I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 211 The Pouring Rain

Steve just sighed and silently stared at the scientists and their crew with flat eyes.

He didn't need to do anything. In fact, it was them who had to be prepared, not him.

The words that Thomas put out only meant that Steve and Annie - subjects - prepared themselves mentally.

Luckily, Steve had mentally prepared himself for a long time. So he didn't have to do anything but wait.

However, Annie is different. She looked even more agitated and bit her lip even harder.

Steve was of course aware of Annie's anxiety and fear. Because she moved her legs non-stop.

She also tugged at the end of her black shirt even tighter.

"Don't be too scared. Conrad is there if anything bad happens," Steve said.

He didn't do that out of sympathy for Annie. It's just that he was worried that her anxiety and fear would end up creating a bad situation.

The Magic power seemed to react to the user's feelings. If Annie behaved like this, she might provoke her unstable Magical power.

Maybe she'd go on a rampage again like before.

If that happened, wouldn't Steve also be in trouble?

"Ah, right... You're right. I don't need to be scared. Conrad was there. He said he'd come if I start to act weird again," Annie said.

'He said so? this bastard, he even pretends to be nice and gives false hope to this fragile woman.'

Steve thought as he looked at Conrad who was standing next to Thomas.

Steve knew that Thomas wouldn't actually do that. If indeed he came to help it was only because he wanted to keep them safe as subjects.

Since they were both successful subjects he and the scientists didn't want to lose them.

It wasn't that the two of them were precious human beings.


Suddenly, the black metal pillars that were standing around them lit up.

Flashes of electricity appeared at the ends of the pillars. Then the electricity connected and created a loud sound.

After that, the electricity that originally only appeared at the top of the pillars also appeared on the stems.

Until finally the electricity in all the pillars was connected and formed some kind of cage for Steve and Annie.

Then, Thomas' voice using the megaphone was heard.

"That cage will keep your powers from escaping. If it does, you could just destroy this building. We don't want that to happen, do we?"

Steve and Annie were silent. Annie's uneasiness seemed to have lessened now. But that doesn't mean she's calmed down.

Her face still looked stiff like someone who was waiting for the death penalty.

The sound of electricity interlocking around her didn't make her feel any better.

Raindrops hit Steve and Annie's heads. That's when they realized that the rain had come.

"What perfect timing! Even nature welcomes this experiment!" Thomas said. "You can now start releasing your respective Magic. Don't worry. I won't ask you to fight right away. Just cast your Magic!"

Steve immediately obeyed Thomas' orders. He drew his fire Magic power with his mind to come.

A reddish aura-like fire began to emerge from his entire body.

Annie stared at Steve for a few moments. She marveled at how he could easily do that while Annie was still very reluctant.

It was because she was still traumatized about that time when she went berserk.

Annie is afraid that if she draws her power again, she will hurt Steve.

But once again Annie saw Conrad's figure standing behind the electric circuit that locked her up.

'Do not worry. You're doing the right thing. I will always come when you need me and stop bad things from happening to you. Trust me, Annie.'

Annie remembered Conrad's words when he picked her up.

'Yes!' Annie nodded her head firmly. 'I just have to trust him. He's already saved me. So I don't need to hesitate!'

Annie owed her life to Conrad. If he hadn't come and saved her that time then Annie's life would have been ruined by now.

Hell, she might even have killed herself somewhere if Conrad hadn't come to save her that night.

The rain that fell was getting heavier. Annie started to draw her Magic from inside her body like Steve.

By this time the reddish aura surrounding Steve's body had gotten thicker.

Annie, who had a late start, was just starting to emit a faint bluish aura from her body.

Steve's reddish aura was clearly dominating. Thomas and Conrad could see it through the electrical cage that held them together.

Thomas who was already holding the camera bit his lips.

"Is she still having trouble doing it, Conrad?" Thomas asked.

"Maybe. She must still be in shock and trauma from the previous incident. After all, Magic power is very foreign to an ordinary human body," Conrad explained.

Thomas nodded enthusiastically. "Ohh, but we can still expect good results, right?"

Conrad sighed. "To be honest, I don't know."

Thomas turned to Conrad for a moment. But then he focused again on them.

"Whatever it is, the important thing is we can get something new," Thomas said.

Conrad had known Thomas for some time.

Conrad knew that the young scientist thought that something new was still a good thing, even if it was a failure.

If it had been as successful as the previous few nights, then that would have pleased Thomas even more.

The pouring rainwater turned into steam as it touched Steve's reddish aura.

As for Annie, the water that touched her bluish aura froze into ice and fell with a crunch onto the concrete.

The white steam began to appear in Thomas' camera. Thomas's eyes widened at the sight.

"Apparently, subject number 1's fire Magic power is strong enough to resist the rain," Thomas commented.

"I'm not so sure," Conrad countered. "It's still too early."

Thomas nodded. "You are right."

A few moments later Annie's bluish aura grew bigger so that the volume of frozen rainwater grew even more so the sound of ice hitting concrete is getting louder.

"Oh, you see that?" Thomas said.

Conrad just nodded.

However, a few minutes later, Steve's aura weakened and he felt pressure on his body.

'What is happening?'


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