I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 106: Another Legacy

Chapter 106: Another Legacy

"Alright, next is… do all these with the other finger while keeping the first one." said Angus.

"Ehh… That's kind of... " said Jayna.

"Hard and takes a lot of time. But, believe me, by the time you are done with this training your mana control will be increasing by leap bound. Well, I am not going to force you if you don't want to do it." said Angus.

"No, I will do it. Just you wait for it, I will do it in no time." replied Jayna.

"Okay, good luck then." said Angus as he went back to read his book.

Before Jayna could go away to practice, "Ahh.. Jayna, make sure you also rest properly." said Angus while he was staring seriously at Jayna.

"Y-Yeah, I will." replied Jayna properly.

Unbeknown to Jayna, Angus gives an almost impossible task to her. Making a thin thread in one finger and on all of her fingers is a different level. First, she needs superb control of mana. Then, she also needs good concentration and focus to keep them.

The final and the harder part, she needs to be doing many things at the same time with the same focus and concentration. This last hurdle could not be done by many people.

Most of the people could only do two-three things at the same time. But, doing more than that needs good talent and faster mind work.

After helping Jayna for the last month, Angus found that Jayna is quite talented at controlling mana despite her current [Possession] state. Angus planned to test how far she could go by testing this to her.

So far the only person that could do this task perfectly is only him. But, the world is big and full of surprises, Angus will never know when he will find someone with his talent.

Although this task seems impossible to Jayna, she will get many benefits just from practicing this exercise. Beside training her mana control, it will also train her focus, concentration, and her multitasking skill.

After Jayna left to practice, Angus went back to read his book. The book he read is about a fictional tale of Archmage Bern. The book itself is very thick, similar to any encyclopedia book. Moreover, it contains absurd fictional stories and could never be done in the real world.

At first, Angus wanted to give up reading this book. But, he finds the book quite interesting despite its absurd story. So, he decided to read the book in his free time. Since he now has some free time, he decided to continue reading the book.

He has already finished reading the book many times before. But, he feels like reading it again as there are quite a few fictional books like this one inside the library.

After a while, Angus finishes reading the book and closes the book. Suddenly, everything begins to get weirdly silent around him. Looking at the other students, all of them stopped moving which made him quite startled.

He feels like the world itself has stopped moving. In front of him, a person is wearing a cloak that suddenly appears before he could sense it. To be exact he found that he couldn't feel any kind of sensation through his perception.

"Rosful.. das asmos yol fu tarea of…. [Oh young one, Rejoice… You are qualified to inherit my legacy.? Fight for all. Only the brightest mind will find my true legacy.]" said the man in an unknown language but Angus somehow could understand him.

Then, the person disappears leaving a ring on his spot in the air. The ring flew towards Angus and fell on his hand. After that, the world came back to normal. All the students nearby moved again without sensing what happened.

Looking at the inconspicuous ring in his hand and hearing the person's word, Angus immediately threw the ring to the ground.

'Fuck.. Rejoice my ass!! Who wants to carry another mysterious legacy!! I already have this mysterious chi inside me who wants another one, something like that.' Curse Angus inwardly.

Then, Angus leaves towards the canteen to have lunch in a bad mood. From his experience inheriting such a legacy from a mysterious person which he thought Archmage Bern is nothing but looking for trouble.

Many people have been looking for the legacy of Archmage Bern for countless years, yet none still managed to get it. This shows how difficult it is to obtain his true legacy.

Besides, if he somehow manages to get it, he will be hunted by a lot of people as people's greed knows no bounds. In summary, searching for this kind of legacy is nothing but trouble for him.

'Damn it.. This is ruining my mood. *Cough*...' thought Angus while he ate his lunch.

Suddenly, he feels something weird in his mouth while eating. After throwing out the thing inside the mouth, he found the same golden ring coming out from his mouth.

"Gyaaa... Why the hell is this thing here?!!" said Angus before throwing the ring into the sky.

Fortunately, no one pays attention to Angus otherwise he will embarrass himself by shouting out of nowhere. As Angus wanted to continue his lunch, he found the ring near him on the table.

'Fuck it…' as Angus takes the ring and throws it inside the trash can.

Not in the mood to continue his lunch, Angus walked out of the canteen. As he walks he feels something in his pocket. After taking it out, he found the ring inside his pocket.

Feeling stressed from the ring that keeps following him, Angus goes towards the incinerator in the smithing facility. At this time, there are only a few people working inside as it is not the smithing course day.

He immediately throws the ring inside the incinerator and waits for it to melt into nothingness. After that, Angus walked towards the Magical Engineering class. Despite his bad mood, he still cannot pass up the opportunity to learn about this subject.

Especially in the last few months, he got the chance to work with the old model battle golem. After a few months of learning about its mechanism, Angus now could try to assemble his small droid, the simplest of artificial intelligence.

Of course, Angus still needed to be supervised by the other teacher to make sure he didn't do anything dangerous. Entering the facility, Angus goes towards his workstation and begins to work on his draft of a droid.

The hardest part in Magical Engineering is not the building or assembling part, it is the planning and designing of the model. In the planning section, people need to calculate many kinds of possibilities that could happen to their product.

Just one wrong calculation could make their product go unexpectedly. In the worst case, it could even explode. Because of this, a lot of calculation and time planning is needed even to make the simplest droid.

Angus is already permitted to assemble his droid with the given blueprint from the academy. But, Angus wants to know and experience what is necessary to make the droid from the start.

He feels he could learn more by doing this. Still, this is hard work that not everyone could do at his age. If Angus didn't enhance his mind through the help of the system, he may also give up on building the droid from zero.

Usually, it takes a team for students to build a single droid. But, Angus is adamant to build it by himself as he wants to learn all the parts about building a droid or other artificial intelligence product.

As he focused on his plan and calculation, he didn't notice there was a ring that suddenly appeared near him on his workstation table.

Soon, time goes by and the Magical Engineering course comes to an end. Angus reluctantly stopped his work and put out all the paper and his calculation inside the wristwatch storage.

While tidying up his workstation, he found a similar ring that kept following him. Looking at this, Angus could only release a sigh before taking the ring into his pocket.

He didn't have any more energy to curse the ring as his mind was quite exhausted from all the work he had done before. So, all he can do now is just take the ring before he studies it later.

Arriving at the dorm, Angus immediately goes towards his room to take a bath. After having a shower and refreshing his mind a little bit, he ordered the caretaker to send the dinner into his room.

Then, Angus takes out the ring from his uniform pocket. From Angus inspection, the ring is made out of unknown material with gold color.

It has a B letter engraved on top of it which confirms his previous suspicion that it is related to Archmage Bern. Now, the one that puzzles him is why the mysterious person gave the ring to Angus. After all, all he has done is read his fictional storybook a few times.

"There must be something that triggers this. Especially, the man himself said that I was qualified to inherit his legacy. It means there must be some prerequisite for this to happen."

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