I Became a Sick Nobleman

Chapter 152: Before Departure (3)

Chapter 152: Before Departure (3)



Ruel smiled contentedly as he gazed at the snowman he had just finished building, its curves perfectly formed. 

Extending his hand towards Cassion, he awaited the carrot to complete the snowman’s nose and enhance its perfection.

“Cassion, continue speaking,” Ruel requested.

He had recently learned that a bounty of 10 million gold coins had been placed on his head.

It was shocking enough but Ruel couldn’t decide whether to laugh or scold Cassion for not informing him earlier, especially considering he had acquired this information by eliminating most of the assassin’s guilds in Leponia.

“It seems that most of the remaining assassins in Leponia are preparing to leave. That’s why I went out yesterday,” Cassion explained, handing the carrot to Ruel.

Pausing before placing the carrot on the snowman’s face, Ruel seemed to savor the moment, as if on a leisurely stroll. 

So that’s why Cassion’s face seemed refreshed today.

“Let’s skip the details; what intel did you gather?” Ruel wasn’t particularly interested in the specifics of how Cassion had taken down the assassin guilds.

Cassion smirked slightly before revealing, “The client was a noble from the Kran Kingdom.”

“Could it be Red Ash then? Please tell me it’s not one of their high-ranking members?”

“If Medeas Tehel, who follows Adea Kran, has recently joined the Red Ash and been promoted to an executive, then it’s not him as it seems that the person who commissioned the assassin’s guild was a member of the Red Ash from the very beginning.”

While they spoke, Aris watched Leo joyfully crafting a snowball with his short front paws, creating a feeling of disconnect between Ruel and Cassion’s conversation and the current circumstances. 

It was as if a line had been drawn in the middle, placing the two pairs in entirely different worlds.

“So who is this guy?” Ruel asked and inhaled Breath.

“I mentioned before that they were rescuing adventurers in the Kran Kingdom from a monster outbreak,” Cassion replied.


“He’s the person in charge of that.”

“Haha,” a chuckle escaped Ruel’s lips.

“It seems like there are connections everywhere.”

It would be prudent not to rush to conclusions about the involvement of a Red Ash member in the outbreak until the reasons behind the monster outbreak were thoroughly investigated. 

Ruel nonchalantly stuck the carrot into the snowman’s face and stepped back a few paces, admiring his creation. 

It was a perfect snowman that could be considered the masterpiece of a lifetime.

“It seems there are more things Ruel-nim can’t do than I had imagined,” Cassion said, glancing at the somewhat shabby snowman that Ruel had built, choosing to withhold some comments. Even a child might have been able to craft a better one.

“Has the departure date for Kran been finalized?” Ruel’s voice held a hint of displeasure.

“Yes. We’re set to depart in ten days.”



“How quickly can you get me to Kran?”

Cassion looked at Ruel with suspicion.

Ruel rarely spoke without reason. This meant that there must be a significant reason for him to want to go to Kran.

“Could you explain why you are asking such a question?”

“You seem quite distrustful lately,” Ruel chuckled.

Thanks to whom? 

Cassion forcibly held back his urge to speak out.

“It’s not a big deal, I just don’t see the need for a carriage to the Kran Kingdom when you can move so swiftly.”

“Ru, Ruel-nim.”

The snow in Aris’ hand slipped away, and even Leo paused to gaze at Aris.

“Are you suggesting you want to depart separately from the delegation?”


Ruel clapped his hands twice.

“So, what’s your decision, Cassion?”

Under Ruel’s penetrating gaze, Cassion massaged his temples. His head was throbbing.

“Could you tell me the reason you want to go separately from the delegation?”

“When the delegation arrives, there will naturally be a lot of attention around. I want to investigate the monsters before that.”

Breaking the seals guarding the Empire’s gates would require time. Moreover, he wasn’t sure how to use his power to approach the ‘king.’

A carriage journey to the Kran Kingdom would take a minimum of four days. Given various factors, those four days might stretch even longer. Time was of the essence. 

Wouldn’t it be best to figure out whether the monsters’ rampage was due to corruption or some other reason in the meantime?

Ruel shook off the snow from his gloves and said, “Everyone already knows that I’m unwell. I stayed practically glued to the carriage during the Cyronian incident anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

“It’s a risky move. What if it’s discovered that you’re not in the carriage?” Aris asked, looking concerned.

“Don’t worry about that.”

The wealthy and capable crown prince would take care of everything.

Ruel then fixed his gaze on Cassion. “Do I need to ask again?”

“No, one day will suffice.”

Ruel only managed to smile with satisfaction before an unexpected sneeze escaped him.


