I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 138: Hospitalize

Chapter 138: Hospitalize

[World Punch] A single punch from Angus that holds everything about him launched at the clone. *BAM* *Crack* *BOOM* The clone, along with the black gate, was destroyed into pieces like fragmented glass.

At this moment, the clone whose personification of Angus smiles at him seems to say something without any voice before disappearing into the darkness. After that, Angus's consciousness comes back to his real-world body.

The moment Angus launched a [World Punch] towards the clone, the smelting tub was already in the sign of breaking despite Balrug's attempt to hold it. Fortunately, the black flame flared up as a sign that the trial finished at the last moment.

The smelting tub is immediately destroyed into fragmented small rocks while a rainbow-colored glowing orb appears from it. After a while, the rainbow glowing orb turns into Angus's body. During this moment, Angus sees a few warning signs from his system.

"Body reconstruction is successful."

"System back online."

"Warning!! The Heritage Chi going wild"

"Warning!! The Heritage Chi going wild"

"Warning!! The Heritage Chi going wild"'

Looking at this warning log, "Old man, hurry!! Knock me out!!" shouted Angus as his consciousness started to fade and half of his face created a maniac smile.

Hearing this, "Knock you out? Gladly!!" replied Balrug eagerly

Balrug immediately brought out his hammer and slammed at Angus's head, totally knocking him out before he entirely went berserk. *Bam* The knocked-out Angus immediately slumps on the ground, unconscious. On the other hand, Bail looked at this confusedly.

"Err.. Boss, Why did you suddenly attack him?" asked Bail.

"He said to knock him out. So, I just knocked him out. What's wrong with that?" said Balrug

"Ehhh… But didn't…" said Bail.

Before Bail finishes his sentence, "Hush.. Bail, don't overthink about it. Now, help me dress this brat and send it to the infirmary facility." said Balrug.

"Err.. Alright." said Bail while doing as he was told.

After dressing Angus, Bail sends the unconscious boy towards the infirmary for a body check-up if there is some problem after the trial side effect.

Fortunately, today is the weekend day, so Angus didn't need to worry about attending his courses. After a few hours, Angus finally woke up.

"Urrghh…" Angus wakes up while feeling a little bit of muscle pain all over his body.

By the time he woke up, he could see that the sky was already dark through the nearby window, and the room was brightly lit up with a magical lamp.

Hearing Angus's groan, "Angus, you finally awake." said Jayna worriedly.

"Jayna, why are you here?" asked Angus.

"I hear you are entering the infirmary unconscious. Of course, I will come to see you." said Jayna in a worried tone.

"Ahh.. I see. Sorry, I make you worried." replied Angus.

"Hmph… it's okay, just don't do this again." said Jayna

"I will try it. Anyway, how long did I fall unconscious?" asked Angus.

"According to Millie, you got into the infirmary this afternoon." said Jayna.

"This afternoon? It's still Sunday. right?" asked Angus

"Yeah, it's Sunday. Are you sure you are okay? Old man Bail only says that you are too exhausted during the training." said Jayna.

"Ahh.. Yes, I am okay. Anyway, how come Millie knows about my condition?" said Angus trying to divert the topic.

Seeing Angus changing the topic quickly, Jayna glared at Angus, "It's about that secret training you have done, right?" asked Jayna.

"Ehh.. W-What are you talking about?" said Angus while trying to give an innocent face.

"Angus, you are a terrible liar. Huft… If you are not going to tell me about the secret training, that is fine. But, at least tell me when you are about to do something dangerous." said Jayna.

Hearing this, Angus felt warm in his heart. "Jayna…" said Angus.

Before he could finish his sentence, *Knock* *Knock* Then, the door opened. At this time, Millie, who is wearing medical attire, comes in.

"Evening Lady Jayna, ahh.. Angus, you are awake. Hold on, I will call the teacher." said Millie while she was leaving the room.

"Err… Why is Millie wearing medical attire?" asked Angus.

"Millie has joined a medical course since the first year. However, it is just now that she is doing the practical part as she just formed her mana core during the break. She also happens to be on duty this evening." explained Jayna.

"Really? How come I didn't know about this? I thought she was going into a gardening course or something similar." said Angus.

