. The crew members who were on the ship at the moment recorded everything that was happening and transmitted it back to their governments.

“Is this the power of magic?”

“It actually made the storm disappear!”


The crowd talked over each other as they watched the approaching ghost ship in shock. From an incorporeal state, it began to solidify bit by bit. With The ghost ship at the center, a calm zone with a diameter of 100 meters was formed, surrounded by torrential rains and wind.

Back in Scotland, numerous countries’ staff did not leave even after they were instructed to do so. They set up a temporary command, taking in everything that was happening ahead.

“This ship is not sailing in reality!”

“Could it be that it is sailing in a different world and could shift between realities?”

“Quick, hurry up. Capture the image and record all the words on the ship. Go check the researchers to see if there is any record of these words.”


The logistics department, composed of agents from various countries, was busy. Above the sea, the ghost ship approached the modern ship. While the soldiers and crew members were tense, a man on that ship wearing retro robes spoke with a low hoarse voice, “Are these the chosen few of this selection? Hmph, there are seven billion modern humans, but the qualified ones are surprisingly few. Humans have really degenerated.”

The wizard’s words were filled with mockery, but in this storm, the voice passed through everyone’s ears.

No one dared to reply to his words. The sorcerer just stood there but brought a sense of trembling fear that made people tremble.

Although some people’s faces reddened and wanted to say that modern humans were healthier and more knowledgeable, when they thought about the pollution caused by modern society, they associated it with the purity of the natural environment in ancient times. Perhaps this was the reason why modern humans had less and less magical talent.

“Hmph, forget it. This many people should be enough. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t even look for apprentices among the humans in this era. You have forgotten the power of magic, but I cannot argue against Lord Marches’ decision. Be grateful, future apprentices, because of Lord Marches’ kindness, I will give you the opportunity.”

“Remember, my name is Barry, and I will be your teacher in the future.”

The sorcerer named Barry introduced himself with great pride. He waved his hand. Under the crowd’s alarm, a long rainbow bridge formed from the ghost ship to the deck of the steel giant.

“Hurry up, I don’t have time to waste here.”

Under the impatient urging of the wizard, someone carefully stepped on the bridge of light.

A light appeared that looked like an elevator, and in the blink of an eye, the people on it were transported to the ghost ship.

The soldiers on the ship did not dare speak but watched with trepidation as the ordinary people crossed the rainbow bridge and entered the ghost ship under the urging of the wizard.

Those with invitations in their hands were also silent. Perhaps the sorcerer's grumpy impression made them more fearful.

Meanwhile, the soldiers on the ship watched them all aboard the ghost vessel. Once the last person boarded the spectral boat, it floated up and disappeared into the void.

When the ghost ship disappeared, the storm reappeared. The huge steel ship forged by modern technology tumbled once again, and only then did the soldiers come back to their senses. They all looked at each other with shock and fear. As elite soldiers sent by various countries to protect the ordinary people, they were actually suppressed into fear with just a few words from the wizard. Perhaps this was the power of magic.

The commanding officer looked indifferently at the picture shown on the screen. Seeing their excellent soldiers were scared to move by the aura of the wizard, everyone looked at each other in silence. An officer from the United States of America lightly said, “Order the soldiers back. We know far too little about magic to risk anything now.”

Humans always feared the unknown. This was human nature. While the secrets of magic remain a mystery, even the United States of America, the world’s number one power, would also express caution towards the power of magic. This was because the destructive power shown by supernatural events was too terrifying.


The American Homeland Defense Agency, jokingly called ‘S.H.I.E.L.D.’ was located in Washington and formed by members of the FBI, CIA, and many other departments and elite soldiers together. It was one of the largest agencies formed among major countries and was led by a military general.

“Director, there is new information…”

The headquarters was a gathering of the latest high-tech equipment and researchers as it did its best to conduct research on supernatural powers. At this moment, the sound of rushing footsteps echoed through the corridor.

An agent walked into the office and saluted.

“What happened?”

An old man in military uniform was sitting on the chair with a solemn appearance. His back was straight and his old age wasn’t visible at all. This person was none other than the head of this institution, General Robertson.

“This is the information we were tasked to obtain. It contains personal data of the people from our country who were invited to go to the School of Magic as well as their family situations in detail.”

The agent quickly put a report in front of the general and spoke very quickly, “This teenager called Alex has a complicated family situation. His stepfather suddenly died this morning. His appearance after death was unusually horrible. It was as though he had been twisted by some mysterious power.”

General Robertson picked up the information sheet and briefly looked at the teenager named Alex. He felt a twinge of sympathy for the child due to his own experiences in his younger years.

His scalp numbed after taking a closer look at the bizarre photo. In it, he saw a man with a terrified expression and a hideous face. The skin of the man’s body was dehydrated and almost cracked. There were also strange malignant tumors that made him look like a monster that had crawled out from hell.

This manner of death was definitely not normal and was definitely not caused by a virus. Based on the appearance of supernatural events, anyone would imagine that he had been cursed by witchcraft.

Thinking about the deep ones that appeared in Tokyo, General Robertson immediately asked, “I can understand Alex’s childhood, but what exactly is the case with his stepfather’s death? Could it be that he became a wizard to curse the stepfather that he resented?”

“General, the information from Scotland said that the ship had just departed, so Alex shouldn’t have mastered such things yet. From our investigation of the corpse and our interviews with his mother, we were able to piece together Alex’s family situation.”

“Alex’s mother joined a satanist cult because she resented the man for his abuse.. The cult in question has not done anything out of the ordinary and only conducted some masses, so we turned a blind eye to them. Perhaps it was really related to supernatural powers.”

“This lady is now a bit abnormal. After talking with our psychologists, she said that she often cursed her husband to turn into a monster and die. She did this to vent her pain, but did not expect that her husband would really pass.”

The staff answered the leader’s question with clear dictation.

General Robertson frowned and said word by word, “Are you trying to say that this cult may be related to supernatural forces? Especially related to those evil gods?”

“Yes, general! The doctor who performed an autopsy on the dead man said that there was nothing medically wrong with the body, which meant that his death could only be related to the supernatural.”

The agent said with certainty.

Robertson pondered for a moment and thought about the information he obtained about Japan. It was said that the deep ones appeared when a group of evil god worshippers performed strange rituals. This time, the cult seemed similar to what had happened in Japan.

As the director of Homeland Security, General Robertson’s biggest task was to protect the country of the United States of America.

“I understand. I’m going to see His Excellency the President and Sir Secretary of Defense. Since we have records of this cult, doesn’t that mean that they are under our control?”

“That’s right, General!”

“I will have the Marines cooperate with you. Make sure to take down the cult personnel in one fell swoop. We need to leave as many as possible alive and find out if this cult is really related to supernatural forces or not. If it is, seal the file with the highest level of secrecy. It doesn’t matter if they are in contact with evil gods or whatever god, as long as they could let us have supernatural powers, we have to study them.”

Robertson vaguely felt that something was wrong. His instincts were telling him not to touch these evil gods, but ever since this department was established, it hadn’t gained any achievements. Most of the cases they had found were related to scammers and liars. The Senate and House of Representatives were dissatisfied with him. In order to obtain more knowledge about mysterious powers and show his merit, he was willing to take a chance.

“Yes, General!”

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