“You’ve been outside for too long. It’s time to go back inside.”

Cassion quickly took out a blanket and wrapped it around Ruel.

Even though Ruel had been feeling better lately, he couldn’t let his guard down.

“Not yet. Leo hasn’t finished his snowman,” Ruel gestured towards Leo, who was diligently crafting with his front paws. 

Before Leo stood a snowball larger than himself, taking the shape of a snow fox. 

‘A snow fox…?’

Once Leo attached the large tail, he ran to Ruel.

—Look at what this body has made! The Great Purifier!

Leo beamed at Ruel, then went back to his creation to rub his face against it.

—This body. This body will grow so big that this body will give Ruel a ride.

“Sure, make sure to give me a ride,” Ruel responded, suppressing a laugh at the little fox’s enthusiasm. How long would it take for Leo to actually accomplish that feat?


Leo paused rubbing his face against the snowman and looked at Ruel.


Leo stared intently at the snowman he had made.

—This body would like to go to Jan and ask where a Great Purifier like this body is.

Ruel’s smile slowly faded.

Leo perked up his ears and gazed at Ruel.

—Why does Ruel look so sad when this body mentions the Great Purifier?


“Leo, let’s hurry back to the mansion before Ruel-nim gets a cold,” Aris urgently interjected as Ruel hesitated.

—Oh! If Ruel catches a cold, it will be a big problem!

Leo glanced back and forth between the snow fox he had made and Ruel, then touched the snow fox with his front paw.

Sparkling powder materialized around the snowman and vanished.

—This is the Great Purifier created by this body. So, don’t melt.

Leo was about to run towards Ruel but stopped when he saw the peculiar snowman made by Ruel and the splendid one made by Aris.

—Ah, this body will go touch Ruel’s snowman and Aris’s snowman too, so they don’t melt.

“Okay,” Ruel replied, turning his head away.

“Ruel-nim, as you’re aware, delaying the truth only makes things more complicated,” Cassion cautiously mentioned, observing Ruel’s expression.

“I know,” Ruel bit his lip. He knew all too well.


Three days later.

“Just like before when I was at the Cyronian, I will go to the royal palace, receive the delegation letter from His Majesty, and then ride in the carriage.”

Ruel looked around at Banios, Aris, Cassion, and even Ganien on the screen before continuing.

“After that, I plan to leave the carriage and move ahead until the delegation arrives in the Kran Kingdom.”

“Wait a moment,” Banios couldn’t contain his curiosity and interrupted Ruel.

“How do you intend to slip away from the carriage without deceiving all those knights? That sounds impossible.”

“That’s exactly where I need your help.”

“…?” Banios’ eyes widened as he pointed at himself, seeking further clarification from Ruel.

“That’s right. I need your power, Your Highness.”

The point Ruel was trying to make was quite simple.

“So, you want me to make sure the knights keep their mouths shut?”

“Yes, Your Highness, isn’t this a moment where your power shines brighter than ever?” Ruel chuckled mischievously. “Please assist me in ensuring that my absence is not revealed until the diplomatic envoy reaches the Kran Kingdom.”

“Your request is polite, but it almost sounds like coercion,” Banios remarked.

“I’m sorry to hear that. As you’re aware, Your Highness, the journey to the Kran Kingdom is longer than the one to the Cyronian Kingdom, necessitating more time. I’m simply expressing my commitment to serving our country by reducing that timeframe.”

“Do you always speak in circles at times like this? Just be straightforward as usual,” Banios raised an eyebrow.

Ruel had told Banios nearly everything, but he carefully avoided mentioning that he could control the monsters. Knowing that this matter could become dangerous if revealed prematurely, Ruel planned to persuade Banios without disclosing it.

“The situation is different from the previous Cyronian Kingdom incident. This is probably the most perfect plan the Great Man has ever laid out.”

“Are you suggesting that the attacks have decreased compared to before?” Cassion asked, to which Ruel nodded.

“Yes. There will probably still be attacks. After all, we need to deceive them. However,” Ruel turned to Banios, “the attacks themselves will be much less than before. That’s why I can leave the delegation.”

The reduced attacks also meant a decreased risk of his absence being exposed inside the carriage. 

As long as the risk was manageable, the chance of leaving the carriage behind and escaping was minimal.

“What will you do if a black-blooded man appears on this journey?”

In response to Banios’ concern, Ruel pointed to Aris as if to reassure him.

“There is Aris. Aris will depart with the delegation.”

Aris’ face turned pale at Ruel’s unexpected statement. He momentarily tightened his lips at Ruel’s continued words.

