I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 270 Treatment Room

As soon as they arrived back at the military base, Erend and the two soldiers who survived the incident went straight to the treatment room.

Liam and James appear to have injuries that will require them to stay for a few days.

Even though James looks fine, he has fractured ribs.

Meanwhile, Liam, who suffered a cut on his thigh, also had a minor injury to his head.

But what they experienced was clearly better than what the soldiers who died with their bodies torn apart on the ship experienced.

"This is strange," said the female doctor who was examining Erend.

"I found no major injuries on your body other than a few bruises."

"Isn't that good?" Erend said.

"Hmm..." The female doctor seemed to think.

It was as if she wasn't sure whether it was a good thing for someone to return unharmed from such an incident.

Even though she is a doctor. Is she not happy to see her patient is fine?

"It's just... that's strange. I heard that your squad members were all butchered. But you only came back with a few bruises," the female doctor said.

Erend chose not to answer. He didn't have a good enough reason to give anyway.

"But I'm also glad you're okay, Sgt. Drake."

Erend glanced at her. "You know me?"

"Of course! You are the hero who ended the war with the Elves and exposed the conspiracy of the two high-ranking military officers."

Erend just nodded his head.

"Can I have a picture with you?" she said. "Oh right. My name is Natalia."

Erend didn't really want to know her name. But, he wouldn't say that because he couldn't hurt the feelings of this doctor who had taken the time to treat him.

Even though in the end she didn't do anything because Erend was not injured as badly as she thought.

"Uh... Sure."

Not sure how to refuse the request, Erend allowed the doctor named Natalia to take a picture with him.

"Thank you! Now you can go if you want. Or do you want to lie down here first?" Natalia said after taking pictures with her phone.

"Yeah. I think I'll lay down here first," Erend replied.

"All right. Have a good rest." Natalia smiled. After that, she left Erend in the treatment room alone.

Erend absentmindedly stared at the white ceiling of the room.

When he finally lay down like this, he just felt tiredness which put a strain on his mind.

Erend did not feel physically tired. The stamina of his - now Dragonborn - body is more than enough to carry out physical activities or even fight again.

However, his mentality seemed to have worn out.

Problems come incessantly. When Erend has just solved a problem, it turns out that that problem is connected to another problem.

"Maybe this is just what I should do."

Erend has Dragonborn powers. With that, he has the responsibility to use that power.

Erend thought he had used his powers well. He finished the war with the Elves.

Apart from that, Erend has also solved various problems in Eternal Earth.

In fact, Erend thought he was solving more problems in Eternal Earth than in his own world.

When he thought about that again, Erend felt that he always go to do something to protect people or anything that needs help.

Which in the end, only put a strain on his mind.

"Ahh... I need to stop acting like a hero."

Suddenly the door of the room was knocked. Before Erend could say the answer, Billy and Adrien went inside.

But it turns out that the two of them weren't the only ones who came to meet Erend.

Major Lennard came with them both.

Billy and Adrien's faces looked anxious with the presence of Major Lennard next to them.

Erend also felt anxiety starting to rise in his heart. But he manages to keep a straight face so he doesn't look suspicious.

The three of them came in and sat around the bed where Erend was lying.

"How are you feeling, Sergeant?" Major Lennard asked.

"Uhh... a little bruises, Major. But I'm fine," Erend replied.

"How can you be okay when everyone dies like that?" Major Lennard asked in a sharp tone.

Erend stared at her. "You seem like a person who is always straight to the point, huh."

When Erend said that, a scowl appeared on Major Lennard's face.

Her eyes which were as sharp as a dagger now seemed to light up and wanted to scorch Erend.

But then she sighed. Her anger, which had almost exploded before, now recedes.

"I will tolerate this attitude of yours to your superior only once. Because I know that you did not have a good military education," said the Major.

Her tone contained a full warning.

Erend was too tired to think about his attitude. So he said nothing and turned to Billy and Adrien.

Unfortunately, he couldn't say everything he wanted to say because of Major Lennard's presence here.

"Are you two okay?" Erend just asked that in the end.

"Yeah, we're alright," Adrien replied.

Erend nodded. Billy and Adrien also felt the same situation as Erend. So they minimize the words they said.

"They both made it back to headquarters together with Major Ronder. According to Major Ronder's confession, he saved them both and managed to bring them back," Major Lennard said.

Hearing that, Erend couldn't help but chuckle sarcastically. He snorted and looked away from the Major.

"You know that's bullshit, huh?" says the Major.

Erend looked at her. "What do you think, Ma'am?"

"I know he's full of shit. He must have taken the opportunity to run away in a helicopter and coincidentally, he met them both."

Erend didn't say anything. But he also did not argue. That was enough of an answer for Major Lennard.

"So you knew from the start that the two of them didn't go down the ship?"

Major Lennard's question made Erend lose his smile.

Billy and Adrien just sighed because they also couldn't say anything.


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