I Became the Youngest Disciple of the Martial God

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

My hand instinctively tightened around the hilt of the Sword of Seven Sins where it rested at my waist.

It felt like the forgotten Martial God was listening in on our conversation.


Many questions were swirling through my mind, but one demanded an immediate answer.

"What do you mean you can become a god right now?"

"It's exactly as I said. My accomplishments are far from insignificant, and I have even pinpointed the location of the Pantheon. All other conditions have been met. I could ascend to godhood anytime I desire."


"But I won't. Not yet. Ascending now would only grant me the divine name of a minor god. There's only one divine throne capable of vanquishing all the demon lords—the Martial God."

The Lord of Blood and Iron turned his impassive gaze upon me.

"Luan, if you truly seek to eradicate the demon lords, you too must set your sights on the Throne of the Martial God."

His words rang with an undeniable truth. And yet...

"You seem hesitant," said the Lord of Blood and Iron, his voice cutting through my thoughts as if he'd plucked them from my mind.

After a beat of silence, I nodded.


"It's difficult to articulate... It doesn't feel like my path. It feels antithetical to the very foundation of my martial arts."


"Is it really impossible for a human to defeat a god? Is there truly no way?" I asked, my voice heavy with the weight of my plea. “What must someone do to defeat a God while retaining their humanity?


The Lord of Blood and Iron responded to my stubbornness with genuine consideration. He stroked his chin, lost in contemplation, before finally...

"To achieve such a feat... one would need multiple opportunities."


"Spare lives, or a method to challenge your foe countless times. Or perhaps even—and this is the most absurd yet—the ability to rewind time."

A shiver shot down my spine.

"For a human to even dream of facing a god, they would need to wield that level of absurdity. And even then, the path would be fraught with peril. Consider it the bare minimum..." The Lord of Blood and Iron fixed his gaze on me. "Why the grim expression?"

"...It's nothing."

The back of my head throbbed. I felt as if I’d been struck a blow, and a strange sense of dislocation told me the one who had struck me was none other than my own master, Baek Nogwang.

The effect of my three-day respite settled upon me. It had been the right choice. Had I not taken that break, I would have crumbled under the weight of his words.

I knew this blessing was too good.

Defying the Heavens. To go against time...

It was a power coveted by all, yet according to the Lord of Blood and Iron, it was merely the starting point when facing a demon lord.

And having stared into the abyss of a demon lord's power myself, I knew he was right.

...Fine. Fine!

This was never going to be an easy task. It had been bestowed upon me by my master, after all.

Demon lord or not, I would simply have to become strong enough to crush them all.

"If there's anything else you require, speak now. As long as it is within my power, it shall be yours."

Speak now, he says...

Did I have to decide the entirety of my reward here and now? Well, it wasn’t like I intended to indefinitely cling to the glory of taking down a high priest.

With a nod, I fell into thought. One thing came to mind immediately.

"Does the main house possess a divine beast?"

It was something I had discussed with the Martial God as a way to build resistance to demonic energy.

"Of course."

"Would it be possible to arrange a contract for me? I need a way to counteract demonic energy."

"A simple request." The Lord of Blood and Iron agreed with a casual nod. "Bednicker commands five divine beasts: the Viridian Deer, the Ivory Mouse, the Pewter Sheep, the Ebony Serpent, and the Cerulean Hound. Which one do you desire?"


The deer, mouse, and sheep held no appeal. If I had to choose, it would be between the serpent and the hound...

My decision was made quickly.

"The serpent, please."

A flicker of surprise crossed the Lord of Blood and Iron's face. "I’m curious to hear your reasoning."

"The deer, mouse, and sheep seem too weak. And I dislike the color blue."

I didn’t have any particular fondness for snakes; it was simply a matter of elimination.

The Lord of Blood and Iron chuckled, and then, unexpectedly, he said, "It seems you haven't met the librarian yet."

