I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 88: Unstoppable Undead

Chapter 88: Unstoppable Undead

*ROOARR* a loud roaring sound was heard from the Fire Drake corpse location. Seeing the black-red colored Fire Drake arising, even King Leon begins to look serious. Then, he disappeared from his spot towards the Priest Sara.

During this time, he noticed that the half-burned undead could regenerate themselves. He needs to find another way to destroy all these undead. Otherwise, it will be just a time before all of them collapse.

Fortunately, one of the weaknesses of undead is the holy magic that many religious groups practice. Although the temple of death is different from the other religious group, they still practice and teach about holy magic.

As a high-ranking and high-grade magician, Priest Sara must know few ways to deal with the undead.

Appeared in front of the Priest Sara, "You are a priest, right? Did you have any idea how to deal with those undead monsters?" asked King Leon straightforwardly.

"This undead seems stronger than I have seen before. I suspect low circle holy spells will do nothing to them." as the Priest Sara sends a bolt of light towards one of the undead.

The bolt of light easily destroyed the undead body but it managed to regenerate again after some time. Seeing this, King Leon begins to know that this is no ordinary undead.

Normally, any undead that is getting hit by holy magic will be dead immediately, especially getting their head destroyed.

"Then, do you have any solution?" asked King Leon once again.

"Yes, actually the temple of death's specialty is to do with undead and soul-like monsters. This monster may seem like undead but they are also similar to soul-like creatures. Fortunately, by fate, I know a high circle spell that may stop all of this undead."

"Really?! then, do the spell. It's still better than nothing." said King Leon.

"Certainly, King Leon. However, I need a lot of time to do this spell as I am not too familiar with it." replied Priest Sara.

"How long do you need time to cast the spell?" asked King Leon.

"I need around twenty minutes to cast this spell." said Priest Sara truthfully.

"Twenty minutes??! Alright, I will buy you as much time as I can." replied King Leon solemnly.

Fighting against two grade five undead Fire Drake is not simple even for King Leon. Twenty minutes is quite a long time, anything could happen in this duration.

"Soldiers, I want you to protect this priest as your life depends on it." command the King towards the nearby soldier.

"Yes, my lord." replied the nearby soldier.

Before King Leon goes away, "King Leon, please wait." said Priest Sara.

"Is there anything else?" replied King Leon.

Rather than reply to the King's inquiry, the priest went towards one of her knights.

"Sir Buck, could you please lend me your sword for a while?" asked the priest towards one of her knights.

"My lady, my sword is…" before the knight could finish his sentence.

"I know your sword is a rare artifact, but now is not the time to be petty." said Priest Sara sternly.

"Alright, my lady." said the knight before giving his greatsword to Priest Sara's slim hand. Still, she could hold the weapon easily and walk back towards King Leon.

The priest went back to King Leon, "This is one of our rare artifacts that is enchanted with holy magic. I believe you will need this to fend off the Fire Drakes, King Leon." explain Priest Sara.

"Then, I will gladly use it." as the King holds the Greatsword.

The moment he held the weapon, a bright light shone upon the greatsword. Some of the artifacts have a sentient spirit on them. However, in front of the might of a grade seven combatant, this spirit could easily dominate.

Some rumors even said that the artifact could only show its true strength in the hand of a seven-grade combatant. Still, there are some exceptions where an artifact couldn't be controlled by the seven grade combatant.

"Good sword.." muttered King Leon before using blink to fend off the two Fire Drake.

While King Leon talks to the priest, the Fire Drake is already approaching the Fortress slowly. Seeing that King Leon is already gone, the priest begins her chanting.

"Earth, Lightning, Fire hear my call…" as the priest focuses on her chanting.

Hearing the chanting echoing in the air, all the undead monsters immediately target the priest.

Seeing the change in behavior of the undead monster, "Soldiers!! Protect the Priest!! Push them back!! Don't let them get near the priest!!" shout General Borkins

But the undead monster is like an unstoppable train that keeps pushing forwards without caring about their lives as they could always regenerate.

