I Became a Sick Nobleman

Chapter 149: Stand firm again (3)

Chapter 149: Stand firm again (3)


The flames danced around Ruel. 

It was a fire created by Aris. 

Aris remained silent until Ruel came to a stop in front of the mountain.

It was Leo and the spirits’ responsibility to chatter.

—Are you climbing the mountain again? Didn’t you come here once with your uncle? Whenever you climb the mountain, don’t you feel sad again? This body is worried.

Leo circled around Ruel, looking distressed.

“Today is different.”

—What’s different?

Leo halted and looked up at Ruel.

“I’m going to climb the mountain myself,” Ruel’s lips curved up high.

“…!” Aris looked at Ruel in shock.

Ruel knew it was a crazy thing to attempt. 

He understood that climbing the mountain with this body was overly ambitious, which was why he hadn’t considered it, but deep down, he had always liked hiking. 

Today, Cassion had declared that there would be no restrictions imposed on him. 

It was a rare opportunity to give it a try.

“R-Ruel-nim,” Aris stammered.

Ruel gestured towards the path they had come from, silently signaling Aris to refrain from trying to stop him. 

Aris immediately fell silent.

As Ruel climbed with Tyson, he assessed that this was a mountain he could potentially manage. Of course, it would still be difficult for him.

‘Except when my body is truly unwell, I have always pushed myself hard.’ 

He had maintained a regular exercise routine and hadn’t forgotten the joy he felt when he first stood on two legs.

Leaning on his cane, Ruel took his first step towards the mountain. 

Leo raced over in front of Ruel.

—This is the first time this body has seen Ruel climb a mountain by himself.

“Yes, it is,” Ruel replied.

—This body believes that Ruel can do it!

Leo smiled brightly.

Last night, Leo had sensed Ruel’s deepening frustration as he heard the non-stop sound of the pen. 

Leo was afraid that Ruel would be consumed by the darkness that loomed overhead. 

But now, that fear has dissipated. Leo wagged his tail uncontrollably, relieved.

—If it gets too hard, this body will help you.

Leo said in an excited voice.

“Okay,” Ruel agreed.

Ruel proceeded slowly, taking one step at a time. 

Aris silently followed behind, feeling a sense of unease today as he observed the familiar Ruel’s back. 

It was as if the most vital part of the tower was missing.

“Huff…” Ruel’s breathing grew faster after just a few steps. 

Ruel continued walking with Breath in his mouth.

He kept his gaze fixed on the path ahead, not looking up. 

Step by step, he felt a sense of progress, despite his aching calves and the chilling breeze penetrating his lungs. 

He stumbled along the way, losing count of how many times.

His knees throbbed, and his face was covered in sweat. 

As the unnecessary thoughts that had filled his mind began to dissipate, his heart felt lighter despite his weary body.

Tears and sweat streamed only surrounded by the snow-littered dirt, stones, trees, and grasses.

There was no need to think about anything, and there was nothing to fear. 

Ruel paused for a moment, taking deep breaths while inhaling Breath. 

The spirits sitting on the dry tree caught his attention, turning their heads curiously observing him.

—Are you okay? 

Leo rushed ahead but, upon hearing Ruel’s barely audible footsteps, he quickly walked back to him.

“No. It feels like I’m dying,” Ruel replied, struggling to catch his breath. 

For a brief moment, his vision blurred. 

Despite not having traveled a great distance, his entire body was drenched in sweat.

‘Maybe it’s just cold sweat.’ 

So he paid it no mind. 

Although his body was exhausted, there were no other abnormalities yet.

“We’re almost there,” At Aris’s voice, Ruel collected his scattered thoughts.

His head felt heavy, preventing him from seeing Aris’s expression.

“Really…?” Ruel asked weakly.

“Yes, really,” Aris reassured him. As Ruel’s breathing steadied, he resumed moving forward with his cane.

Two steps forward, catch his breath. 

Two steps forward, inhale Breath. 

With his head feeling lighter, it seemed as if his body could collapse at any moment. 

His legs trembled, and sweat dripped onto the ground. 

Yet, Ruel smiled. 

The snow, resembling a whipped cream topping, adorned the mountain in a beautiful manner, bringing him delight. 

The thought of getting closer to the summit filled him with joy.

—Oh! Ruel, Ruel! We’ve reached the top!

At Leo’s words, Ruel lifted his head with difficulty.

In the place where there was no further ascent, snow fell gently with the wind.

It was even more beautiful than when he had climbed with Tyson. 

Ruel’s legs moved on their own.

Overwhelmed, Ruel reached the summit and sat down on the ground. 

His hair was damp with sweat and his legs trembled uncontrollably, but it was all worth it. 

Overwhelming joy swelled within him, causing Ruel to smile with his eyes and laugh so wide that his teeth were visible. 

He was on the verge of choking and had to inhale Breath, but the corners of his mouth refused to drop.

