I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 83

Episode 83. Prove that the level is different (1)

When Kocho’s eldest brother Gogajang’s head of household, Kocho, heard that his youngest daughter had not conceived, he did not believe it at first, but he was deeply troubled by Kocho’s strong persuasion.

“Brother, didn’t I tell you? It’s not just a mere congressman. It is a faith that can be counted among the best in the midfield as well as in defeat.”

Kocho persuaded him by talking about the mysterious medical techniques that the painter had practiced.

“Think about it, bro. Although Congressman Hwa is young, he is no stranger to it. I’m not the kind of child who wouldn’t even know why I sent her to Hyunbi’s mama.

Wouldn’t it be an opportunity to receive a big prize and become a poet if you just give a few good words and a concoction of herbal medicine? But to refuse all of that and say you couldn’t conceive and end up in prison… This is a really serious matter, brother.”

“Kuhm! Didn’t Congressman Hwa say he rejected our family’s exclusive intention?”

“yes. He’s good at medicine, but he’s already a vessel that a criminal like me can’t measure. It’s like a freshman entering a young body and performing mysterious tricks… It’s a divine clothing that gives you the illusion.”

“I know how wonderful his medicine is. ha-! But I still can’t believe Hyun said that the youngster couldn’t have the pregnancy he so longed for!”

“I can’t believe it either. But anyway, when it’s time to give birth, the results will inevitably be revealed. Then, if…”

“Sure. If you give birth, it’s a happy family, but if you can’t give birth as Congressman Hwa said… that’s a really big deal. Disgrace is also disgrace, but more than that, Hyeon-i could be out of Sang’s eyes…” ”

If it’s Hwa’s mysterious medical technique, he might be able to make Hyeonbi-mama truly conceive.”

“No matter how faithful you are, is such a thing possible?”

“Hyung-nim, he is the one who fixed my hook and sewed up my broken head. In addition, it is said that he even cured his mother’s illness after suffering from it for more than a year. There is no doctor in the world who has such a mysterious medical skill.”

“That’s right. However, even if we know his medical skills, neither Sang nor Hyeoni know that he is such a mysterious doctor. In such a situation, it is difficult to say that Congressman Hwa, who is imprisoned, is innocent and to be expelled.”

“Then what shall we do? The key to solving all the problems is held only by Dr. Hwa, but if the imprisoned man were to be freed after some time, would you think of using that mysterious medical technique?”

“Hmm, since medical science is said to be mysterious, then how about doing it like this? If the mystery of finding out that there are no baby seeds in the belly, wouldn’t it be possible to know whether the baby in the belly of a full-term woman is a man or a woman?”

“I guess so.”

“It is to prove that in front of Sang and Hyun.”

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Since she is full-term anyway, she will give birth soon, so it will be possible to determine whether Hwa’s medical skills are superior or the medical doctors’ medical skills are better.”

“yes. I have to enter the palace tomorrow.”

“Your brother himself? Wouldn’t it be better if I just moved like this?”

“No, it’s Hyun’s business, so I have to move. And these days, even if I get acupuncture, my back pain doesn’t lessen, so I want to see Dr. Hwa, who is said to be mysterious.”

“Then let’s go together. I also want to see Congressman Hwa.”

“I get it.”

* * *

“Ha-! Guess if the baby in the belly of a full-term woman is a boy or a girl?”

The painter put on a slightly bewildered expression when he heard Gocho’s words.

“okay. If it’s your mysterious medical technique, isn’t that much difficult?”

“It’s not difficult, but don’t city doctors judge that much?”

“I judge by looking at the shape of the belly or the movement of the baby, but that is not accurate. Even for me, the doctor said he was a daughter, but he was a son, and he said he was a son, but he was a daughter.”

“Well… I guess. all right. Let’s try.”

The painter nodded toward Gocho and gently gnashed his teeth.

Although I was imprisoned for a short time, that time really made me think a lot and make a new resolution.

It’s important to be considerate of others, but more important than that is your own safety and the safety of your family.

‘Poems… You don’t have to be considerate. I didn’t have any intention of getting ahead here anyway, but maybe it turned out well…’ The

higher you go up in government, the more responsibilities you have to take on, and because of that, you could be imprisoned or even die.

He intends to contribute to the success of his older brothers, but he himself has completely lost his desire for public office because of this incident.

* * *

It was a common concern of all parents to wonder if the child in the belly was a daughter or a son.

For this reason, many methods have been handed down from ancient times, but not all of them are clear.

When the news reached the parents that city doctors in the palace would determine the sex of their children only for full-term women, you and I flocked to them.

“Thirty people? Were there too many full-term women?”

The fireman’s eyes widened as he asked.

“Originally, there were more applicants, but I heard that only women from government families were selected.”

“is it so.”

“It will be burdensome because there are many people, but give me strength. Rep. Hwa’s skills need to be proven so that when Nana hyung speaks to Hyeonbi Mama or Sang, she gains strength.”

“All right. I have to.”

The fireman let out a short sigh.

It’s like going from a doctor to a psychic. After all, the other members of Congress must have felt like fortune tellers.

Moreover, seeing through 30 people was never an easy task.

I heard that I had to determine the sex of the fetus, so I continued to spur my Qigong training, but the side effects of fluoroscopy were still significant.

‘Whoa~. Are you going to become a rabbit that day? I hope it doesn’t cause a brain hemorrhage.’

* * *

As the fireman expected, it was the poets who were much more uncomfortable than the fireman.

