I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 126: Unlucky

Chapter 126: Unlucky

"It's the Monster Overlord!!" said one of the soldiers as they felt the pressure from the Monster Overlord.

"Leave!! Retread towards the capital!!" shouted King Nexus.

Everyone immediately retreads and goes away leaving the monster behind. In Firuman, the battle between high-grade people could become very destructive towards the surrounding. Sometimes it could even destroy the entire city just from their aftershock.

Now, there's Monster Overlord and King Nexus who is a seventh-grade combatant. Although everyone is curious about the battle, it is still very dangerous to stay behind. Most people choose their life rather than their curiosity.

As the soldier and adventurer move back to retread, the Monster Overlord flared up his miasma aura and roared towards the sky. *ROAARR*

After the roar, a huge magic circle appears in the sky covering the entire city. The huge magic circle makes a disturbance towards the nearby dark cloud. Looking at the gigantic magic circle in the sky, everyone becomes solemn.

Although they don't know what kind of this spell, they still know that it could destroy the entire city from the huge miasma it gathers.

"Kahahaha… What a horrible day. I am supposed in my fucking vacation day." laughed the old man who kept observing the battle from the start.

Then, the old man raised his hand towards the magic diagram in the sky. Exerting his powerful mana, he makes all the nearby ground crack.

Less than a second later, "HAA!!" Shouted the old man.

*Crack* *Crack* *BZZTZZ* The magic circle immediately cracks and turns into nothingness. Everyone immediately looked at the old man in the surfing pants and wearing sunglasses.

"Ohh.. Don't look at me like that. I am quite shy." said the old man

Before the Monster Overlord reacted, King Nexus already brandished his Greatsword towards the Monster Overlord. *BAM* The Monster Overlord managed to parry the king's attack using his spear at the last second.

Just from this clash, it creates a powerful shockwave towards the entire city. The two of them keep exchanging clash and create a shockwave nearby.

Seeing this, "Hurry, retread to the capital city." shouted Mayor Rasduk while holding back some of the Murk.

Still, the mayor is only one person. Even he could barely stop the Murk King, let alone the entire Murk army. Noticing this, the people immediately move again towards the city outskirts.

At this moment inside the headquarter patrolling guard, "You sure about this?" said one of the gremlin.

"Yeah.. Since we are going to retreat, we might as well retreat with BaDaBom!! Kehehehe…" said the gremlin while in a sort of weird object.

After wearing a google, "Alright.. PULL!!" said the gremlin.

"Launch!!" said the other gremlin *Clang* *Clang* *BUSS* the gremlin inside the object launched to the sky from the headquarter patrol guard.

"WOHOOO… I Believe I? can fly!!" shouted the gremlin while riding a steel plane.

Then, he pushed a BaDaBoM button inside his cockpit. The plane immediately ejected dozens of objects towards the Murk Army below. *BOM* *BOM* *BOM* *BOM* *BOM*

As the object landed it exploded and killed all the surrounding Murk. The scenery becomes so weird as sometimes the plane itself is not stable flying after ejecting all its bombs. the gremlin itself inside the plane kept singing some song that nobody could understand.

"Kahaha… People call me the mad, but that's some crazy shit you got there." said the old man while laughing.

Still, the dead Murk army rises again as undead from the thick Miasma that was brought out by the Monster Overlord. Looking at this, even Mayor Rasduk could only retreat. During this time, a few of the Whale Bust shoot [Water Blast] towards the city.

"Ohoo.. It seems it's my time." said the old man.

Then, the old man stomps his leg towards the ground and raises a big earth wall covering the whole beach.

"Kahahaha.. a group of fish ruined my day. Die!! [5th Circle Spell - Blossom of the Earth]" *BOMM*

A thousand gigantic earth spikes rose from the ground and covered the whole beach and the water nearby. Every single monster got punctured by the spikes and trapped in it.

"That's King Bulda's signature move. It's the mad earth king Bulda." said general Zephir after looking at the old man's move.

Suddenly, a more ferocious roar came from outside the city.

"Sir, the monster coming from the Dark Forest direction." reports one of the haggard soldiers.

"Then, the Dansel Fortress was already destroyed. Go towards the capital city, regroup with the Royal Guard. I believe the royal guard is already on its way here." said Mayor Rasduk.

