I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 301

Episode 301 [Remaining Stories (4)]

“It’s dangerous!”

Jin Xiawei, who was surprised, screamed, but Shane was not surprised when he saw the tentacles rising up.

[If you’re wrong, you’ll miss it…]

Instead, he lowered one arm that was holding the fishing rod and picked up the machine gun that was standing next to him.


As the machine gun with the mana stone spewed fire, the tentacles that rose out of the water exploded.


The tentacles shook like crazy and disappeared under the water.

Then, the fishing rod started shaking wildly and eventually the fishing line broke.

“Oh, I missed it. ”

Jin Xiawei muttered with a dazed expression.

The robot’s fishing was completely different from what she expected.

The fishing rod was only used to prevent it from escaping, and the fish it caught were not ordinary saltwater fish.

After all, it was ordinary fishing in a sea full of monsters. That didn’t make sense.

Moreover, it seemed like the fishing wasn’t over yet. [


I didn’t miss it.]

Before Shane could finish speaking,

the sea water rose above the water.

The severed tentacles popped out again, followed by an octopus-like monster. The body was pushed out of the water.

The body of the monster that was pushed out of the water was held by a huge hand. A

huge hand made of iron. It was the hand of a giant robot. The

dismantled giant robot was reassembled after removing Shane’s brain. The damaged area is It was repaired and old parts were replaced with new parts.

However, because the forebrain was empty, no one else could control it. Only Shane, who had the forebrain of the giant robot, could control it. Kwasik! A


out of water grabbed the monster. The monster exploded, spouting black water,

and disappeared into the water while being held in the robot’s hand.

[I don’t think I’m in the mood for cooking.]

Jin Xiawei sighed at Shane’s words. Whether

it’s a human, a dog, or a robot, it’s normal. The only coworker who didn’t did it was

“Were you in the water?”

[You never know when you might need to ride it. You have to have it nearby. If you take it outside, it will be inconvenient for golems and people to move around. It also helps with fishing, so it’s two birds with one stone.] Eve attaches remote transceivers to Shane and the giant robot so they can move outside

. It was possible, but in order to move it properly, it was better to board the robot and connect it by wire.


Jin Xiawei shook his head and sat down on the breakwater. The

launch time was quickly running out.

And there were people on the breakwater. They started to gather.

Rosalia and Vasily climbed the breakwater with the wounded Awakened people, and Bailey landed on the breakwater with Isabelle on board. When the

silver wolf saw Bailey and hit its head, Rosalia sighed and the Awakened people went up. and Vasily gathered around the robot and talked about the past events.

Everyone else also gathered at the breakwater, including

the potion maker’s grandfather from Colombia and the villagers from the Congo.

There were people like James who stayed in the other world, but there were many people here. They gathered together and looked at the Virgin Islands.

Finally, Omar came running in a huff, and then it was time.

[It’s 5 minutes before launch]

A voice announcing the countdown rang out across the breakwater and the entire airport.

[The launch gate is open!]

The center of the island. Smoke was seen rising from the air.

[The weather conditions are good. The flight course system is ready… But why am I doing this?] An

unexpected comment was heard during the broadcast. People burst into laughter and Jin Xiawei smiled. [I know we don’t have enough people, but I’m in the support department !

Even if you ask any of the people watching at Incheon Airport right now, they’ll do better than me!]

Eunhye’s absurd voice once again made everyone laugh. She’s

too confident to say she’s in the support department. It was a disparagement.

Now, Eunhye was being called EV’s trade representative who deals with countries around the world on behalf of EV, and a black man who controls the global economy behind the scenes. [

After this, I’ll never rest. I really stood in the wrong line. Uh. The microphone is on. Is it there? Click!]


Everyone’s laughter filled the sea, and after a while, Eunhye’s clear voice was heard.

[Ready for launch completed 1 minute before launch. Increase the output of the external jamming device to maximum.]

Now it looks like they will be broadcasting steadily.

[Electron bolt engine starts 20 seconds before launch.]

She delivered the launch sequence in a calm voice.

[9 8 10 seconds before launch…]

And then the final countdown began.

“Oh! Four! Three! Two! One!”

Everyone shouted the countdown together.


The moment the countdown reached zero, flames erupted from the island.

The rocket soared through the flames into the sky.

[The launch vehicle enters supersonic speed. Communication satellite Alpha. Launch successful!]


Everyone cheered.

A communication satellite had been launched again on this destroyed Earth.

There were some satellites that were still alive, but many satellites, especially communication satellites, had been shut down for a long time.

The most important satellite in this destroyed world was a communication satellite. .

And the satellite launched this time was their will and lighthouse. It was EV’s pledge to rebuild the world for humans. “

But. Where is Kyung-hoon? He hasn’t even seen a scene like this.”

Jin Xiawei opened his mouth as he watched the rocket getting smaller and smaller.

[I said I would see it in Seoul. I want to see it from where it started.]

“It’s where it started…”

Everyone who heard Shane looked towards the east.

The capital, Seoul, an abandoned city beyond the ruins of Incheon.


At that time, Kyung-Hoon was leaning against the entrance of the building and looking up at the sky.

He had an empty liquor bottle and a half-filled glass in his hands, but there was no sign of drunkenness on his face.

“Should I have asked Jin Xiawei to make it? “I’m not drunk at all.”

-You can’t get drunk. We haven’t even cleared out all the monsters in Seoul yet.

