I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 118: Ghost

Chapter 118: Ghost

Late in the night at the Royal Academy where every student rests from all the activity during the day, many security guards patrol in the academy perimeters. Because of their enhanced body, every single one of them still could remain alert without being tired.

Still, the royal academy ground is very big to cover by all these guards. Furthermore, the royal academy also has many abandoned buildings. Most of these buildings were used as a facility in the past.

Along with the time and the new development of technology, these buildings are replaced by new ones. However, some of this building has a strong enchantment that is left behind by its previous user. So, they cannot simply destroy these abandoned buildings.

Besides, the building could be refurbished into a private place for experts or masters in various kinds of fields.

As the Royal Academy is also a place where various kinds of experts and masters gather to do their research, the headmaster gives some kind of private place for each of them.

For example, Balrug the old dwarf getting a smithing facility as his private place and residence. Of course, not every master or expert will get this kind of service.

During the silence in the night, one of the guards hears a whisper in the air. At first, he thought it was some kind of his imagination.

However, as he got closer to the source of the voice, the whispering became more audible from inside one of the abandoned buildings.

Gripping his weapon, ready to fight in case there is an intruder, the guard entering the abandoned building. As soon as he entered the two-floor abandoned building, the whisper was gone.

The silent chill begins to creep the whole building. Feeling something is not right, "Is anyone here?" as he is going deeper into the building.

Strangely using his sharp perception, he didn't feel any presence in the building. Soon, the guard decided to check the building.

Under the magical lamp he brings, he explores the building. As he goes deeper into the building, he feels like the surroundings become colder.

"Get Out~" a soft creepy whisper heard close to the guard's ear.

The guards turned around and didn't find anything besides him. Suddenly, he saw a shadow moving in front of him. The shadow is moving very fast even under his sharp sense.

"Who's there?" said the guard who became more nervous.

Still, the guard follows the shadow deeper into the building. At this moment, his magical lamp flickers. The guard tries to fix it but the magical lamp soon turns off leaving him in the middle of the darkness.

Noticing there is something wrong with this building, the guard decides to come back to the entrance. *Bam* Suddenly, the entrance door slammed closed. At this moment, the guards felt something behind his back.

Turning around, "ARRRGGGHH" shouted the guards.

The next few days, in the middle of the dorm's garden, Angus spent his free time reading books like usual. Besides her, Jayna calmly circulates her mana while Millie and Mia tend the garden.

Not far from them, Ian sits on the nearby bench and grumpily looks at Jayna and Angus. He felt frustrated because the two of them completely ignored his challenge and provoke.

He is certain that Jayna must learn something from Angus as the way they dodge his attack is similar. Ian is the type of person that learns from battle. So, he couldn't do anything if the other person didn't want to fight him.

Despite this, he also didn't use any other underhanded tactics like sneaking, attacking them, or blackmailing them. It is because his pride as a man and warrior will never let him do this kind of thing.

While thinking of how to make both of them fight him seriously, "Hey, guys… So, this is where all of you gather. Did you hear about the recent rumor inside the academy?" said Axel who is approaching the group.

"Ohh.. Afternoon, Axel." greet Millie.

"What rumor??" asked Ian

"It's about the ghost." said Axel excitedly.

"Ghost?!!" shouted Millie and Mia in contrast experssion.

Hearing this, Jayna and Angus stop what they are doing and focus on Axel. Looking that he gathered everyone's attention, Axel couldn't help but be happy.

Ever since he stayed inside the Spring Dorm, he always feels being ignored by others. He also feels is not as famous as the others. Jayna is the first rank in their year and the fourth princess. Angus is famous for his academic course and the son of the duke.

Millie is famous for her appearance and kind heart while Mia is famous for her skill in close combat battle in warrior class. As for Ian, Although he is not a noble like the others, he is the second rank in their year along with being the son of a famous wealthy merchant.

Compared to them, Axel feels behind in terms of his prestige. Even though he is the son of the noble, he is only the second son of a lower noble in count rank like Millie without any significant achievement.

Can't stand with his dormmate achievement and keep being ignored, Axel has a habit to go outside the dorm to have a connection with the other student in his years.

However, unbeknown to himself, he is a very sociable person that has a lot of connections even with the upperclassmen.

Getting attention from his dormmate, who is usually ignored him, gives him a sort of confidence in his heart.

"A few days ago, one of the academy guards was found gone without trace inside one of the abandoned buildings. The only clue left is his broken magical lamp and a scream before the other guard enters the building."

"Even after some investigation, the guards still couldn't find any clue about the disappeared guard. Some of the rumors speculated that it is the work of ghosts." explained Axel.

"How come it is related to the ghost? The guard may have just disappeared because kidnapped by someone." asked Ian.

"At first everyone also thinks like that. But, the next few days, many students could hear creepy whispers from the abandoned building at night. When they enter the abandoned building, the whisper is gone, replaced with a chilling atmosphere."

"Fortunately, none of the students was hurt as they immediately ran away the moment they felt the cold. After some investigation, the guard also couldn't find any trace of the whisper. It's like it is the work of a ghost." explained Axel.

"Cold atmosphere? Whisper? Interesting..." said Angus softly.

"Jayna, what do you think about this?" asked Angus who feels Jayna's gripped on his arm.

"Ehh.. N-Nothing. That's just a rumor." said Jayna meekly.

Looking at this, "Jayna, did you afraid of ghosts?" asked Angus.

"W-Who is afraid of ghosts? I will beat the crap out of them. Yeah... " as Jayna reassures herself.

Looking at this, Angus could only shake his head. From what he read in the book, there is no such thing as ghosts in this world. But, there are few creatures or races that are similar to ghosts.

However, most of this monster is very difficult to deal with. For Angus, he believes in the existence of ghosts. In his past life, he had many experiences with them. Rather than a ghost, it is more like spirits.

From his experience, there are two kinds of spirits. Good spirit and Evil Spirit. The first kind will never bother you and chill, but the second kind is quite annoying and some of them are strong enough to harm ordinary people.

There are even some groups or organizations that specialize in dealing with these kinds of evil spirits. Angus didn't know if there is a spirit in this world or not. Ever since he was born in this world, he has never seen a spirit be it a good one or a bad one.

"What, nonsense. There is no way it is the work of ghosts." said Ian.

"Hmm.. then, why don't we search for this ghost?" suggest Millie out of nowhere.

"M-Millie… What are you talking about?" said Mia.

"Don't you think that it is exciting to find the ghost?" said Millie

"Ehh…" said Mia

Hearing this, "Hmmm… Millie is quite right, we need to investigate this matter carefully before someone else is getting hurt." said Ian.

"I agree, this ghost thing may turn out quite interesting." replied Angus out of nowhere.

"Ehh.. Angus, not you too." said Jayna.

"Don't worry, Jayna. If you are afraid, you don't need to join us." said Angus softly.

"W-Who is afraid of ghosts?! I-I will join too…" said Jayna.

Hearing the response of his dormmate, Axel couldn't help but be happy, "Alright, then let's investigate tonight after dinner time." suggested Axel.

"Tonight!!!" shouted Mia and Jayna.

"Yeah, the faster we investigate this. The better, right?" said Axel.

"I agree. According to the book I read, it may be the work of some creatures or races. If that is the case, we may notify the teacher about this." said Angus.

"I-In that case, can't we just leave this to the teacher or other staff?" said Mia.

"No, can't do. The royal academy ground is very vast. If it is truly the work of some intruder, it will take a long time to find the culprit." said Ian excitedly in the prospect of fighting the intruder.

"Yosh, then let's go out after dinner time tonight." said Axel.

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