—Ruel did it!

Leo jumped in place and laughed.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah. My legs are trembling, so I can’t get up,” Ruel said, reaching out toward Aris and finally looking at his face.

Aris’s expression was filled with emotion, his eyes slightly red.

Surprised, Ruel asked, “Are you crying again?”

“I’m not crying. It would be absurd to cry when you’ve accomplished something like this, Ruel-nim!”

Aris used magic to brush off the snow and helped Ruel sit on a rock. 

He knelt down to meet Ruel’s gaze.

“You are truly incredible, Ruel-nim.”

“You’ve been spending too much time with Noah; now you’re making jokes too,” Ruel teased.

“It’s not a joke. Honestly, I didn’t think you would make it,” Aris admitted.

Ruel inhaled Breath and looked down at the view before him. 

The landscape he had once seen with Tyson unfolded beneath him, covered in pristine white snow.

“I can’t express how anxious I was watching from behind,” Aris confessed.

“I can imagine. Just look at me now. It feels terrible,” Ruel pointed to his trembling legs and let out a small laugh.

“You are stronger than I ever expected, Ruel-nim.”

“Thank you, even if it’s just empty words.”

“These are not empty words. Look at the footprints you left behind,” Aris said, pointing in a direction.

Ruel turned his head and saw three distinct footprints in the snow.

“The footprints don’t lie. I swear I didn’t do anything to assist you,” Aris assured him.

—This body also did nothing as well.  

Upon hearing Leo’s words, Aris chuckled, “Did you hear that? Ruel-nim made it here all by himself. Isn’t that amazing?”

Normally, Ruel would brush off such praise, finding it embarrassing. 

Only today, it resonated deeply with him. 

He had doubted himself and thought he wouldn’t make it. 

It had been tough, and he had questioned why he even attempted the climb.

But he did it. 

Even though he hadn’t found answers to the lingering questions in his mind, this overwhelming feeling in his chest would serve as a guiding light. 

It was enough.

“I suppose most people won’t believe it. That’s why I recorded a video of your climb,” Aris revealed, surprising Ruel.


Ruel, momentarily carried away by his sense of victory, was brought back to reality as Aris proudly presented a recording device.

“To be honest, I’ve been feeling frustrated lately…”

Ruel couldn’t even ask for the recording device as Aris’s tone suddenly shifted to something heavier.

“When Mayre suddenly appeared in the Beast Forest, I was unable to respond. Despite knowing Cassion-nim’s capabilities, it was infuriating.”

Despite his frustration, Aris’s eyes sparkled brightly.

“But seeing you, Ruel-nim, gave me the strength to rise again. You will always be my source of pride.”

“Alright,” Ruel replied, chuckling, and turned his gaze back to the landscape unfolding below the mountain. 

For some, climbing this mountain may not be a remarkable feat, but for him, it was a monumental achievement.

A strong sense of accomplishment stirred within his chest. 

Everyone had said he wouldn’t survive, but he had. 

Everyone had said he wouldn’t be able to walk, but here he was, walking on his own two feet. 

Everyone had said he wouldn’t be able to use magic, yet he had proven them wrong.

And today,

He had accomplished something that everyone said was impossible.

He did it.

With this, he could continue to move forward.

The green glint in Ruel’s eyes shone brightly again.

His eyes softly closed, and a smile crept onto his lips.



Cassion exhaled deeply as he looked at Ruel, who had been carried back down by Aris.

He had declared that he wouldn’t worry about anything today, but he hadn’t expected things to escalate to this level.

Ruel’s appearance seemed as if he had been through a rough time climbing a mountain. 

‘Did he actually climb the mountain?’ 

Cassion tried to ignore the traces they left behind.

“I’ll call Fran.”

“He’s just exhausted and collapsed.”

Aris hesitated, wanting to say that there was no need to call Fran.

Except, what if something big happened again, like last time?

Cassion immediately frowned.

It seemed that Ruel really did climb the mountain.

—Ruel has climbed the mountain!

Leo said with a bright smile.

Even Leo’s appearance didn’t look so good after rolling around on the mountain. 

Soon, Leo covered his mouth and quickly glanced around.

—This body shouldn’t say this out loud… Oh! This body said it again!

“There’s no one nearby,” Cassion replied flatly, then finally noticed the traces of dirt on their bodies. 

They were covered in dirt. 

The scent of dirt from the mountain lingered. 

Cassion stared intently at Aris.

Though he had gone along, he hadn’t stopped Ruel.

His mouth itched to speak, but he held back.

“It’s difficult to believe, isn’t it, Cassion-nim? Thankfully I anticipated this and managed to record it,” Aris exclaimed with an excited expression.

He was about to pull out his recording device when he realized Ruel was still slumped on his back and looked at Cassion, silently asking what to do.

“For now, let’s go this way,” Cassion directed Aris, leading him towards the bathroom. 

