I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 90: Magic Eyes

Chapter 90: Magic Eyes

"Why don't you have a spar with Jayna?" asked Ban.

"Spar??" asked Angus back.

"Yes, since you could dodge all of Jayna's attacks, that means you must be trained a lot in Warrior path." explained Ban.

"Err… I am sorry, Master Ban. But, I am a magician." replied Angus.

"Ehh... EHH!! Magicians!! Don't lie to me. There is no way you are a magician?!! If you are a hybrid I will believe you but a pure magician. That's absurd." said Ban with a shocked expression.

"But, I am not lying. You can ask Jay.. I mean the Fourth Princess herself. I even chose a magician class in the Royal Academy." said Angus.

Then, Ban looked at his disciple to confirm Angus's explanation.

Seeing her master looking at her, "T-That's true, master. Angus is entering magician class." said Jayna.

'Come to think of it, I never knew Angus's true combat capability.' thought Jayna inwardly.

"No way… Then, how did he dodge all your attacks? Jayna, you may not know this since I never clarified this to you as it will only make you get arrogant."

"However, let alone ungraded students, even second grade experts will have a hard time dodging all your attacks." explained Ban as he knows the true capability of his student.

"I don't know myself. Maybe I am good at dodging." chimed Angus casually.

"Good at dodging?!! Hahaha… Kid, you may fool others but under my magic eyes, I know you have a great body strength."

"Hell, your body strength may be as strong as a second-grade warrior. Now, you said that you are a magician that's the most hilarious joke I ever heard." explained Ban.

"Magic eyes?" asked Angus confusedly.

"Ehem.. young master Victory, you may not know this but Master Ban is not only a famous swordmaster but he is also famous for his magic eyes. One of his nicknames is All-Seeing Swordsman."

"The rumor said his magic eyes are special that could even see the tiniest detail from hundred kilometers away." explained the old butler Darius.

"That's some exaggerated rumor, Darius." said Ban but he also didn't deny it.

"Now, let's back to the topic. Angus, right? Since you didn't know about it means you didn't realize it. So, Why don't you spar with Jayna and if you win, I will take you as my disciple."

"Ehh.. But, master… You already have me as your disciple." retort Jayna.

"Well, one more disciple is nothing for me." said Ban proudly.

"I am sorry, Master Ban. But, I have to refuse. Jay.. I mean the fourth princess is stronger than me. This will be a one-sided beating. Besides, I never learned to fight properly before." said Angus giving an excuse with a lazy tone.

Hearing Angus excused, everyone didn't need to look at Angus to know that he was blatantly lying.

'Did he just want to call me by my name casually again!! And what's this pathetic excuse you use every single time.' thought Jayna inwardly.

"Hahaha… What a funny kid. How about this rather than a spar let's make it into a game of catches. As long as you touch Jayna in the back or knock her down, you will win." said Ban.

'This guy is... troublesome.' thought Angus while looking at the slender man that keeps glaring at Angus.

"Alright, I agree. However, rather than become your disciple. If I win I want to not be disrupted again for something like spar or fight, especially from Jay.. I mean Fourth Princess." said Angus.

"Hee.. Don't you want to become my disciple? Even though I am like this I am quite a strong swordsman." asked Ban.

"Nope.. I just want to learn magic peacefully." answer Angus shortly.

"Interesting… Well, as long as my disciple agrees. I have no problem except the opponent will be me." said Ban while smiling at Angus.

"Ehh… " as Angus was surprised at the sudden change.

"Don't worry. I will be using this weight enchanted bracelet. This way I will be much slower than my real strength. I will also wear a mana restriction bracelet." said Ban while he showed the bracelets.

"If it is the teacher that will fight then I have no problem with it." said Jayna.

"Alright, that's settled for Jayna. Still, this condition is only lucrative for you. So, if you lose, you will be my disciple."

'Tch… This guy is troublesome. He must realize my true strength under those eyes.' though Angus.

"Huft… Fine… But, I don't want anyone to know about this bet beside us." said Angus.

"I believe I could take care of that." said the old butler Darius.

Darius claps his hand, "Guards you may leave us alone"

Suddenly various kinds of hidden movements were heard from the surrounding. After that, Angus and Ban go to the center of the clearing.

