I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 172 Meeting Again

Erend ran with his eyes fixed on Aurdis. All of this still left him very confused.

What exactly happened to make the once beautiful Elf palace become like this?

Erend thought that this was most likely Laston's doing. But why was he able to launch such a massive attack now?

'Whatever, that explanation can follow later.'

In front of him were suddenly three Daemons blocking his way. They stared at Erend with bloodthirsty eyes. Erend sighed.

"I don't have time for you guys."

[ Skill activated: All Fire-based Power (Lv.1) ]

The three Daemons lunged toward him while raising their weapons. Erend sent a torrent of fire their way.

The Daemons had not realized such an attack would come at them. So they didn't have time to dodge and were instantly toasted.

Erend's flames turned them from three vicious creatures into crumbling black corpses in an instant.

Erend was going to activate [Dragon Wings] when he got closer to Aurdis' position. But it seems it was not the right decision.

Realizing that he would only waste time running, Erend activated [Dragon Wings].

[ Skill activated: Dragon Wings (Lv.1) ]

A pair of wings appeared behind Erend's back. Ripped off the clothes he was wearing

As soon as the wings appeared, Erend immediately shot up.

Some Forest Elves saw Erend who suddenly flew up with a pair of strangely shaped wings.

Among the Forest Elves who saw Erend, they were the squad leaders. Erend's flapping wings created a distinctive sound that they couldn't miss even during this chaos.

They looked at Erend who was flying higher and higher. Until finally a gray cloud full of Chaos Magic covered him.

"(What is that?)" Callonor stared with deep furrowed brows.

Suddenly an explosion of fire was seen from behind the gray cloud where the creature had disappeared.

The explosion of fire was so big that it was sticking out from behind the gray clouds.

"(A powerful Magic appears again. I don't know who it is. But he is definitely not an ordinary creature if he dares to be rushed straight into that storm,)" one of the Forest Elves in Callonor's squad spoke.

"(Or he's just stupid,)" Callonor said. "(Let's just do our job.)"

They put in questions about the being who had just appeared and rushed in the direction of the fight.

As mysterious as he was, there was no point in them thinking about it now


Erend flew straight in the direction he had last seen Aurdis' position behind these dark clouds.

Lightning of various colors almost struck Erend several times.

'Looks like I have to use the [Dragon Scale].'

It didn't take long, Erend immediately activated his Skill.

If he didn't do it soon, he didn't know what effect would occur when he was struck by these lightning bolts. Of course, the effect is not just burnt.

[ Skill activated: Dragon Scale (Lv.1) ]

Red and black scales start to cover Erend's whole body. With this, he increased the speed of his wings til he finally broke through the gray clouds.

Then he saw Aurdis ahead. She was struggling against the Daemon of Calamity that Erend saw on the mountain the other time.

His form seemed bigger than the rest of his kind, and that huge fiery red ax that he swung.

There was no mistake, he was indeed the Daemon that Erend met at that time. The figure of a Daemon that could scratch his [Dragon Scale].

Before rushing and facing him, Erend used Skill Points to strengthen [Dragon Scale].

[ Skill Upgraded! ]

[ Dragon Scale (Lv. 1)>(Lv. 5) ]

[ 9 unused Skill Points. ]

Fortunately, Erend is not just using his Skill Points as he pleases.

The purpose is for times like these. When he is in a difficult situation, Erend just uses Skill Points according to what he needs.

Apart from upgrading [Dragon Scale], Erend also added Stat Points to [Magic Resistance].

The red light on it showed that the huge ax had strong Magic energy. So Erend also has to increase his resistance to Magic attacks.

[ Magic Resistance: 14 > 18 ]

[ 0 Unused Skill Points. ]

After that, Erend immediately rushed to them.

Baldeem was having fun hitting Aurdis with his axe. He grinned showing his ugly jagged teeth.

Meanwhile, Aurdis could only maintain her weakened Magic Shield.

She grimaced desperately. She knew that Baldeem actually didn't attack her as hard as he could and was just playing around.

That made Aurdis even more frustrated. But that frustration didn't last long because, from the corner of her eye, she could see someone coming.


Erend punched Baldeem with his fist. The force he had built up by flying fast toward the Daemon King was behind that fist.

Baldeem was thrown far away through the gray clouds that were getting thicker.

He disappeared behind it. But Erend knew that soon, he would be back.

Erend turned to Aurdis and looked at her with worried eyes.

Aurdis' tears fell as soon as she saw Erend's presence in front of her. She wanted to hug him but Erend immediately stopped her intention

"I know. You can rest now. I'll handle the rest," Erend said calmly. "Saeldir looks like he's hurt down there."

Aurdis nodded. She couldn't speak because she was holding back tears. But she was still able to squeeze a word for Erend.

"Be careful."

Erend only answered with a nod. Then Aurdis came down.

As Erend had expected, the Daemon King would indeed return shortly after he was knocked over.

This time he came back with a look on his face full of rage. Erend also saw that over there, Laston was trying to destroy the Magic circle that locked him up.

Erend knew that he had to deal with him later.


But for now, he had things to take care of first.

When Baldeem charged towards him accompanied by screams, Erend didn't just wait. He also charged towards Baldeem


They clashed with immense force. Again, a wave of Magic was generated and sent the gray clouds flying away.

"(Dragonborn! I've been waiting for the time to destroy you!)"

Even though Erend didn't know what he was saying, but Erend understood the gist of Daemon King's words.

"Yeah. Nice to see you again," replied Erend, sarcastically.


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