"Duke Olven, try to hold them back, your fire still could destroy them into nothingness. I need to take some time." said Jacob as he cast a complex magic circle in front of him.

"Alright, don't take too long." as Duke Olven goes towards the priest's location.

They know whatever spell the priest is trying to cast will be very effective against these undead monsters judging by the undead monster reaction. So, they need to buy some time for her to finish her spell.

Arriving at the priest's location, Duke Olven immediately cast blue fire spells without any restriction and burned the undead monster to ash.

He found out that if the undead monster was destroyed until it became ash, it couldn't regenerate its body back. So, the duke's blue fire is quite effective against these undead monsters.

Still, the duke is only one person while there are thousands of undead monsters. *BAM* Suddenly, a tremor shook the entire fortress. In this chaotic moment, everyone forgot the wall breaker monster also rose again.

Since they become undead, they turn into unstoppable monsters with their fire barrier and rapid charge attack.

'Shit… at this rate, the wall will be destroyed.' though general Borkins while he is trying to fend off the biggest Barculos along with the other nobles.

During this precarious moment, a loud eagle cry was heard. *KYAA* *KYAA* *KYAA*? *BOOO* Then, a war horn sounded from the air.

"Soldier!! Charge!!" shouted someone from the air.

Then, a large group of soldiers riding a large four-legged bird come down and help fend off the Barculos. From their aura, everyone could feel that most of them are four to five-grade combatants.

Looking at the banner of Heart kingdom, "I-It's the Gryphon Squad and the Royal Guard." said one of the soldiers who noticed their armor emblem.

Hearing this, all the tired soldiers raise their morale and fight more seriously. Then, the leader of the royal guard approaches General Borkins while fending off the undead Barculos destroy their Fortress Wall.

"General Borkins, I am sorry for my lateness. What is the situation?" asked the leader.

"Better late than nothing, The situation is…" the dwarf general explained the current situation towards the leader shortly.

"Hmm… Undead Monster.. No wonder they couldn't die after being killed a few times. Alright, I got the gist of it." said the leader.

"Sven, bring some of your men to assist the king. Others... Protect the wall and the priest! Show them the true strength of Heart Kingdom!!" command the leader towards his group.

"Yes, Sir" shouted all the reinforcement.

Since the majority of them consist of high-grade combatants, they could help to kill the undead monster to turn into nothingness before the monster got a chance to regenerate themselves.

Looking at the strong power of reinforcement, the Fortress soldier morale rose again despite their exhausted body and mind. Still the endless tide of normal monster also not stopping coming from the Dark Forest

At this moment, a large magic circle appears in front of Jacob. Rather than getting bigger like usual, the magic circle becomes smaller until the size of the palm. Then, between Jacob's hand appears a small ball of fire.

Less than a second later, he throws the small fireball towards the concentrated undead monster [6th Circle - Flash Fire]. The moment it hit an undead monster, it exploded and created a blinding light towards the surroundings. *BOOM*

Then, a loud explosion heard from it engulfed all the nearby monsters. The explosion was so hot that it could even melt part of the Fortress wall a little bit despite the distance.

All the engulfed undead monsters burned and turned to ashes. Jacob's spell managed to give a little bit of a breather towards the other soldiers.

While the soldier is trying to protect the priest and wall, King Leon is having a hard battle against the two undead Fire Drake.

The two Fire Drake completely abandon their defense and focus on attacking the king. Moreover, they even resort to suicide attacks few times. If King Leon didn't have [Blink] skill, he may already be severely wounded.

'Tch… Despite using the holy artifact, they still could regenerate again after certain times passed. The best move is to cut all their limbs or destroy their entire body.

However, their thick scale is very troublesome.' thought King Leon while evading all the Fire Drake attack. *Kya* *Kya* a loud eagle cry heard from behind King Leon.

Hearing the familiar cry, "Took you long enough." commented King Leon.

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