How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 130 A Soldiers Pride

Dulla grit her teeth in anger! She was starting to feel irritated by Floid! Who the hell does he think he is!?

"If you aren't going to agree to at least that much then fuck you! Since we are going to die, then I'll make sure I take at least one body part from you in the process!"

Dulla stood up sharply and grabbed her sword from the ground! She shouted out for the entire army to stand as well! They would fight till the very last man if that is what they need to do!

The army was nervous and hesitant, but they still obeyed her orders and stood up! They all grabbed their weapons and faced Floid in unison!

"Since you won't agree, then we will just fight! We won't be going down like mere humans! We're going to fight till the last man if we have to!"

Floid grinned and then he chuckled. Dula frowned in surprise and she could only watch as Floid stabbed his sword down into the mountain of bodies under him. He sat down on the back of a dead man and rest his back on the sword again. This was the same position that Dulla saw him in when she came here. What is he trying to do?

"Since you wish for mercy so much, I shall grant you a chance to have it. Whoever among you cattle can bring me the head of Dulla, shall be spared from death,"

Shock rippled across the army! None of them could even breathe once they heard Floid's declaration! He was asking them to kill their commander!? They couldn't do something like that! It was impossible! That was the worst thing a soldier could do!

"You bastard! What do you think this is!? Do you think we're just animals that you can order to fight!? Stand up and fight!!"

Dulla was now livid and her head was growing red with the among of pressure she was using to shout! She hated the fact that Floid was looking down on her! Did he really think that her own army would betray her!? It was impossible! And even if they betray her!? Does he only see us as animals!?

Floid gave them all a moment to think before he spoke again.

"I am the demon lord, and just like my predecessors, my word is the law. There will only be one chance for one of you to live. Take her head and bring it to me. I don't care how you do it, but I will allow that one person to live,"

Floid released his bloodlust again and his aura was so intense at that moment that everyone could only see a monster where he was sitting. This made the army doubt their ability to fight him. How can they fight someone that killed two thousand people? Won't they just die as well? The army started to murmur among themselves. Wouldn't it be easier to fight against Dulla? She was obviously weaker than the demon lord.

But none of them wanted to do it. What sort of person would try to fight against Dulla? She was too strong! And even if they did manage to kill her and take her head, there was still the issue of taking her head to Floid.

If one of them kills Dulla and takes her head, everyone else will be killed. No one wanted to die! So that means that the person that gets her head will have to fight their way through the other five hundred soldiers before they can get to Floid! No matter how you look at it, this was a suicide mission!

But as the men looked from Dulla to Floid and then back again, they slowly started to realize that they might have a better chance against Dulla instead of Floid! Floid looked like a true monster, but it might be possible to kill Dulla! Isn't it just her head?

Dulla saw how the army was becoming rowdier and she immediately took a step forward! She has to end this before it becomes too much! If she can just kill Floid, then this will all end!


Dulla stumbled forward and looked down at her stomach. She blinked. And then, she blinked again. Why is there a sword sticking out from me?

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!!"

The person that stabbed Dulla was a young man that looked like he wanted to shit himself. His face was contorted in a look of grief and he was very close to crying. He didn't want to die! He didn't want to die in this wasteland! If killing Dulla was going to save him, then he would gladly kill her. She was the one that made them come here in the first place! Shouldn't she be the only one to die!?

It was a bad choice. Everyone knew that the man made a bad choice. But no one cared! Once he moved and broke the silence, it was like a dam ruptured and broke! Everyone went mad!

"Her head is mine!!"

"Get away! It's mine! It's mine!"

"Fuck, let's work together! We can kill her!"

"Get the fuck off me, you bastards!!"

The last person to shout was Dulla and a large explosion of earth and rock blasted all the men that were near her away. Her hair was frazzled and she had a mad look in her eyes as she looked at all of them with hatred. She was holding her stomach wound with one hand as she quickly healed it. She couldn't believe this! How dare they attack her! Did they not have any sense? Do these men think that attacking her will save their lives!?

Dulla leveled her sword in front of her and she looked at all the men with anger!

​ "The next person to come near me will die! I don't care what you think you're doing, but don't you dare touch me!"

Her shout made some of them cower in fear, but there were some that didn't even stop at all! They weren't going to stop because they were more afraid of dying to Floid than dying to Dulla! If they don't try to get her head, then Floid will definitely kill them! But if they try to kill her, they might survive. At least they will try their best to survive by fighting her!

Floid just sat on top of the mountain of bodies as he watched his enemies fight like rabid animals! Dulla was strong and so it was very difficult for the men to touch her! She would easily use her skills to cut down any of the men that tried to come close to her!

Dulla had an angry expression on her face and she couldn't believe how Floid was able to easily manipulate her army into fighting each other! The promise that he made to the men was worthless because Floid knew that she wouldn't allow any of them to touch her!

Dulla wouldn't die to mere S-class and A-class soldiers, so there is no way they will be able to take her head! That means that Floid just sent them to their deaths and they all fell for it like children! And even Dulla wasn't able to do anything as she continued cutting them down. Before five minutes had even passed, most of the men had already died at Dulla's hands! She cut down all of them mercilessly because she had no other choice. They weren't stopping, so she had no choice!

