I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 116: Arctic Heart

Chapter 116: Arctic Heart

Few months have already passed since Angus managed to successfully create the Miasma Curing Potion. The test phase and the production line also proceed without any hassle.

All of this process is being handled by Mater Valeron himself which leaves Angus to have a lot of free time for his study inside the academy.

Still, Angus needed to assemble his own production line to process the Elephant Grass as the main ingredient for Miasma Curing Potion.

The production line consists of a few droids that could easily assemble as long as he has the blueprint. Another part of it, Angus needs to enchant the production line to keep working autonomously.

It is not enough to just rely on the droid. Besides, all the big production lines always have a great enchantment. The problem is Angus could not hire an enchanter to do his enchantment for a confidential reason.

Because of this, he needs to enchant the production line by himself. Fortunately, Angus also learned enchanting in one of his side courses. Among the other side courses, enchanting is the only subject Angus has low progress.

It is because the difficulty of enchanting varies according to the enchantment itself. For example, hardening enchantment to a sword is simple. as long as someone learns basic enchantments they could do it.

However, if it has the addition of sharpening enchantment, the process becomes more complicated. Moreover, each enchantment also has its own difficulty.

Sharpening and hardening enchantment is categorized as basic level enchantment while something like mana gathering enchantment is categorized as expert level enchantment.

The difference between these two level enchantments is like earth and sky. There is also no true classification for enchantment level as hardening enchantment could become expert level if it is being modified to a certain degree than the normal one.

For example, normal hardening enchantment only increases the toughness by 10-20%. After being modified it could reach up to 100% or more depending on the modification itself.

In summary, enchanting is not about successfully applying the enchantment but about how strong the enchantment could be made.

Some myths said that there are even weapons that could be enchanted with very strong enchantments that could destroy anything it attacks.

Angus's level of enchanting is not as progressed as the other side course. But, he is still better than his peers or some seniors. One of the reasons is because enchanting heavily relies on knowledge.

Despite Angus's hard work, his knowledge of enchanting is still not on par with the master or enchanter expert. Enchanting also uses various kinds of symbols and language along with a calculation.

As Angus didn't have a lot of time to learn all the symbols and language, Angus's progress in enchanting is a little bit slow. Still, his calculation ability in enchanting helps him a lot when he applies the enchantment.

Since Angus lacks knowledge about language and symbols, he decided to learn all of this in his free time. Enchanting could be said to be similar to computer programming from Angus's past life. It needs codes which are symbols in this case and main languages for it to work.

Angus decided to create his own language like any other expert enchanter to hide his enchantment. As long as someone is not deciphering his language, no one could unravel his enchantment.

Because of this, most of the famous enchanter always has more than one set of language to do their enchantment.

Fortunately, Angus also attended a world language side course that teaches about other national languages. Using these languages as his base, he is slowly creating his own language.

While he is doing his research on making his own language, Jayna is training beside Angus in the dorm's garden.

Over the break, Jayna managed to create her own fighting pattern. Now, she is trying to get better control over her body. Angus teaches Jayna one of the secret techniques that are suitable for her. The technique is called the Arctic Heart.

The technique is quite complicated as it needs to circulate mana around the body in a precise way without any error. Just one of the wrong moves, it could create a backlash and hurt her.

Up till now, Jayna still has not managed to circulate her mana properly and already received countless backlash. Despite this, Jayna keeps trying to practice this method.

After practicing this technique for a while, she noticed the change in her temperament. She becomes more docile and calmer rather than her usual moody and hot-tempered nature despite not using her [Heart of Perseverance] skill.

Just by this effect, her control over mana is already increased by leap bound. Still, the backlash from the technique is not something that could be tolerated.

*Cough* *Cough* as Jayna coughs some blood from her mouth. She once again got backlash from the technique.

Looking at this, Angus closes his book and goes beside Jayna, "Jayna, you are rushing again. How many times have I said this technique is dangerous? You could only practice it step by step. What happens if I am not around to heal you?" said Angus.

Then, Angus creates a blue flame on his palm and touches Jayna's back. Slowly, Jayna's pale expression became more healthy. After a while, Jayna recovered from all her internal injuries.

"Thanks, Angus" said Jayna shortly before focusing on trying the technique again.

Looking at this, Angus could only shake his head before going back to read his book. Not long after that, Angus feels mana turbulence in the surroundings using his sharp perception.

'Hmm.. It seems someone managed to form a mana core nearby.' thought Angus before he went back to read his book.

"Yahoo.. I managed to do it!!" said someone from inside the dorm.

'This voice is... Ian. So, he is the one that managed to form his mana core.' thought Angus.

Not long after that, Ian ran towards the garden approaching their location.

"Jayna, Let's fight. I managed to form a mana core and become a first-grade combatant." shouted Ian.

However, Jayna keeps ignoring him and focusing on circulating her mana. Looking at this, Ian didn't know what to do.

Although he is a rascal and troublemaker, he knows that he could not disturb someone when they are trying to circulate mana inside their body. Otherwise, they could easily get backlash.

Looking at the sweating and pain expression from Jayna, Ian thought that she must train some technique.

After a few awkward moments later, Jayna didn't stop circulating her mana and kept ignoring Ian. Didn't know what to do, Ian could only wait until Jayna finished practicing. At this moment, Millie and Mia come to tend the garden.

"Ehh.. It's rare to find you here, Ian." said Millie.

"Yeah, you didn't plan to disturb Jayna's training right?" asked Mia bluntly.

"Ehh.. What are you talking about? Of course not, anyway what are you two here?" asked Ian to divert the topic.

"We are here to tend the garden like always. Why don't you move aside and let us work peacefully." replied Mia.

"Ehh.. yeah sure." said Ian as he gave away the two ladies.

At this moment, Jayna stops circulating her mana and opens her eyes. Then, she walked towards Angus's spot and sat beside him. Before Ian could say anything towards Jayna, she once again circulated her mana and ignored Ian.

Looking at this, Ian could only grumble silently before leaving the garden. Feeling that the troublemaker is gone, Angus yawns loudly before sleeping on his spot. The two ladies that looking at Angus's behavior could only shake their heads.

"Hey, Millie. Did you think that Jayna lately is closer with Angus?" asked Mia.

"Hush.. Mia, we shouldn't talk about this behind Jayna." said Millie.

"But, look at them. They are looking like a couple on a picnic." said Mia.

"M-Mia… You should not talk like that. Although they are recently closer like a husband and wife, we should never talk about it behind their backs." said Millie.

'Err… We can hear you, Millie.' thought Angus and Jayna.

After that the sun becomes setting and they need to go inside the dorm. Having dinner together in the dining area, Angus and Jayna eat silently while Ian keep trying to challenge Jayna in a fight.

However, like in the afternoon, Jayna is ignoring Ian. Still, the dinner is kinda special as Ian deicide to treat the others to dinner as he already forming his mana core and become a first-grade combatant.

For Ian who is thirteen years old, forming mana core is quite normal as many people also forming their mana core at this age. Hearing about Ian's age, Angus begins to remember his situation.

'It's been thirteen years since I have come to this world.' thought Angus.

In Firuman, they didn't celebrate someone's birthday as there are many long-life people. Unless it is someone important like royalty or nation leaders they hardly celebrate it.

Even some nation leaders rarely celebrate these things as most of them have a long life span. A high-grade combatant could easily live until around 200 years old while maintaining their strength.

As for six-grade combatants, they could live until around 250 years old while seventh-grade combatants could live more than 300 years old. Because of this reason, no one truly cares about age, especially for the high-grade combatant.

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