How To Be A System (Dummy-Proof Edition)

Chapter 104. Rejected From Music School

Chapter 104. Rejected From Music School

After all the messy talk about system, the student council president drank some water before asking, "Anyway, miss Alicia, what's the name of your system?"

Alicia rubbed her chin and answered, "If I remembered correctly, the system introduced itself as the Apocalypse Shelter System."

The student council president nodded, "Then, does the system say anything else when introducing itself?"

Alicia replied, "it said it will help me to create shelters amidst the apocalypse and restore human civilization."

Before the student council president could ask another question, Reynald cut him off, "Does the system's name even matter? How about we skip to the important part and just learn about its abilities?"

Edward, who sat next to the student council president, shook his head. "Of course it's important! If it's just like those novels, then the system's name definitely contained some information. For example, I can conclude this zombie apocalypse will most likely last for a long time."

"But that's just an assumption based on fiction." Reyald narrowed his eyes. "A wrong assumption is worse than no assumption at all as it will narrow your viewpoint."

With Reynard's words, the room fell into an awkward silence before Berth said, "What Reyanld said is quite right. We can use your knowledge of fiction as a basis but let's not entirely depend on it. After all, the place we're in right now is reality."

She then asked "Alicia, does your system have other abilities except for the one you've shown us?"

"Mmhm." Alicia nodded while opening my screen. "Except for the ability to create things by gathering points from the dead, the ability to store things, and others you've seen. There are also mission panels containing missions that reward me with points upon completion, the ability to create sub shelter cores, and the power to teleport by using points. Furthermore, those abilities could be upgraded by spending a certain amount of points."

Berth caught on to an important point and asked, " I can understand teleportation and mission ones. But what does the ability to create sub shelter cores do?

Alicia replied, "From what I understand, it seems to grant others a small part of the system? By spending 1.111 points I could let others use the system too."

The student council president's eyes quickly shone, "Then how about we go to hunt for zombies today and collect more points? There should still be quite some time before evening arrives. Also, can you let me be the first one to get that sub shelter core, please?"

Upon hearing they're going to hunt for zombies, my nonexistent heart finally regained its vigor.

Yess! Go and work to collect some points for me!

While I finally felt happy, Alicia glanced at the others.

Seeing no one denied the student council president's request, Alicia promised him. "Alright, once I've gathered enough points, I'll give you the first sub shelter core I created."

With Alicia's agreement, I listened to them talking for a few more minutes before they finally concluded their meeting.

Once everyone left the classroom, they separated into two teams. Most of them joined Alicia and went to hunt for zombies, while the few remaining guarded the school ground.


While the sun is high above the sky, Alicia stood in front of several awakened that's fighting against dozens of zombies.

Controlling her telekinetic power, she easily pierced the head of a zombie and caused its brain fluid to spew out. Meanwhile, she gripped the fire ax on her right hand tightly and swung it toward an approaching zombie. Her swing easily decapitated the zombie and turned it immobile.

Once she killed that zombie, I also saw the others around her had finished killing the zombies surrounding them.

When the area had been cleaned from zombies, Alicia opened her status screen.

[Name: Alicia

Shelter: Small Dove Highschool No. 2

Population: 227

Points: 1114

Sub shelters: 0]

While Alicia checked her status, I opened [Scan] and saw the hard work of Alicia's group during the last week.

As this is reality and not a game with respawn mechanics, Alicia's zombie hunt has caused the area within one kilometer of the school to be clean of zombies.

That's right, Alicia's group has spent a whole week before they finally collected enough points to create their first sub shelter core.

Even with the help of my map and the power of ten awakened, collecting 1.111 points is still extremely difficult. The main problem stems from the world's weak strength where there aren't any traces of creatures at Qi Refining or Martial Saint level and above.

To be honest, the sheer length of time required almost made me wanna give her a discount for the first purchase of sub shelter core. But I held back and chose to patiently wait.

This time I didn't do so due to my stinginess, but instead to spend some time sorting the data I've obtained while learning more about the world Alicia is in.

As I've previously said, this world is pretty similar to the Earth I knew. To be honest, the similarities are almost uncanny.

Perhaps because I am not too knowledgeable in history while on my original Earth. But, according to what I found, most of the histories in the world prior to World War 2 remain pretty much the same.

The inhabitants of this world also called their planet as Earth. They also have Albert Einstein, Shakespeare, etc.

The reason I said things are pretty much the same prior to WW 2 is due to a certain historical fact from Earth that I still remembered. To be more specific, It should be an event that happened years before WW2.

Just like the Earth I come from, Alicia's Earth also has an Austrian funny mustache man that got rejected from a school. But instead of being rejected from an art school like the history I am familiar with, the one in Alicia's Earth got rejected from a music school.

I seriously thought that was troll information Alicia's group accidentally printed. But, after I cross checked it with a few other sources, I concluded that to be a real fact.

Starting from that point in time, the butterfly effect began and things diverged from the Earth I am familiar with.

To be honest, I don't quite understand how such a trivial fact could greatly affect the world and turn it into one I am unfamiliar with.

The butterfly effect from that change even caused the map on this earth to slightly differ from the Earth I come from. But, as geography also isn't my strong point, I don't know the exact change nor what caused that difference.

Wait, the topic has changed too far. I seriously need to control my thought process from being this jumpy.

I quickly held the reins for my thoughts before sighing upon realizing something.

Guess my 'explaining to nothingness' sickness has relapsed and turned even worse than the last time.

At this point, I am already helpless and decided to accept that Illness as a part of me. At least with this illness I can cope with the loneliness caused by the lack of normal human communication.


Returning to the topic, Once Alicia saw the 1.114 points on her screen, she called to the others. "I've gathered enough points."

Everyone's face quickly changed upon hearing Alicia's words. Especially the student council president. His face can be seen turning red from all that excitement. If not for [Scan] detecting his condition as normal, I afraid he might suddenly get a heart attack or something.

As Alicia looks at the student council president's excited face, she said. "Let's first return to the school ground first. I'll grant the sub shelter in a safe place in case doing so will cause me to enter a weakened state or even start a disturbance that will attract those zombies."

Everyone nodded at Alicia's suggestions and returned back to the school ground. With her guidance, they easily passed through the area not inhabited by any zombies.

Once they arrived at the school ground, Alicia's group went towards the classroom that's used as a meeting room. "Let's call the others to join too."

"Let me gather everyone!" The student council president excitedly went and gathered the teachers that remained in the school ground to join the meeting.

Once everyone arrived, they observed Alicia and the student council president.

Under everyone's observation, Alicia casually scrolled through the illusory screen I created before stopping in front of the Sub shelter core creation function.

When she pressed on it, I sent her a notification.

[Do you wish to spend 1.111 points to generate a basic sub shelter core?]

[Please select a person or items to be bound by the sub shelter core. Once the person or item is destroyed or killed, the sub shelter core will also disappear. Please note, some system functions like skill enlightenment modules require the system to be bound to a person.]

[Warm reminder: If the host wishes to bound the sub shelter on items, it is recommended to purchase a super hard metal alloy in the shop.]

That skill enlightenment module is a nonsensical name I decided for [Calculate]'s ability to help someone comprehend skills. Just like how Ren Qingquan can understand techniques with the tap of a button.

To do so, I need to bound the user with [Calculate]. Otherwise, they'll still need to comprehend those techniques on their own.

Of course as the amount of skills I anchored at them is much lower than Ren Qingquan. There will also be more limitations to the skill's difficulty level and learning speed. Yet, compared to learning things from zero, this ability alone is already a massive cheat.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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