By the time Dulla cut down the last man, she had completely lost her fighting spirit! She could only look around at all the men that she came with. She came here with two thousand men, but she was the only one left alive. What sort of fight was this? Wasn't Floid just playing with me? He didn't even have to finish everything with his own sword because he manipulated us into fighting each other. Dulla turned to look at Floid and she saw how he was relaxing back on his sword and giving her a deep stare. There was amusement in his eyes and Dulla could tell that he was enjoying every moment of this. From the very beginning, she has just been a pawn that he was playing with.

"It seems we have a winner,"

Floid said this with a grin and Dulla squeezed her hand around her sword as she glared at him. Floid called her the winner because he told them that whoever brings her head to him will live. Floid never said that they had to kill her and he also never said that they had to cut off her head. He only said that they had to bring her head to him.

Dulla hated this. She hated the fact that all her plans were useless. She couldn't help Reginald at all even though she knows that she was doing the right thing. She completely lost to FloidFloid.

But I won't let him have the satisfaction of sparing my life. I won't live with that shame. Dulla put her sword up to her neck.

Floid rose a brow in surprise. Was this the limit of her pride? She can't handle this much embarrassment so she wants to end her life? How amusing.


A portal opened beside them and six people walked through. Alucard, Rosavellt, Dragonnel, and the three council members from the underworld were the ones that came through and they all stopped immediately after they saw the scene in front of them. They came here thinking that they would witness a fight between Floid and the undead, but they never expected something like this to happen!

Everyone was dead! There was blood flowing like a river across the ground and Floid was sitting calmly on top of a mountain of dead bodies. Floid didn't even turn to regard them. He was looking at Dulla that was standing below him.

Kronos saw the sword that Dulla was holding to her neck and he had to hide his smile as he took a small step forward with a worried expression. He had to give the illusion that he cared here unless the council will suspect him. Dulla turned to look at the newcomers and she only looked towards Rosavellt. Rosavellt was staring at Dulla with empty eyes and Dulla wondered if Rosavellt would even care about this situation. Rosavellt was standing in a field that was filled with the blood of her people. Will Rosavellt still try to protect the demon lord after he has done all this?

Rosavellt saw how Dulla was looking at her expectantly and what she did next shocked Dulla even more. Rosavellt waved her hand forward in a 'Go on' gesture. Rosavellt didn't even care a little! She didn't give the bodies of her people a second glance and she didn't try to stop Dulla! If Dulla wants to kill herself then she should be quick about it. As far as Rosavellt was concerned, Dulla was a fool. Someone like Dulla would only make the undead look bad in the eyes of the demon lord. From now on, any undead that goes against the demon lord was Rosavellt's enemy! She will never try to protect these fools ever again!

Dulla looked away with a scowl and with a grunt she plunged the sword through her throat! She glared at the demon lord even as blood leaked from her mouth and she fell to her knees. Floid's grin was just getting wider and wider as he watched the pitiful display from her. He didn't make a move to stop her. Floid gave his word that he would let her live and he would have gone through with it. But since she was so eager to die, who was he to stop her?

[Host has completed the hidden Quest [Bloody Massacre]. The rewards have been distributed.]

[The Host has completed the Quest [Stop the Undead Invasion]. The rewards have been distributed]

[The Host has gained the [Advanced Sword Arts Knowledge II - Ultimate Demonic Sword Technique]]

Name: Floid

Rank: EPIC(Rank I)

HP: 4200/4200

MP: 5,100,001

Job Class: Demon Lord

Title: [Virtue of Content: Representing Greed]

Artifacts: Blessed Katana, Demon Lord Sword: Asmodeus

Skills: [Fireball - F] [Earth Lance - D] [Rapid Strike - D] [Greater Hardening - C] [Familiar Summons - A] [Spatial Space - B] [Illusion - A] [Ultimate Strength - S] [BloodLust - S] [Healing - S] [Ice Lance - S] [Flash Freeze - S] [Day Breaker - S] [Night Banisher - S] [True Sight - SS] [Dual Casting - SS] [Passive Parasite - SSS] [Internal Combustion - SSS] [Shower of Lightening - SS] [Earth Wall - SS]

Hax: [Duplicate] [He who is loved by Mana] [Advanced Sword Arts Knowledge II] [Advanced Architecture Knowledge]

Floid released a pleased sigh as he finally completed this quest. He truly had a lot of fun with this quest. Out of all the quests that he has done recently, this is the first quest where he felt like he gained something personal to him. Floid now knows that he can trust everyone in his household. None of them would betray him, even if it is for their own family.

Floid stood up and turned towards the heads of his household. All three of them immediately fell to one knee before him and the three members of the council bowed their heads so they wouldn't look him in the eyes. They know that didn't have to bow their heads, but the aura he was releasing right now was too oppressive and anyone would have cowed under this pressure. This is the man that just killed more than two thousand soldiers singlehandedly. You would be a fool not to be weary of him.

Floid allowed his eyes to roam over them before he stared intensely at Rosavellt and she looked up when he called her name. Floid made sure that her eyes did not waver at all and when he was certain of her resolve, he smiled.

"Welcome back, Rosavellt,"

Rosavellt's face twitched and she had to stop herself from smiling too wide as she bowed her head again. She was so grateful that Floid didn't give up on her even when she was behaving foolishly. She now felt like she has found a single purpose in her life. She was no longer confused and she knew what she wanted to do with the rest of her life.

"Thank you, Master,"

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