I am Succubus!

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

We entered Uta's shrine, lips locked tighter than the buckle on a belt. My tongue, deep in my god-husband's mouth, played with his own. 

The two of us were only in there for one month. Compared to Dokuko, this was nothing. More vanilla and playful.

I gave Uta blowjobs often. He seemed to really like the way my lips wrapped around his little prick, and that my tongue massaged his balls as I did. Even when he spoke with shrine maidens and other spirits coming to visit him, I sucked him off underneath the table while he conducted an audience.

Another favorite of his was my breasts. I expected nothing less from a man as young as him to latch on to them so much. Sometimes, he would lay on my lap and nursed on my nipple while I jerked him off. Breastfeeding play really got him going. After a while, both of my nipples were raw and sensitive from him sucking on them They would throb with pangs pleasure hours after he was done, as though having branded me.

Even more so than Dokuko's, this shrine belonging to Uta was significantly larger. He was a child of Amaterasu after all. Nothing but all the best for the son of the supreme diety. Everything that I wanted, Uta provided me. The walls and ceiling of his shrine was able to morph into an exact copy of my house. Usually, he made that happen to have sex with me in my own room. 

It seemed today was another domestic play situation…

"Saeko, can you make my dinner?" Uta called from the living room.

"Of course, honey! What would you like?" I hollered back.

"Hmmm. How about curry? Can you also make while you're in that?" he asked.

A simple flower-pattern apron appeared on a hook next to the kitchen stove. I knew exaftly what Uta wanted. Naked apron. I stripped down to nothing and was already gushing wet. After putting on the apron, my body was aching to be fucked like this. How many times had it been? Too many to count now.

All I knew was to cook, and eventually the savory scent of curry would lure Uta into the kitchen to have his way with me. So, I went to work like a fisherman on a boat.

While whipping up the meal, the pitter patter of Uta's footsteps approached from behind. He grabbed a handful of my butt and squeezed. I almost climaxed from the touch alone. His hard penis perched between the cheeks, slowly rubbing up and down in irregular rhythm.

Wanting to serve, I tried to focus on cooking while also holding back the urge to beg to be fucked. He eventually rewarded me after much teasing. I felt the tip push in, followed by the rest of the shaft in an effortless plunge. My body screamed with pleasure. I didn't need to grind my hips. Uta thrusted into me repeatedly, and his divine seed gushed into me soon after.

"Ahh… Having sex while you cook is the best… I can't get enough of your butt!" Uta hugged my waist as he continued to pound me from behind.

"Uta, slow down! I have to make sure… the curry doesn't— Mmmh! B-Burn…!" I shuddered as a wave of pleasure washed over me.

"Can I have a taste right now?" he asked adorably.

Carefully, I lifted the wooden ladle smeared with curry over my shoulder. Uta's thrusting threatened to cause a spill. Again, he let out hot cum into my pussy while licking the ladle. 

"Mmm! It tastes amazing!" Uta smiled.

"Let me plate this for you. I'll suck your dick while you eat~" I offered.

Uta gladly got off me and planted himself at the dinner table. I scooped a helping of rice, poured curry on it, and placed a cut of katsu chicken on top. After I brought it to him, I slipped down under the table where his dick, still wet cum and juices from my pussy, was waiting as my dinner.

The clink of utensil on the plate was followed by a chorus of happy squeals. With cum dripping down my pussy, I began to perform fellatio on Uta. His dick twitched uncontrollably in my mouth. It must still be sensitive from fucking me. Deft skill cultivated from selling myself and having sex so often made me a pro at sucking dick. I could tell he liked it. His feet tensed up. His body shuddered. I liked making him feel good, and his dick felt good in my mouth.

"It's… coming, Saeko…!" Uta warned.

I gently squeezed his testicles with one hand and massaged his inner thigh with the other. A jet of cum shot down my throat in strong spurts. His ballsack clenched every time he pumped into my mouth.

We spent the entire night in bed, me riding on Uta and him draining his balls into me. By morning, it was finally time for me to go. I was putting my clothes on when he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Awww, I don't want you to go!" Uta threw a tantrum.

"It's been a month, and you still want more?" I asked, and when I looked down, he nodded tearfully back at me.

There were probably shrines of Uta scattered all around Japan, not just in Hokkaido. I'd be able to visit him whenever I wanted.

I kneeled down eye-level to Uta and cupped his cheeks, then pinched them.

"If Amaterasu catches us, there's going to be hell to pay. Besides, you have work to do as a kami!" I let Uta go after his cheeks bulged red.

"Yes, wife…" Uta sulked.

I exited the shrine, and my phone hadn't ticked a second longer until I was back in my world. Just like the three months with Dokuko, barely any time had passed at all. I might as well have been gone for a split second. I caught up with my friends at the restaurant. We all entered the hot pot restaurant and sat down together. None of them were any wiser. At least until Mio sat down next to me.

Mio's damn nose started sniffing the air. Her eyes locked on me, and she flashed an amused smirk.

"You went for some appetizers first, didn't you?" Mio asked.