"It's because you never pay attention to this and focus on who knows what it is. I bet you don't even know what side course I am entering." said Jayna.

"Silly girl, Of course, I know about your side course." said Angus.

"Then, what is it?" replied Jayna.

"It's about…" as Angus tries his best to remember Jayna's side course.

"You don't know, right?" said Jayna in a cold tone.

"It's…" said Angus.

Then, by some coincidence, Vice-Principal Ellen entered the room along with Millie at this moment.

"Evening, students. Mr. Victory, I am glad you are already awake. May I check you a little bit?" asked Vice-Principal Ellen.

"Yes, please." said Angus while feeling some kind of relief.

"Alright, just stay still while I cast the diagnostic spell." said Vice Principal Ellen.

Then, the Vice-principal cast a spell towards Angus [2nd Circle - Body Check Up]. A flash of green light envelops Angus's body and probes his condition.

After doing the spell, "Alright, there is no problem with your body. You just need to rest a little bit. Are you feeling any discomfort? such as a headache or anything?" asked the Vice Principal.

"I just feel a little bit of muscle pain in my body. But, I can tolerate it." replied Angus.

"I see.. It's probably the side effect of whatever training you do before. I advise you not to overwork yourself for a while, or it may inhibit your growth." said Vice Principal Ellen.

"I will keep that in mind." replied Angus.

"Is there anything else? If not, you could go back to class tomorrow, but I suggest you rest in the infirmary for tonight in case something happens." asked the vice-principal.

"Alright, thank you, Vice Principal Ellen." replied Angus.

"Then I will excuse myself first. Student,? don't stay up too late." said Vice Principal Ellen before leaving the room.

"Angus, Are you really alright?" asked Millie worriedly.

"Yeah.. Of course, Is there something wrong?" asked Angus.

"Well, when you came this afternoon, your skin was red like some kind of blemish. So, I am quite worried about you getting a strange disease. But, the dwarf that brings you says that it is a side effect from training." explained Millie.

"Really?? I guess I overwork myself. But, don't worry, I am fine." said Angus.

At this moment, Angus feels a cold glare from his side, which he tries to ignore.

Noticing the tense atmosphere between the two couples, "Alright, if you need anything, just call me. Then, I will leave the two of you. I still need to check the other student. Evening, Angus, Lady Jayna." said Millie while leaving the room.

After Millie got out of the room and closed the door, "Are you really okay?" asked Jayna coldly.

"Yes, I am fine now. See, nothing is wrong with me." as Angus is flexing his muscular hand.

While flexing his hand, 'Wait a minute, why is my hand bulkier than usual?' thought Angus inwardly.

Before Angus could check his own body any further, he feels an incoming hand from Jayna. Using his instinct, he managed to avoid it with a hair breath.

"Since you managed to dodge it, it means you are okay." said Jayna with a smile.

"Err… How come you can conclude something like that?" asked Angus.

"Well, the only time you get hit by me is when you are sick. So, I guess if you are healthy, you will easily dodge my attack." explained Jayna.

Hearing this, 'Doesn't that mean she will hit me every time to check my condition? Did I choose the wrong girl as my love?' thought Angus inwardly.

"You must be thinking something bad about me, right?" said Jayna.

"Ehh.. No, of course not. I didn't think anything. Hehehe..." said Angus.

Glaring at Angus, "Somehow, my intuition tells me you are lying again?" said Jayna.

'How come she could be susceptible to this matter?.' thought Angus inwardly.

After that, the couple begins to chat about various things. Not wanting to make Jayna more worried about him, Angus avoids talking about opening the Gate of Life since no sane person will be alright after soaking with molten iron.

So, Angus begins to tell her about his time at the Orces Kingdom. Since he is back at the academy, he rarely has time for Jayna to have a personal conversation.

As a girl who obsesses with fighting and power, Jayna immediately forgets about the matter before and focuses on listening to Angus's story about the two king's fight.

Jayna often hears the fight about her father from himself and other people. But, she never gets bored to listen more since every battle is always different and somehow inspires her. After chatting for a bit, Jayna decides to let Angus rest and go back to her dorm.

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