I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 85: Defending the Wall

Chapter 85: Defending the Wall

"Soldiers, sound the alarm!! The monster horde is coming!!" command Duke Jacob.

*Teng* *Teng* *Teng* An Alarm sounded throughout the whole Fortress. The nearby soldier immediately moved to do work and go towards their station.

As for Jacob and Sylvan, they go inside to wear their equipment and prepare for war. After changing their equipment and clothes, they found that many soldiers were already in their position nervously.

Approaching the group in the Fortress center, "General Borkins, Duke Blue, Friends." greets Jacob shortly towards the groups.

Then, they return to focus at the Dark Forest a few kilometers away from the Dark Fortress. The group not only consist of high-grade people but also few nobles.

Some of them are mixed from Duke Blue's faction and Duke Jacob's ally. Despite the group strength none of them feels secure and safe.

All of them feel nervous, even the elven group. But, they didn't show it on the outside as it could demoralize the nearby soldier. Still, the soldier and the surrounding people could feel the tense situation.

After a while, a variety of roaring sounds was heard from the Dark Forest. Countless humanoid monsters with claws and wings approaching the Dark Fortress from air and ground.

"IMP!! Artillery, ready to fire!!" command Borkins.

Looking at the Imp getting closer to the Fortress, "Fire!!" Command the dwarf general.

Thousand projectile weapons along with a few spells release at the approaching horde of Imps. Soon, the projectile attack hit the Imps and killed hundreds of them. Despite they could fly and agile, they still couldn't evade the attack of thousand people at once.

Then, balls of fire revolve while moving on the ground towards Dark Fortress. Looking at this, "Fire the cannon!!" command the dwarf general. *Bom* *Bom* *Bom*

A series of magical cannons fired towards the approaching Fire Armadillo horde. Unlike Fire Armadillo in the Royal Academy's monster house, these Fire Armadillo already evolved into third grade and has a massive size of 3 meters tall.

"Hmm… Imp and Fire Armadillo. I don't like where this is going." said Sylvan.

"What do you mean, Sylvan?" asked Jacob

"Heart kingdom is famous for their fire affinity combatant. Both of these monsters have? resistance towards the fire." explained Sylvan.

"Then, that means..." said Jacob.

*HMMM* Suddenly, a low humming sound was heard from the Dark Forest. Hearing the familiar low sound continuously, "Check the communication device!!" command Jacob towards the soldier nearby.

"Sir, the communication device is jammed." replied the soldier after checking the device.

"As we expected, change it into the wired mode and send an emergency signal to the king." command Duke Victory.

After getting jammed a few times during the investigation one year ago, the duke already expected this kind of situation. He created a wired communication line that connected directly towards the nearby city.

Then, they will pass on the signals towards the capital city through normal communication devices. This way, they could still communicate with the capital city.

The king couldn't always stand by at the Black Fortress, so they could only resort to this route to call help for the king.

After sending the emergency signal to the capital, thousands of various kinds of fire-based monsters come out from the forest and keep running towards the Fortress.

"Damn.. this overlord is smarter than we thought." said Sylvan.

"Don't worry master Sylvan, even if they could resist fire they are still no match for our army. Ready the Fire Squad!!" command the blue-haired duke.

"Let's hope. you are right, Master Olven." replied Sylvan shortly.

Then, groups of soldiers in red attire begin to chant together while holding their hands above. Soon, a big yellowish fireball was created above them before launch towards the approaching monsters [Combined spells - Grand Fireballs]. *BOM* *BOM* *BOM*

Each of these [Grand Fireballs] creates an explosion towards the monster army. Some of them died instantly while the others hurt a little bit.

Because the majority of the monster is fire resistant, most of the monsters only get hurt a little by the shockwave before back charging again.

"As I expected, fire spells and skills will be less effective against them." said Sylvan.

"Yeah.. But, we still have another hidden card. General Borkins." said Jacob.

"Alright, I guess it's time. Release the Golem!!" command the dwarf general.

Suddenly, the Fortress wall shifts open and shows a gold-plated 3-meter tall humanoid with many different features. The Golems are released from their hold and fall to the ground outside the Fortress Wall. *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

The golems create a crack at the ground and a little bit of tremor towards the surrounding. Before long, "Enemy detected, Battle mode initiated." a sound heard from all the golem.