It is possible to determine whether or not to be pregnant through a pulse, but the sex of the fetus is not known no matter how much research is done. It is possible to guess through the shape of the stomach or the pulse of fetal movement, but that is only a guess and not a confirmation.

In the end, it’s about 50% to fit.

There’s not much difference between talking roughly.

“What about thirty people?”

“How do you guess the sex of so many babies?”

“Damn, doesn’t the statue mistake us for fortune tellers or shamans?”


“It’s all because the fireman used a trick. Like a cunning fellow.”

At one word of Gyeongdeok, the poets’ mouths fell shut and their eyes turned cold.

“I didn’t like this guy from the time he came to examine Hyeonbimama with the connections of Gogajang, but if he misdiagnosed and ended up in prison, you should know how to reflect…

” We need to flatten it.”

“To flatten your nose, our diagnosis will have to be more accurate than his.”

“I don’t know how much bribes he spent to make a kite at a high price, but medicine isn’t something you can achieve with bribes.”

“I’m not going to stay like this, but I’ll have to look at the medical book.”

“What do you look for in determining the sex of the fetus?”

“We need to increase the odds.”

“Hmm, let me know if you see something different from what you already knew.”


After a while, a government official came to the place where the lawmakers were gathered and said that all the mothers had arrived, so come and see them.

* * *

“It is clear that you are producing baby seeds for the family, but the diagnosis of the Hwabu Clinic is also not something to be overlooked. So today, watch him examine the mothers and determine the sex of the fetus. If everything he said later turns out to be true… Unfortunately, you should also prepare your mind.”

Hyeonbi made an absurd expression when he heard what his real father, Gojang, had to say.

“Father, no matter how much Uncle recommended, isn’t he showing too much favoritism?”

“Do you think I am like this, not looking into anything, only listening to your uncle?”

“Isn’t it?”

“Rep. Hwabu is not yet known, but he is already a member called Shinui. He healed tetanus-afflicted gynecologists, and opened a man’s stomach to cure a maniacal disease. It is difficult to list all the incurable diseases he cured.”

“Are you really such a great senator?”

“Yes. We are also interested in him because we think he will be of great help to us someday. As you know, if you are just a young member of parliament, I will not come running to you just because you are imprisoned.”

“It is.”

“If Congressman Hwa’s diagnosis is correct… he really came to get you out of office.”

“But Dad, I’m already so full. How could this not be gestation?”

“In my eyes, it looks like gestation. In fact, it’s too bad that I wish that everything that Bougak had investigated about Congressman Hwa was a lie… but shouldn’t we be prepared for just in case?”

“ha-. I really don’t understand my father or my uncle. I want to immediately slit the throat of the quack who misdiagnosed me, but since my father has come, I will follow his will. But if the fetuses he diagnoses are of different sexes, I won’t tolerate your uncle’s protection any longer.”

“I get it. If his diagnosis is wrong, he may beheaded.”

“All right.”

Hyeonbi’s eyes were so cold that she felt cold.

* * *


The painter looked at the poets who were making the new mothers breathe so much that their lower belly protruded like a blowfish.

“A bitch.”

One of the poems whispered the gender to the officials. Officials wrote it down.

The doctor’s voice was low so that the mother could not hear it, but the impression was stretched or wrinkled according to the doctor’s words, as if the mother could hear it.

The painter turned his head away from the mothers and doctors and looked at the statue, the Hyeonbi next to it, the Gochodaein, and the village with more wrinkles.

‘That my life was put on hold for just this little thing… The more I think about it, the more absurd it becomes.’

The painter controlled the irritation rising from within.

In fact, even this alone was enough to understand how hard Kocho must have been from behind. That made me even more angry. If it hadn’t been for the agony, he might have died already.

‘I don’t know what kind of situation I’ll get into later with only medical skills. At least I have to create a strength that won’t be easily swayed.’

It was a matter of thinking about which one would be strong enough not to be swayed by power, but what was clear was that measures had to be taken to ensure that it would not happen again.

While the painter was thinking about this and that, the doctors’ diagnosis was all over.

“Rep. Hwa. Come forward.”


The painter calmed down and went forward.

“From now on, the diagnosis made by Congressman Hwa will be kept as an official record and will be used as evidence in the future.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Then, start by diagnosing Mrs. Min, the third wife of the first window wiwi.”


The painter had already guessed that he had a high status because he had seen the clothes of the mothers and the servants who were with them.

“This is my son.”



The fireman didn’t even get a pulse, glanced at his lower stomach, and then spat out the words. Because of this, the official who was taking notes was surprised, the mother who was waiting, and the woman waiting in the back were also surprised.

“Aren’t you taking a pulse?”

“What is there to do other than frantically check the pulse to determine the sex of the fetus?”

At the fireman’s words, the surroundings instantly became turbulent, and the poets, who first made a fuss through diagnosing, palpating, and questioning, became angry.

Although the distance is far, I heard words saying that he was cocky and that he was an immature kid.

The painter smiled after looking through those poems.

‘I didn’t want to do this either. But you guys tried to kill me and I’ll give it back to you as well.’

“Are you sure you don’t want to take a pulse?”

“Whether my diagnosis is correct or not is not something to be known as time passes. Let’s move on.”

“I see. I hope you will not regret it.”

“It’s just to determine the gender… tsk.”

When the painter clicked his tongue, the official pointed to the next person with a ridiculous expression.

“The second person is the captain of the military…”

———————————— —

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