“I guess that’s true too.”

Although all the monarch-level monsters in Seoul were eliminated, there were still many monsters left.

There was no guarantee that even Kyung-hoon would be safe if he fell asleep while drunk.

-Then why are you here? It would be nice to see it with other people….

“I’m just curious. “I wonder if I can find out why.”

-So did you find out?

Kyunghoon shook his head.

“at all.”

The rocket was no longer visible to Kyung-hoon.

He drank the rest of his drink and threw the bottle and glass into subspace.

After emptying his hands, he entered the building.

A lobby with a large hole in the floor greeted him.

Kyung-hoon stood next to the large hole and looked down.

Collapsed debris was piled up underground.

And blood stains were visible on the dusty debris.

“There are no rat monsters.”

-Because a lot of time has passed.

Kyung-hoon nodded at Eve’s words.

This was the hole he made when he first came over to this world.

To get out of the building, he made a backpack full of homemade bombs and detonated them with the mother rat monsters. “Now that I think about it, I must have been elite level… I really had a hard time against such a monster.

-At that time, the owner was also F-level.

Kyung-hoon chuckled at Eve’s answer. It was as she said.

It was truly a climb up from the bottom of the food chain to get to this point.

Kyung-hoon jumped into the hole.

The basement of the building was not much different from before.

The corpses of the monsters were gone, but the monsters’ nest on the second basement floor was still piled up with miscellaneous junk.

Kyung-hoon rummaged through the junk piled high.

After searching for a while, he got up when he couldn’t find what he was looking for.

-I guess it’s not here.

“I know he’s dead, but I still feel relieved.”

I looked for traces of the woman I met here, but fortunately there was nothing left that seemed to be hers.

Kyung-hoon got out of the monster’s nest and went down again.

Lab, third floor underground.

“I didn’t know when I first came, but it has changed a lot.”

When I went to the past, there was a significant difference between the appearance of the laboratory and the destroyed facility before my eyes.

Metal barriers and bars that I had not seen at the time came into view.

It was all broken, but upon closer inspection, it didn’t look like it had been built to ward off monsters.

Kyunghoon walked down the hallway.

I passed the laboratory where I got the cell phone, and also passed the hallway that had been torn apart by sharp claws.

And he stopped in front of the innermost laboratory.

He opened the iron door.

Not small interior. Walls that look old. Broken and abandoned machinery and electronic equipment.

Nothing has changed from what I saw when I first opened my eyes in this world.

-Is this a laboratory? Where did you first come to this world?

“that’s right.”

Kyunghoon entered the laboratory. A musty smell stung my nose.

“It was here that I first opened my eyes in this world, and it was also here that I first arrived back in time.”

-Was that a question?

“okay. “When I went back in time, I thought I had come back here because it was the place where the dimensional door had been created before, but when I thought about it again, it didn’t make sense in terms of time.”

If there was an earlier time when we went back to the past, there was no way the portal would have been created then.

But he had clearly seen the portal. A light that shines alone in a dark space.

Then Eve opened her mouth.

-It means that cause and effect keep coming back and forth.

“that’s right.”

Eve sighed deeply at Kyung-hoon’s answer.

-But is that the only thing where cause and effect are intertwined?


– Shall I tell you everything the master did in the past?

– It was the master who developed mana engineering, the master who created the Four Swords, and the master who delayed the destruction of this world. It was because of the master that Shane was created and survived. There were some things that Bailey did that made him feel fine, right?

Kyung-hoon made an ambiguous face at Eve’s words.

-And if you think about it, you are the one who created me, Master. Then, which is the cause and effect of these?

“Is that so?”

-Well, this case seems a little different, but it’s not a parallel dimension, it’s a time shift. I gave up on calculations a long time ago. After listening to it, I thought what Eve said was

right. I guess I was thinking too much.

That was it.

Weeeeee! Above. Hey!

I got a call on my cell phone.

“Is it connected already?”

Kyung-hoon took out his cell phone.

-Oh, that’s it! When will you come? Everyone is waiting! Bailey also woke up!

Isabelle’s voice came from the phone.

It seemed like the satellite had already entered orbit.

-I caught a good fish!

-I prepared not only alcohol, but also potions! You will definitely be able to get drunk!

Behind Isabelle’s voice, Shane and Jin Xiawei’s voices were also heard.

Kyunghoon smiled at the voice coming from the phone.

This was not the time to be lost in unnecessary worries.

Together with them . Taesan had things to do next.

“I’ll go right away.”

Kyung-hoon put his cell phone in and spread his hand on the floor.

Silvery smoke gathered and formed a hole.

Before entering the hole, Kyung-hoon suddenly opened his mouth.

“Eve, don’t you want to have a body like Shane?”

Eve briefly answered the sudden question. I couldn’t do it.

-…Well, the amount of things you can do with just one body actually decreases. I actually like it better now.

And the answer that came out over time was different from what Kyung-hoon expected.

Eve continued.

-Well, there are times when I want to show myself to others other than my voice.

Kyung-hoon was lost in thought at her words. It seemed like there must be a way.

“Okay. Let’s go to the pyramid one more time later.”

Kyung-hoon looked around the lab one last time and jumped into the hole.

When Kyung-hoon disappeared, the silver hole turned into smoke and dispersed.

The laboratory was once again plunged into darkness as it had been a long time ago.

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