As the other civilian army retreads, King Nexus and the Monster Overlord keep clashing harder with each other. Their aftershock attack even cracked all the surrounding buildings.

Still, King Nexus was already wounded internally before and didn't have a strong endurance as Monster Overlord. Soon, he shows the sign of being overpowered in a close combat battle.

During this time, a multiple colored spell enhancement spell latched at King Nexus making him fight back again. Then, a huge earth golem appears from behind the Monster Overlord.

"Did someone forget about me?" laughed King Bulda.

The huge earth golem launches a punch at the Monster Overlord. *Bang* The attack not only covers a huge area but is also very strong and destroys some buildings behind the Monster Overlord.

"Oi.. Bulda, don't you dare destroy my beloved city." said King Nexus appearing near King Bulda.

"Hahaha… I forgot to turn off the friendly fire mode." laughing King Bulda.

The two kings looked at the rubble in front of them. a huge miasma wave comes towards the surrounding *BUSSS* the miasma wave clearing up the nearby rubble. In the center of it, a humanoid monster covered in blue hair and two horns on its head appeared.

"ROOARR!!" roared the Monster Overlord.

As the two kings are ready to fight again, they feel an attack coming from behind them. a gigantic black miasma sword coming toward them.

The two of them managed to get away at the last moment. But, the gigantic sword slices the gigantic earth golem without any resistance like a hot knife cutting through butter.

"Oii.. I am just an old man. No need to seriously attack like that." said King Bulda.

"Bulda, there are more of them!!" said King Nexus as he realizes more undead knights coming towards them.

All these black people are undead that is created by the Monster Overlord from the Champion of Gods of the Holy Alliance nation.

While the two kings get distracted by the approaching black undead people, the Monster Overlord wants to sneak attack them. Suddenly, he feels a sharp pain in his back penetrating its chest.

A transparent short knife penetrated his body. Then, it roared towards the surrounding area and created a big miasma wave. The miasma wave pushes to reveal the perpetrator who is wearing a black cloak with dark mist around its body.

"Tch.. as expected of Monster Overlord, he is still not dead despite getting stabbed in the heart." said the black-cloaked person.

The Black cloaked person was revealed as a woman dark elf. Looking at the dark elf bellow, "Wohoo.. What a beauty!! Kahahaha…" said King Bulda while handling the black undead group.

"Dark elf… It seems the Monster Overlord's luck is truly gone. Still, she is only in sixth grade." said King Nexus.

As for the Monster Overlord, it coughs a lot of black blood. Although it has a great regeneration ability along with endurance, he is still receiving a huge amount of damage as his heart is damaged.

Ordinary monsters will immediately die by this kind of attack, but Monster Overlord is a different kind of being and could survive this kind of attack.

Sensing their master is hurt, the undead knight rushes towards the Monster Overlord. But, they are being stopped by King Nexus and King Bulda.

"Nonono… Why don't you play with us first?" said King Bulda while launching various kinds of earth attacks towards the approaching undead knight.

Using this moment and the preoccupied undead knight, the dark elf launches a spell towards the Monster Overlord.

A black magic diagram appears on the Monster Overlord's body. Then, after a moment, blood is spurted from all the Monster Overlord's orifices [5th Circle Spell - Maledict].

"ROARR..." shouted the Monster Overlord in pain.

"Tch.. Still not dead yet." said the dark elf.

"Ewww… That's some kind of nasty spell." said King Bulda.

At this moment, the undead knight managed to pass the two king entanglement and attack the dark elf. All the undead knight has undead body along with the strength of six grade combatant which is kind of hard to contain even for the two seventh grade combatant.

Noticing the approaching undead knight, the dark elf released a dark mist and disappeared on the spot. At this moment, a strong earth spike coming below the Monster Overlord ground and attack it.

"Forget about me again?" said King Bulda while stomping the ground.

The Monster Overlord managed to react in time and destroy the Earth Spike. Otherwise, his regenerated heart will be destroyed once again. Still, the earth spike managed to hurt his chest.

But, the attack has not ended. Following the first earth spike, dozens of other earth spike coming from the ground attack the undead knight and the Monster Overlord [5th Circle Spell - Blossom of the Earth].

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