He couldn’t bear to see Ruel laid down on the bed in such a state.


The recording device proved to be quite convenient, although it consumed more mana than other magical tools.

“This was the limit of my mana,” Aris lamented, unable to capture everything.

“No, Aris. I appreciate that you managed to record this much,” Tyson reassured him.

With every stumble Ruel encountered, Tyson cheered alongside him. 

And when Ruel reached the summit, Tyson shouted as if he had been there, experiencing the moment firsthand.

At first, when Aris mentioned Ruel climbing the mountain, Tyson couldn’t believe it either.

“I feel ashamed for only wanting to protect Ruel.”

Tyson felt proud but also a bit guilty.

Ruel was growing, albeit at a gradual pace, and he had achieved what everyone deemed impossible. What a strong kid he was.

Tyson glanced at Cassion, whose expression appeared rather complex.

“What do you think, Cassion?”

Cassion didn’t like the question directed at him.

He had thought Ruel would return defeated, but instead, he had come back having made the impossible possible.

He couldn’t help but sigh, wondering how much further his master would race forward. 

“What do you expect me to say?” Cassion retorted sharply, causing Tyson to chuckle softly.

“Just be honest with me.”

“I shouldn’t be the one in this position; it should have been Billo. He would have given you the perfect answer, Tyson-nim.”



“Don’t you realize how much Ruel relies on you?”

Cassion let out a mocking laugh. 

“Don’t sugarcoat it by calling it reliance. It only makes it easier to manipulate me. I’m just a fish that’s already caught.”

“Cassion, why can’t you be honest?”

“I’ll take my leave now. It’s almost time to pass on the Breath to Ruel-nim.”

“So be it. I’d like to witness more of this scene. Oh, and while you’re at it, please call Billo too. I think he’ll find it pleasantly surprising.” Tyson’s tone resembled Setiria’s, much to Cassion’s displeasure. Nevertheless, he reluctantly agreed.

“Well, fine. If I happen to pass by, I’ll relay the message,” Cassion replied before silently leaving the room.

As soon as the door closed, Aris revealed a hint of impatience, “Tyson-nim, please understand that it’s not Cassion’s true feelings.”

“I know. I just wanted to tease him a little,” Tyson replied with a mischievous smile.

He had noticed a fleeting sense of pride in Cassion’s gaze when Ruel reached the summit. 

As a butler, how could Cassion not experience joy witnessing his master achieve such a feat?

“By the way, neither Ruel nor Cassion are very honest, are they not, Aris?”

“That’s true,” Aris acknowledged, finally understanding Tyson’s implication, and chuckled, “Perhaps Cassion-nim is the one feeling the most pride at this very moment.”

“That’s probably true. Despite his pretense, Cassion takes care of Ruel even more than I do. Sometimes, doesn’t he seem like Ruel’s dependable older brother?”

“He’s an older brother who can’t be honest.”

“Ha ha ha!” Tyson burst into laughter, his voice echoing. 

It was a fitting description of Cassion.


As soon as the door opened, Leo, who had been curled up next to Ruel, perked up his ears.

—Cassion, Ruel is still asleep.

Cassion sat down beside the bed.

—Did you see Ruel reach the summit?

“I did.”

—This body was so, so anxious. Look at this. Ruel fell and got hurt.

Leo licked Ruel’s injuries on his face, knees, and palms as he spoke.

Although the injuries would heal quickly thanks to the power of recovery, it was better to address any concerns.

“I called Fran, so she’ll be here soon.” 

—When Ruel wakes up, make sure to praise him for doing well!

Cassion couldn’t help but laugh. 

‘Compliments for a child… Ah, I suppose he is still a child.’ 

Suddenly, Cassion was struck by this realization and looked at Ruel. 

The child didn’t behave like a typical child, which made even him confused.



“Astell probably baked a chocolate cake.”

—Oh! Really?

“Yeah, if you hurry now, you might get a few pieces.”

Leo immediately jumped off the bed. It appeared as though he would rush outside at any moment, but he restrained himself and glanced at Cassion.

—Will you stay here while this body goes to eat all the cake?


—If Ruel wakes up, let him know that this body will be back soon.


—Ruel likes this body the most, so this body will return quickly.

Only then did Leo seem relieved, flashing a big smile as he dashed out through the private door.

Cassion covered his mouth, and between his fingers, a slight upward curve of his lips could be seen. 

‘Likes me the most, huh…’ 

Suppressing his laughter, Cassion looked at Ruel again.

Having spent half a year with him, Cassion had thought he would die soon and had made the mana oath. 

He didn’t even know if the contract was fraudulent from the beginning. 

Honestly, there had been moments when he had wanted to kill Ruel, but now, it doesn’t seem so bad. 

Not in this situation. 

Not in this mansion.

“Well done, Ruel-nim.” Cassion quietly smiled and spoke.

Author's Thoughts

Aww... so wholesome.

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