"Huh? Ah... Not yet. I departed for the training camp immediately, so the timing wasn’t ideal." I scratched my head sheepishly. "If I may ask, does the underground library actually exist? I couldn’t find any stairs leading down within the main building."

"It exists, but it is not accessible through any staircase."


"Since you've chosen the serpent, your meeting will occur soon enough."

His cryptic words piqued my curiosity. "Have you, by any chance, formed a contract with a divine beast?"

"I have."

"If you don't mind my asking, which one?"

"The deer, the mouse, the sheep, and the hound."

"So you're saying..."

"Indeed. I have formed contracts with all but the serpent." The Lord of Blood and Iron's expression was unreadable. "Since the Dark Fairy Kuset, no one of Bednicker blood has formed a contract with the Onyx Serpent."


His words gave me pause and raised a flicker of doubt about my choice. But the Lord of Blood and Iron was looking at me with a glint of anticipation in his eyes, so it was difficult to retract my words.

"...I'm kind of looking forward to it now."

"Anything else you're curious about?"

The Lord of Blood and Iron seemed to be in an unusually good mood, and he appeared to have time to spare. I decided to seize the opportunity and ask everything I could.

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[Translator –  YinYanski]

[Proofreader – Gorm]

* * * * *

"Is there any news about the expedition? Has there been any progress?"

I was referring to the subjugation team assembled to hunt down Eldest Senior Brother, the Demon Lord of Black and White.

The Lord of Blood and Iron shook his head. "That endeavor has been postponed indefinitely."


"The demon lords are an elusive lot, as I mentioned before. The Demon Lord of Black and White has relocated his lair."

Relocated? Was it because of our encounter in Hell?

"Fortunately, we were able to track him..." The Lord of Blood and Iron trailed off, a rare hesitation in his speech. "...But the first reconnaissance team, composed of fifty elite members, has gone missing. Considering the location, it's safe to assume they have perished."

"Where is this place?"

"The Continent's Worst Demon Zone."

"Are you referring to one of The Empire’s Four Forbidden Areas?"

He had to be talking about the Gem Mountains I had traversed, or perhaps the swamp.

The Lord of Blood and Iron shook his head.

"It's far more dangerous than those. Dozens of times more so."

A place dozens of times more dangerous than the Four Forbidden Areas?

Did such a place even exist on this continent?

"Therefore, I apologize, but consider my previous offer rescinded. I doubt even I could ensure your safety in such a place."

"If you could just tell me its location—"

"I cannot. However, I have already given you a clue."

The clue, it seemed, was the ominous title “Continent's Worst Demon Zone.”

"Uncover information about that place yourself. If you cannot even manage that, then it's not somewhere you should even dream of setting foot..."


"However, I can offer you some advice."


"There's someone within the Imperial Academy who possesses knowledge of this Demon Zone."

"Who is it?"

My attempt to glean an easy answer was met with a wry smile.

"Telling you would defeat the purpose, would it not?"

As expected, the Lord of Blood and Iron was not one to be easily manipulated.

"If you can make contact with this individual, you'll learn much. Whether you still aim for the demon zone afterward is your decision."

This was valuable information, but there was one problem.

"...Isn't the Imperial Academy Kartell off-limits to outsiders?"

"That's correct."

"It's a little late for me to enroll, wouldn't you say?"

Besides, I didn't have the time to waste attending an academy.

"Perhaps with Bednicker's influence,” I began slyly, “we could circumvent some of the imperial law—"

"That is impossible."

"I understand."

Then, the Lord of Blood and Iron said something entirely unexpected.

"How did the training camp go?"

"I placed third," I said, omitting that it was only “probably.”

"Then you will surely find a way."

I was confused, but... "I'll take your word for it."

"Anything else?"

His tone suggested that this would be the final question.

I took a deep breath and, with utmost seriousness, said, "Bednicker knew a high priest had infiltrated the training camp."

"That's correct."