Then, all the golems are enveloped by a blue mana aura before approaching the monster slowly while each of their steps creates a small tremor.

Soon, they begin to clash with the monster. *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* Each golem punch managed to kill a few monsters in front of it. Despite their slow movement, their attack is very fast.

Moreover, the golem's defense is impenetrable for the surrounding monster's attack. They couldn't even leave a scratch on the golem body.

So, the golems didn't even need to avoid their attack and focus on slaughtering the monster. Looking at the golem's strength, the soldier begins to cheer.

"It's worth every coin to build them." comment general Borkins.

Suddenly, the Dark Forest trees collapsed like a domino and appeared a group of four-legged monsters with a pointed horn on their nose.

These four meters monsters that looked like rhinoceros ran wildly on the field and didn't care about the surrounding monster. Then, all these monsters immediately gathered fire elements in the surroundings and enveloped their body.

"Grade four Barculos!! Artillery shoots them!! Kill.. Kill them before they approach the wall!! Focus on them!!" command Borkins.

As the group of Barculos gets bombarded some of them die but there are still dozens of them approaching the fortress wall like a missile. Even the golem couldn't stop their charge.

"It seems it's time for us to move. Alright everyone, show them what we elves are capable of." said Sylvan.

A few elves approach the Fortress wall and touch the ground. A thick vine appears from the ground and tries to entangle all the Barculos [Combined spell - Great Entanglement].

All the Barculos got entangled with thick vine. However, the biggest Barculos managed to slip away from the vine. To be exact, these Barculos burn all the vines that try to entangle it and keep approaching the Fortress wall.

Before anyone could react, the biggest Barculos increased its speed and arrived at the Fortress wall. It slams its horn towards the Fortress wall. *BAM* it managed to shake the whole fortress and create a shockwave towards the surrounding.

On the contrary to everyone's expectation, the wall is still intact and only cracked a little bit. Looking at this, "Fiuhh.. Kill that damn Barculous!!" said the general Borkins.

'Huft… Fortunately, the Fortress wall was reconstructed with Palpat stone.' thought everyone.

Barculos is a famous monster for its aggressiveness and its strong charge attack. One of their nicknames is wall breaker. Until this day many countless strong enchanted walls were destroyed by its kind.

However, all the projectile attack is bounced away from the sheer fire barrier in its body. Suddenly, these Barculos moved back like running away under the rain of various kinds of weapon projectiles.

After gaining some distance, it charges again towards the same spot of the wall. Looking at this the others also feel horror at this monster.

Not only that, some of the Barculos that still survive under vine entanglement, managed to burn down the vine and charge at the Fortress wall as well.

"Everyone move, I don't care how you do it but I want all those Barculos dead!!" command duke Blue towards his nobles.

Duke's victory also sent a few of his noble friends to fight against Barculos. As a four-grade monster, a normal attack will not work against these monsters.

At this time, all the surviving Barculos accelerate their speed towards the Fortress wall. At the last moment, few people arrive from the above and attack these Barculos. *Bang* *Bang*

Their attack created a shockwave towards the surroundings and managed to push back some of the nobles.

"What ridiculous forces!? No wonder it could manage to crack the Fortress Palpat wall. But, we are stronger!!" comment one of the nobles before flaring up his mana.

A clash between nobles and Barculos continues. Some managed to penetrate Barculos's defense and kill it. But some only could intercept them during their charge.

Still, the Biggest Barculos managed to keep his charging speed and even pushed back the nobles that tried to intercept it. *Bam* Soon, it managed to create a bigger crack on the Fortress wall.

However, before it backs away a sharp wood tendril appears from the ground and stabs towards the Barculos belly [3rd circle - Wood Spike]. It managed to penetrate its fire barrier and hurt the biggest Barculos.

"ROOARRR" as the Barculos stuck on the sturdy [Wood Spike].

Before it managed to get away, few nobles approached it and launched their attack to kill it. [Spear Art - Splinter Strike] [Axe Art - Mountain Cleaver] [Sword Art - Thousand Stab].

All this strong attack managed to penetrate its weakened fire barrier and kill the biggest Barculos. Before they could cheer after killing the biggest Barculos, A huge gigantic Fireball appeared from the Dark Forest.

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