"N-No…" I shied away from answering.

"Kahah! Don't lie. You can wash the stench of cum from your body, but you can't poof away what's in your pussy. So, how long was this one? A year? I'm super curious. You can tell me, your cute little girlfriend." She threw an arm around my neck and yanked me close.

It wasn't looking like I'd get out of this until I told her…

"A month…" I muttered.

"Damn. Another month, huh? That's one… two… three… and one… so seven months?" Mio asked.

I blinked incredulously, baffled beyond belief.

"Where did you learn to do math? That's obviously four in total." I put a hand to my face and sighed.

"Okay, everyone!" Yumi clapped her hands once to get our attention. "Since this hot pot restaurant does shared pots, let's be on our best behavior and not cause a scene by fighting over food. Is that understood, Mio? Hana?"

The dreaded glare of a motherly woman tired of their shit chilled the two down to their very bones. I felt that, too, even though it wasn't directed at me. I felt that in my soul.

"Yes, Yumi…" Heads down, Mio and Hana replied obediently in a shakey voice.

We filled our bellies with a ton of meat, fish balls, tofu, and everything else in the menu that could be tossed into the hot pot. Mio's bubbling cauldron straight from hell made our eyes water the entire time. Kana and I sufered the most, since we were sitting to either side of her.

"Kana, aahhh!" Mio scooped up a spoonful of nuclear broth with some floating bits of meat in there.

"Wait a god damn minute! You're going to kill me with that!" Kana cried.

"Tch. Alright, Saeko. Ahhh~" She turned to me with it.

"No, I'd like my stomach pure and untainted today. Thanks." I covered my mouth in a show of defiance.

Mio pouted. 

All of a sudden, Kana decided to take her up on the offer. Mio moved the spoon back to him, and he opened his mouth wide.

"No, no, no! Saeko, help! Mio's charming me to eat it… Charm me back! Help!" Kana pleaded.

I overrided Mio's charm on Kana just in time and compelled him to close his mouth. He did so. Mio's spicy broth pumped his lips, but it wasn't going any further.

"Hah! It was a ploy all along. Strike!" Mio thrusted the spoon, broth and all into my mouth.

Right away, I felt my taste buds screaming in pain. I saw the afterlife before me and my mother-in-law Amaterasu waiting to judge my soul in Takamagahara.

After lunch, Hacchan took us snowboarding again. We were a lot better this time around. Kana, however, continued to slam into trees and left as a laughing stock for children. As night fell, our muscles were aching and could barely feel our faces from the cold anymore.

Everyone in the hotel playing board games. Kana and I took a trip down to the convenience store. We held hands all the way there and back, but we didn't immediately return to the hotel.

We found a nice bench right outside the hotel to sit down at. With hot cups of cocoa in our hands and clear starry night above us, everything felt right in the world. Soon, we would be right back to university and straight into adulthood. Instead of worrying about homework, it was getting work-work done on time. Instead of arriving late and getting a scolding, it was the fear of being fired. Instead of being chewed out by a teacher, it was a manager or boss.

Wow. Just thinking about it made me miss elementary school already, and I thought those were the most terrible years of my life.

"Ow!" I sipped my cocoa intending to wash away the thoughts but burned my tongue instead.

"You're an all-powerful succubus queen. Did you just get defeated by hot chocolate?" Kana grinned.

"Shush! I was lost in thought, okay?"

Just so Kana wouldn't tease me if I did it again, I popped open the lid and let winter's chill cool it down. A few breaths, and… sip!

A strong chocolate taste filled my palate. The texture was incredibly smooth and velvety. Although thick, it went down easily. I could drink this all night.

"So, what's on the schedule tomorrow? Going to have sex with any more kami I don't know about?" Kana asked.

"Guh. Are you… angry at me?" I avoided looking Kana in the eyes for fear of the worst.

"Angry, no. You got it all wrong. Saeko, I love you." His words made my heart soar a little and feel guilty. "The jab was meant as a joke, alright? We went through this before. When I decided to be with you and Mio, I accepted all that came with you two being succubus. Let's also be real, there's no getting angry at a god for sleeping with my girlfriend."

I wanted to say something in return, but Kana laid a kiss on me. It tasted taste of chocolate and lingering lust.

"More importantly, what do you see yourself doing ten years from now?" Kana asked.

"Hmm… Crap. This is a trick question, isn't it? I know you want kids. You're going to make a mom out of me!" I accused him.

"Busted, but that was obvious from the start! You're a girl now, so of course I want to have children with my future wife!" he said.

I squirmed in embarassment at the prospect of being Kana's wife.

"What about you, huh?" I turned the question on him to escape the heat on my face.

"Still working my ass off for the next ten more years, putting most of my salary into safe stocks with dividends, and retiring on the monthly yields. I did the math. The career path I'm going down, there's a lot of bonus and promotion opportunities as long as I'm working my ass off— which I plan to do," Kana explained.

"Seems like you have it all thought out. Are you sure though? It sounds tough. Probably more draining than having two succubus drain you all night."