"It was intentionally allowed to happen. In order to kill the high priest."

"That is right."

The Lord of Blood and Iron simply nodded, offering no excuses or justifications.

—Dellark opposed this plan.

Had I not spoken to Asad before my regression, I might have believed the Lord of Blood and Iron had orchestrated the entire thing.

"...Someone must have been pushing for that plan. Are they really positioned so highly that they can’t be held accountable?"

—Brat, you know nothing about House Bednicker. You know nothing about the true power and secrets this house possesses.

Asad's words echoed within my mind. Someone whom even the family head, the Lord of Blood and Iron, could not touch...

But the faces of the dead still haunted me.

"It won't be easy," the Lord replied.

I’d expected as much. Truth be told, it had been an empty threat.

"But if you wish for that person to be punished... then it shall be done."

I stared at the Lord of Blood and Iron, shocked.

After a moment of stunned silence, I said, "It is my sincerest request."

"Very well."

A simple nod, but it was enough. The Lord of Blood and Iron was not a man who made empty promises.

"This conversation has gone on longer than anticipated. As you intend to lie low for a time, we'll postpone the ceremony appointing you as deputy family head. However, all the rights I mentioned will be yours, and half the people of Bednicker shall be at your command."

One could think that it was “only half...” but considering the sheer scale of the family, it was an immense amount of power.

Those I couldn't control were likely in positions too lofty for a deputy family head to manage, or they belonged to factions that supported my siblings.

"The training camp's closing ceremony will be held soon. Don't be late."

"I won’t be. Thank you."

"I will be in touch."


"You will receive a gift soon."

There was more?

As I stared at him in shock, the Lord of Blood and Iron let out another uncharacteristic chuckle.

"Don't overthink it. It is something that rightfully belongs to you."


I decided to keep my mouth shut as the Lord of Blood and Iron's gaze shifted back to Einsburn.

Since I had no interest in watching someone be tortured, I left the cabin.


Stepping out of the blood-soaked cabin, I was met with a sky of inky black.

We talked for quite a while...

Jein was nowhere to be seen.

Had he returned already? It was a servant's duty to wait, but it was understandable considering his position as a collector. They were probably the busiest group in Bednicker.

My stomach growled.

"Ugh, I'm starving."

I hadn't eaten since morning. My stomach was gnawing at itself.

Should I head back to the main house for a bite? Or would there be food at the closing ceremony?

While making my way over, I glanced down at my sword.


The altar of a forgotten god, the Martial God, and the Sword of Seven Sins.

I’d wanted to ask the Lord of Blood and Iron about them, but I’d decided against it in the end. It felt too early.

I must first achieve at least the level of Merak.

With various thoughts in mind, I headed toward the main house.

I cut across the secluded back gardens—jumping the fence along the way—until I finally arrived back at the manor.

I wondered where the closing ceremony would take place. Surely I could just ask any of the servants passing by?

As I looked around, a familiar head of hair caught my eye.

‘'Isn't that...?'’

It was rare white—no, silver hair.

During the training camp, it had been pulled back in a single braid, but now it flowed freely, cascading down in shimmering waves.

"Whitey!" I called out.

"...Eep!?" Sellen jumped, whirling around with wide, shocked eyes. "U-uh. Uhm..."

She seemed even more surprised than I'd anticipated.

Oh, right.

She must have not been aware I was alive. Charon and Hector must not have told her.

How do I explain this...?

As I wondered, I noticed something strange about Sellen's demeanor.

"Uh. Um, so..."

Flustered, she curtsied awkwardly. It was a noble's greeting, entirely out of character for her.

"...H-hello...? I mean... Sir Luan...?"


"O-or is it... former fiancé...?"

Her usual sharp gaze was downcast, and her normally abrasive voice was barely a whisper.


I narrowed my eyes at the girl who, despite her uncharacteristic behavior, was undoubtedly Sellen.

Who is this?


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