“Your Highness, please do not worry about Aris’ abilities. I guarantee it. Aris can certainly defeat the black-blooded man. Isn’t that right, Aris?” Ruel turned to Aris.

Shocked but meeting Ruel’s expectations, Aris stuttered, “R-Ruel-nim, I am your guardian knight. It is my duty to protect you.”

“Then you should accompany the delegation. Everyone knows you’re my guardian knight,” Ruel countered, leaving Aris speechless, unable to protest further.

Aris could only gaze at Ruel with a rigid expression.

—What about this body? This body wants to go with Ruel.

The news of Aris separating from Ruel to join the delegation startled Leo, who quickly grabbed Ruel’s leg with a surprised look.

Ruel leaned down and whispered softly to Leo, “Don’t worry, we’re going together.”

—Thank goodness. This body is so surprised. This body thought it couldn’t go with you.

At Ruel’s comforting touch, Leo finally loosened his grip on Ruel’s leg.

—So, that’s why you called me? To take me instead of Aris?

Ganien said, crumpling his face.

At Ganien’s question, Cassion chuckled, causing Ganien’s brow to furrow even more. 

“That’s right. You have to come with me.”

As Ruel smiled brightly, Banios, who was quietly listening, asked, “Isn’t Sir Croft a knight of His Majesty Huswen?”

“I have already asked His Majesty Huswen for permission.”

Ganien reacted to Ruel’s answer as if it were his first time hearing it.

-When was this decided?

“It was a hassle to communicate with His Majesty Huswen through you all the time, so I decided to get a new communications device,” Ruel proudly showed off his fourth ring.

“His Majesty Huswen has granted me full authority to use you as needed, but you can confirm with him separately later.”

Although Ruel spoke lightly, Ganien was one of the three commanders protecting King Huswen. King Huswen had willingly handed over Ganien because after this incident was over, Cyronian could exert influence over Leponia.

Taking this into account, Ruel had made the request to King Huswen himself. 

After all, finding a trustworthy and skilled individual wasn’t a simple task.

-For some reason, His Majesty keeps forcing me to take leave these days. Bless me… I apologize, Your Highness,” Ganien hastily bowed, frustration evident in his voice.

He had momentarily forgotten that Banios was present.

“I understand your sentiments. In fact, I somewhat sympathize with you at this moment,” Banios chuckled helplessly before shifting his focus to Ruel.

“I finally grasp the meaning of being ‘caught like a sitting duck.'”

“That’s a rather hurtful thing to say, Your Highness. As I just mentioned, I am acting in the interests of my country…”

“Lord Ruel, you should tone down your flattery a bit. It’s terribly awkward,” Banios interrupted.

“Your Highness, isn’t this the time to wield power? And everything I do is ultimately for you,” Ruel explained.

A peculiar atmosphere lingered, leaving Banios unable to discern the underlying meaning in Ruel’s words.  

As a Leponian and a key supporter, Ruel’s actions would naturally enhance his own influence as he continued to excel.

“What you say is always strange. It leaves me speechless.”

Seeing Banios’ troubled expression, Ruel smiled. If one only looked at his smile, he seemed entirely innocent.

However, there was a slight unsettling feeling as he couldn’t guess what was hidden beneath it all.

“Your Highness, did you perhaps forget the Mana Oath we exchanged?”

“How could I forget the strongest bond between us?” Banios laughed lightly.

As long as the Mana Oath, which affirmed their commitment not to betray each other, remained as a foundation of trust, everything Ruel did would undoubtedly be for the benefit of Leponia.

“Then, I look forward to your support. My fate lies in your hands.”

“Understood… Just a moment.”

Banios hesitated, feeling compelled to address the unmentioned plans for the Kran Kingdom.

“You haven’t mentioned what you will be doing in the Kran Kingdom.”

“I plan to become an adventurer and investigate the monsters,” Ruel announced with a wide smile.

“As I have a gift bestowed by Your Highness personally, it’s only fitting to make use of it, wouldn’t you agree?”

Previously, it was cumbersome to ask Flenn to create the adventurer Han’s activities and records separately from his own, but now that Banios had created a persona named Han, it was enough.

Even if something went wrong, Banios, who had made the identification card, would take most of the responsibility, so there was no need to worry.

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Ruel expressed his gratitude once more.

Was there ever a moment when he could act without worry, like now, before stirring up trouble?

As patriarch, how much effort had he put into avoiding being caught?

Hearing that Banios would mostly take responsibility in his place, it seemed that one must possess a mindset as calm as the Pacific Ocean to be a prince.

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