"With you two by my side? I can do it. When, not if, I succeed, we'll be set for the rest of our lives. Kids, too, as long as we budget right. Once it's all said and done, we'll have that cafe like I dreamed about," he said.

The three of us together. It was illegal here, so we wouldn't exactly be able to get married. Mio probably didn't care about whole 'legal' aspect of it anyway. Didn't mean she couldn't be part of the ceremony.

Just imagining it though, us at the altar. Mio and I in wedding gowns, and Kana in a suit. Living the domestic life in a house of our own, not in an apartment owned by some landlord or under my parents' rooftop. We could decorate it however we want. I'd fill up all the shelves with all my favorite mangas. Mio would… Well, Mio would probably have her little spicy sauce stash hidden somewhere in the house…

"So, after college you're going to work like hell for almost two decades. Going to be 40 around that time, huh? You'll look a lot older. Meanwhile, Mio and I are still going to look like we're in our early 20s," I mused aloud.

"Eh? Do you guys not age?" Kana gaped at me.

"Hana and Yumi are hundreds of years old, so you tell me. We'll age, but appearances? I'm going to still look and feel beautiful until the end. Hehe~"

"That means even when I'm a geezer, you two will still drain me like I'm in my teens…" He rolled his eyes.

We stayed on that bench until our hot chocolates went cold and eyelids got heavy before returning upstairs.

In the morning, everyone sat around the living room to figure out what we wanted to do today. The suggestions were all over the place, and each person wanted to do their own thing. It wasn't looking like we were going to be a full group.

"Okay, just to recap…" Kanae began with a deep breath. "Mio's horny. Haruka wants to take us snowboarding. Kaede wants to stay in and draw. Yumi wants to try ice skating at the rink. Saeko wants to buy some souvenirs. Hana… let me get this straight… You want to… hunt a deer?"

"Oi! Don't dumb down what I want to do as just being horny!" Mio pouted.

"You want to go skinny dipping in a river. That pretty much constitutes as horny," I reminded her.

"I ain't leaving 'til I get me an antler trophy! I want to feel my blood rushing. My fingers numb from the gunshot. Hear the deer croak its last breath!" Hana ranted deliriouslly.

We stared at her in disbelief.

"Hana, how are you going to hunt a deer? By shooting it with magic?" I asked.

"It just so happens I befriended the local hunting lodge. Apparently they only hunt when the population of something gets outta hand. I'm gonna get my trophy yet, baby!" Hana surprised us by creating a portal and pulling out a bolt action hunting rifle.

Our jaws dropped. We ducked away from the barrel's line of sight as she tried to show us her gun.

"Watch it, ya idiot! Put a bullet in me, and I'm putting a fist up your ass!" Mio growled.

"I will hang onto this until you leave. That way, no one risks being shot." Yumi briefly mind-tapped Hana, shocking her still long enough to take the gun away.

Although the pink-haired trickster was frozen solid, I could see the mental anguish forming on her stiff face. Honestly, deserved.

Some of us ultimately went our separate ways. Yumi flew off to an ice rink. Hana went to join the hunting lodge. The rest of us managed to convince Mio against skinny dipping and Kaede to at least go souvenir shopping. Hacchan joined us, too, and we planned to go snowboarding right after.

"These would make for some pretty cute Christmas tree ornaments." I kneeled down in front of a row of acrylic mascots representing cities all across Hokkaido.

"Awww! They totes would! I should get some for my stores~" Hacchan squealed.

"Oh. OH! December means Christmas. I almost fucking forgot. That means Christmas gifts!" Mio exclaimed, pumping her fists in the air.

Right. Last year, Mio had the time of her life over Christmas presents.

"You know, Casey and Kairi would probably be down to put up a Christmas tree. Want to ask them when we get home?" I suggested.

"Hell yeah!" Mio cheered, then grabbed an armful of random ornaments from a shelf and raced to the cashier. "I'm putting all this shit up on our tree!"

"We don't even have a— Oh, god. She picked out like twenty and they cost 1,000 Yen each…"

"Ahaha! That's why I love Mio. Her energy is contagious. You can't help but smile and get caught up." Hacchan laughed and picked out an ornament of a cartoon puppy.

"You know, I used to be a little jealous that Mio hung out with you a lot," I found myself suddenly saying.

Hacchan turned to me with a surprised look.

"Really?" Hacchan asked. "Because Mio wouldn't shut up about you— not that it was a bad thing! I had a blast learning about you through her. I think you two are really cute together. Well, with Kana in the mix obviously."

"Heh. We put a lot of weight on his shoulders. I'm thinking about having a Christmas party. You should come! We'll do a Secret Santa thing, too. Mio would love to have you there," I said.

"Aw, I'd like that!" She put an arm around my shoulder. "We didn't hang out a lot in high school, but I guess we're going to have to change! When we get back, let's get our nails done at one of my salons again!"

"Again?! Didn't we already do that before coming on the trip?"

"Ahaha! You gotta live my gyaru life. It's loads of fun!" Her laughter and energy was just as infectious as Mio's.

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