Seeing that Angus walking to the center, "Uncle Darius, did you think Angus would win?" asked Jayna.

"That's difficult to say. However, young master Victory is stronger than you expected." said Darius.

"Alright you can start any…" said Ban.

Before Ban finished with his sentence, "Wait a second." said Angus.

"What is it? Did you suddenly get cold feet?"

"No, I just need to take out some of my clothes since this will get in the way." said Angus as he takes out his vest and ties until it was only his white shirt and long pants.

Looking at Angus finished putting his clothes on, "Anything else?" asked Ban.

"Nope, that's all." replied Angus shortly

"Alright, then you can start anytime you want." Said Ban.

"You sure?" said Angus.

"Yeah.. I will show the true strength of what a warrior can be." said Ban.

"Alright, then I will start." as Angus walks to Ban at a steady slow pace.

Everyone is confused at Angus's act. Without Ban realizing Angus already entered Ban's range. This surprised Ban and made him stretch his hand to pushed Angus back.

Before Ban's hand reaches Angus, he turns his body sideways and grabs Ban's hand [Yin-Yang Balancing].

The moment Angus touches Ban's hand, Ban feels like his hand is getting pulled along with his body. As Ban loses his balance and almost falls forward, he does a quick front flip and forces his body to regain his balance. *BAM*

The floor is cracked under Ban's foot. "Nice trick.. But it will not work for me again. let's increase the difficulty a little bit." said Ban as Ban suddenly moved left and right while doing strange footwork [Double Step].

Ban's silhouette becomes a little bit blurring even though he is still in the same place. Angus keeps his calm and approaches Ban slowly like before. Once again Ban tries to push Angus backward.

At the last moment, Angus disappeared from Ban's vision. Before he noticed, Angus already pushed his part of his stomach. Once again Ban feeling his body balance losing but out of his instinct Ban slap Angus's body that suddenly appears near him.

Although the slap is supposed to be casual, it still packs a punch towards Angus. Even though Angus managed to parry it, the force is already more than he could handle. *Bam* Under such a force, Angus flew a few meters away.

"Shit.. I put too much force on it." said Ban as he gained his balance.

The moment Angus landed on the ground, Angus's feet cracked the ground as the effect of [Yin-Yang Balancing]. *Bam* Without wasting any moment, Angus disappears from everyone's sight and appears behind Ban's back instantly [Beast Walk].

During this moment Ban could see Angus's movement with his magic. But, he couldn't react properly because of his weight bracelet. Then, Angus touches Ban back. *Pat*

After touching Ban's back, "Alright, it seems it's my win." said Angus casually.

"T-Teacher lost.." muttered Jayna.

"Hohoho… What a superb skill." commented Darius.

Meanwhile, Ban himself couldn't even understand why he is losing. Without any warning, he tried to grab Angus's hand. But, Angus once again dodges him by turning his body at the last second.

Ban keeps pursuing Angus trying to touch his body, but Angus keeps avoiding him. After a while, "Kid, don't run let me check your body."

"Why should I? Besides, I prefer Jayna rather than a stinky old man like you." said Angus while dodging Ban's grab.

Hearing Angus's word, Jayna immediately blushed like a red tomato.

'W-What… Does this mean Angus is like me?? Nonono… I am royalty. I need to get my bearings. B-But… What if Angus likes me?!' as Jayna's mind becomes more chaotic while ignoring her teacher and Angus's battle.

As for Darius, "Ahh… It must be good to be young." said Darius slowly.

Since Ban couldn't catch Angus, he became more frustrated and take out his weight enchantment and mana restriction bracelet.

The moment Angus sees this, he immediately runs towards Darius. Darius himself also noticed this and appeared in front of the swordmaster.

"Master Ban, I believe this is already enough." said Darius.

Hearing Darius, "Haa… You are right. I lose my composure. I am sorry, kid." said Ban

"Well, as long as you don't check me up like some pervert I don't mind it." replied Angus.

"Hey.. I am a renowned swordmaster, not a pervert." said Ban

"Yeah.. Yeah.. tell me that after you chase me like a maniac. Anyway, I won the match, you got no problem with that right? Jayna, how about you?" Angus asked everyone causally.

"E-Eh… What did you say?" Jayna was startled because her name suddenly called.

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