I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 144: Rune Magic Card

Chapter 144: Rune Magic Card

After checking all the material as Angus ordered, "Alright, it seems there is no defect for the item. Oh yeah, here's some monster parts and my payment." said Angus while giving Ernest another space pouch.

Catching the space pouch, Ernest immediately gave the space storage to his trusted employee to check it.

While Angus's space pouch checked, "So, is there anything else you need?" asked Ernest.

"Yes, I forgot to mention this in my order since this item is scarce and expensive. Is there any high circle rune magic?" asked Angus.

"High Circle Rune Magic? Unfortunately, even with our connection, we could not get such an item within a short time." said Ernest.

"Right, Then, if you could get such an item, please procure it for me. As for the money, use the excess money in that pouch storage I gave you." said Angus casually.

Hearing this, the other staff inside the room couldn't help but be surprised. Looking at his staff expression, Ernest already speculated that the excess money inside must be humongous.

This also means Angus already trusts Ernest to handle his money. But, it is also a sort of test to Ernest and shows confidence that Angus does not lack money.

As people working at the merchant guild for a long time, they always worship the power of money.

Since Angus seems didn't care about the money, he has a lot of money which also has enough power to silence them if they backstabbed him. Along with Angus's identity as the son of Duke means he has a strong backer.

While trying to keep his calm face, "Alright, I will immediately notify you in case there is such an item in the market. However, I can't just receive your money without giving you some guarantee. So, how about we give you a promissory note as a guarantee?" said Ernest.

"Hmm.. Do as you fit." reapplied Angus.

Then, he called the other staff to make a promissory note for Angus. After everything concluded, "Is there anything else you need?" asked Ernest.

"No, That's all. Now, if you excuse me. I still have some matter to attend." said Angus.

Then, Ernest guides Angus to the outside while exchanging some pleasantries with Angus. After Angus rode back to his carriage, Ernest immediately called all the Golden Trade branches to procure high circle rune magic.

After leaving the Golden Trade merchant guild, Angus didn't immediately go back to the Royal Academy. He is going to the townhouse manor basement to get the Elephant Grass solution before going to the research center.

He planned to borrow the facility in the research center to create his rune magic. Using the high-tech equipment in the research center, Angus could easily cut down the time in making his rune magic.

Fortunately, one of the privileges he got as the creator of Miasma Curing Potion is using all this high-tech equipment in the research center. Soon, Angus arrives at the research center, which is more secure than before.

Because of the popularity of Miasma Curing Potion, research centers have been infiltrated a few times in the last few months. Since then, they upgrade their security tightly until not letting an insect pass by without being detected.

After going through many tight inspections a few times, Angus finally entered the research center.

He immediately goes towards one of the empty workstation rooms while being guided by the staff. Since Angus has a high-level pass that is the same as the Vice Head of the research center, he also gets personal assistance to help him procure something during his stay.

Entering the concealed white room with a bright magical lamp, Angus ordered his assistant to bring him the latest alchemy and rune scriber equipment.

Fortunately, these two pieces of equipment are available and ready to be used anytime. Since it is a portable type of equipment, it is not as sophisticated as Angus uses when creating the Miasma Curing Potion.

However, it is already good enough for him. Besides, Angus is not doing too much-complicated stuff or creating something new in the alchemy part.

After getting everything ready and setting up the high-tech equipment, Angus began to synthesize a few materials using the help of the high-tech equipment.

Usually, it takes some time to synthesize some material, especially the rare one like Angus has. However, with the help of the high-tech equipment, Angus could just leave them to work on their own.

"Manatium, Red Clove, Glasium…" as Angus takes out the material from the space pouch he got from Ernest before putting them into the alchemy equipment to synthesize them.

Rune magic needs a strong material as a base. Otherwise, it will be destroyed during the process of rune scribing. However, Angus didn't want to create a base that will be destroyed after one use as the usual rune magic.

He wants the base to be reused many times. Because of this, he needed to synthesize some material to create a strong base material named Roden Alloy. This material is one of the most robust materials in Firuman that could be made by fusing few rare materials.

He didn't think to create new strong material as it will take time. He only has one month to make all this rune magic as much as possible. He barely has enough time to create rune magic for everyone, much less researching another material by his rough calculation.

While waiting for the material to synthesize, Angus took a few books about rune scribing and rune magic to review what he would do.

Scribing rune magic is a delicate and precise job. One wrong move will destroy the material base or create a small explosion. Furthermore, he needs to do all of this by himself, which has more chances to make a mistake than letting a droid make it.

He couldn't make the droid make it since it will also take time to create them. Just making the Elephant Grass solution production droid, he already needs about half a year or more.

Not to mention droids for such delicate tasks as rune scribing. It may take years or at least one year if Angus gets lucky.

After a while, some Roden Alloy finally fully synthesized. Angus makes it in the form of a thin square block the size of a card.

Angus realized that the usual Rune magic didn't have a good appearance and was too conspicuous like a magic crystal, gem, magic scroll, and many others.

So, to make it less attractive, Angus made the shape of a card that could be hidden and easily used with the hand. Combined with his wristwatch storage, he could always reach it in any emergency situation.

However, because of the small shape of the card, it will increase the difficulty of scribing on it. Fortunately, there is high-tech scribing equipment that is specially made for this occasion.

As the first test, he created a [2nd Circle - Fireball] rune magic. First, he needs to scribe the spell diagram on the Roden Alloy card. Then, he imbues it with mana to make it functional.

To activate the spell, Angus only needs to wield it using his mana. Finishing imbuing the mana, Angus goes towards a practice area and tests the card.

Angus shows the card to the front and wields with mana to activate [2nd Circle - Fireball] inside the testing area. A yellowish ball of fire appears from the card and shoots towards the target dummy.

After that, Angus recharges the card with the mana before trying to cast it once again. He managed to do it a few times until he almost exhausted his mana. Apparently, recharging the rune magic needs almost twice as much mana as casting the original spell.

However, the recharging mana accumulated slowly and stopped. This way, he could let his own mana regenerate before recharging the rune magic card.

He also intends to create rune magic that stores more mana to be used a few times, but it seems he needed more research before he could make it.

There is already some product about this in the market, but it could only consist of low circle spells. The creator also hides the method of production along with its material. So, he needs to do his own research to make the high version of it.

He also found that rune magic could only activate spells and not control it. He could use the [Fire Wyrm] spell to shoot it in one direction but not like his father did to control it and make it alive.

The spell will only shoot in one direction or do specific things as the rune works. After testing a few more rune magic cards, Angus went back to his manor to rest as it is already late in the night.

Scribing rune magic is more tiring and takes time than he thought. However, this is the first time he created rune magic. As he becomes more proficient at it, his scribing speed will also increase. With that thought, he immediately rests as he is too tired mentally.

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