His Devious Rule

Chapter 444 Bliss

'Crossing the line?' Anya snickered at Casper's words. She was proficient with the network and computers yet she shouldn't use them. But she has to let Casper use his connections and money to do anything against them. How fair!!

Her eyes narrowed at the glowering man. He was indeed the most meticulous businessman who built the empire to new heights. He never faced major failure so he never lost his composure in the past.

However, time has changed. His agitation was due to his fear that he wasn't ready to acknowledge. He was frightened of the consequences of her attacks. Yet, he was repeatedly trying to harm them in one or the other way.

Neither Alvin nor she could keep defending themselves and protecting their loved ones. Casper will have to stop but his ego wasn't letting him accept the defeat. He wouldn't bow to his son in defeat and he would never accept his defeat against a woman.

Anya could destroy Casper by attacking the Matthews Industries. Nevertheless, she wasn't selfish to harm the company where thousands of people were working and numerous families were depending on that income.

She could trouble him, but Casper had done no such crime that could put him behind the bars. Even if he had done anything, she had no inkling about it. So how to stop Casper without hurting innocent people?

Anya hated to accept she was clueless about it. She also hoped Alvin wouldn't harm the innocent to end Casper's reign. Thus despite having the power and resources, Anya was still powerless against Casper.

Feeling the eye on them, faint gasps, "Shhh…." Anya shushed him to lower his voice. She said through his teeth staring back at his deadly glares "You won't get an award for shouting loud, Chairman Matthews." She wasn't there to make other headlines with Casper.

Casper hatefully glared at Anya's deathly stare. He used to be the person who calmly overruled the business empire. People were scared to offend him and thought thousands of times to speak to him. The woman in front of him didn't fear an ounce. He had to control his urge to gauge her eyes and choke her to death.

Anya signaled him to sit and came to the point. She wouldn't reveal it as she was powerless but she genuinely wanted to keep an end to everything before she starts her next mission. She wished to enjoy her newly married life and give time to her little family. She truly hoped her parents wouldn't turn on the television every day, watch their news and be worried.

Casper noticed people looking at him so he sat down, gnashing his teeth at her cue. He said through his teeth, "I won't spare you."

Anya: "…"

She was there to peace out and Casper wasn't ready to get over his hurt pride. Why did the horrible people surround Alvin? She itched to slap each one to bring them to their senses.

Breathing out loud, Anya crossed her arms and asked, "Let's assume, I will disappear today. Chairman Matthews, what will you gain by it?"

Casper's gaze faltered upon hearing her. What will he gain by it? Will he live in peace? Will Alvin surrender to him? Will Alvin listen to him? Will he get an heir?

Anya responded to her question with extreme confidence, "Alvin will kill you." Alvin would destroy the Matthews Industries and the family before leaving the country with Zane, and maybe her parents too. Alvin wasn't a gentleman, he wouldn't think of innocents.

Casper's face flared in anger. He couldn't believe Alvin was obsessed over a woman. What was in her? She might be young and pretty, but that will fade as time passes. The only thing that stayed was the result of hard work and money.

Anya went to the next instance ignoring Casper's reaction. "Let's consider you controlled me or Alvin by capturing others," She smirked without asking him the question, "Casper Matthews, don't believe us if we turned docile. We will kill you the moment you blink."


Anya merely waved her hand to cut his enraged voice. She breathed out loudly and spoke about the solution she came up with. "Let's end all these like civilized people. I will convince Alvin. He won't send the emancipation. I will consider my baby being a grandson of the Matthews family. I won't do anything. I can speak to Alvin for you…"

Anya paused looking at the lines of Casper's forehead slowly smoothening out. However, he suspiciously looked at her. Anya continued, "Your wife will rot in the prison, we can let go of your mother."

Casper didn't like it. However, he was also angry Gianna harmed Zane all these years and tried to kidnap him. He considered this negotiation.

Nevertheless, Anya knew above all it could be possible only if Alvin accepted. She could convince Alvin only when Casper steps down the power. Neither she nor Alvin would believe Casper if stays in power. "You have to step down."

'Bam,' Casper slammed his hand on the glass table that cracked.

Anya almost gasped. It wasn't that she could do it, she could believe Casper was that strong. Much weaker than her though.

"How dare you!!?" Casper roared. The anger rolled in his veins, his eyes turned red frowning at her. The Matthews Industries was at its peak because of his relentless work behind it. He had given his uncountable nights and days, sleep and comfort for its huge success.

How could he step away just because she said it?

She sighed loudly. Casper wouldn't consider her only condition. In her opinion, Casper was inviting his doom as attacking each other would only harm the innocents. She could only pity the innocents.

Casper gave her the ultimatum, "Anya Owen, you are the reason for Alvin's failure. Only you." Then he walked out.

Anya leaned back on the chair and let out a soft sigh. She wanted to scream in frustration. She had swallowed her anger against Cordelia and Casper to end the fight. She was ready to argue with Alvin and stop him. Casper just had to leave his position for Liam Matthews and live the rest of his life playing golf.

Was she unreasonable?

She wasn't kind but wasn't she foolishly generous?

Why couldn't these people look at the big picture and solve the crisis?

Was it important to harm each other?

"Sister-in-law…" It was a low but sharp voice.

Anya almost jumped at the voice behind her. Patting her chest, she calmed herself looking at Linus. "When did you start scaring people?"

Linus chuckled looking at the reaction. She knew he wasn't a threat hence she was startled. Or else, she would have broken his head with the chair.

Linus sat down and shook his head in resignation. Krystle might be hyper but she was very sensible too. He had identified her acting as soon as they stepped out of the banquet hall. She wouldn't randomly stop him from talking about business so he had asked Krystle in the morning and she had lied.

Thus he went to find Martin Cox and reached Cafe Hive. He didn't have to threaten Martin who confessed everything to him. If Anya was at the hotel in disguise, he also guessed Anya hadn't left her job. Her resignation was fake.

Anyway, he wasn't there to speak about it. "Sister-in-law, these kinds of people won't understand you."

Anya guessed Linus must have heard her. She nodded, feeling exhausted, "Innocent people will suffer in their rage and hatred."

Linus was aware of that. Unfortunately, Casper doesn't care about it. If things go to extremes, Alvin wouldn't care either. He admired Anya who took the chance to settle things instead of declaring war. But her attempt turned out to be futile.

"Brother will do something, don't worry." Linus tried to unburden her. Then his expression livened up as he asked, "What time are you coming to the party?"

Anya would have enjoyed a party at Jason's place with kids and accompanied Krystle at Lewis hotel. After the drama from the morning, she wanted to nestle in her husband's arms. She wants the soothing silence to mute the noise in her mind, listen to his heartbeats, feel his gentle graze on her face, his fingers gliding through her hair. It's pure bliss.

A pleased smile appeared on her petite face. She was falling hard for her husband.

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