He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 202: A Proposal, a Fool, and a Lady

Chapter 202: A Proposal, a Fool, and a Lady

The shopping mall Xiao Yun inspected was as beautiful and magnanimous as she had thought. She could clearly see the difference between a normal shopping mall and the one she was currently inspecting.

The secretary of the director from the current shopping mall extended her arm to point out the path to the elevator. "This way, young lady."

"Alright." Xiao Yun whispered and entered the elevator with her two subordinates and Zi Gong. 

In the room which Xiao Yun was about to enter, a silver shining plate names written as director Fang Yating the man sat on the chair with his eyes staring at his computer blankly, pushing off his works lazily. 

"Excuse me, Director Fang, Ms. Yu of Azure company have come." The secretary spoke with a light knock. 

"An unknown company? Must be a cheap store." Fang Yating whispered to himself and shouted with a bleak tone. "Come in." 

"Thank you, Jie-Jie." Xiao Yun whispered kindly to the secretary to have the secretary smiling back happily as she entered the room. 

Hi Gu Yan stayed outside while Tian Yi and Zi Gong entered alongside Xiao Yun. "Good afternoon, director Fang," Xiao Yun greeted and saw the man scanning her whole figure with a rather lascivious gaze. 

Tian Yi glared but saw a warning from Xiao Yun's eyes and spitefully back down. "What can I help you here today, little lady?" 

Xiao Yun heard him not offering her a seat and sat down lightly with Zi Gong. "I'm here to discuss the proposal to extend a branch of my store here." 

Fang Yating hummed for a long time and frowned to give pressure to Xiao Yun. "This is quite sudden, I haven't received any appointment beforehand. I hope you know that it's very rude not to do that." 

"Oh?" Xiao Yun sloped her tone and smiled, "But you were the one who invited me and I certainly remember to see your email asking for an appointment with me today." 

Fang Yating rose his brows and swipe his mouse to see the sent message in his email. He narrowed his eyes and really found him sending an email with the same exact content as what Xiao Yun stated. He didn't care and cleared his throat to push through without apologizing for his carelessness and rude behavior. "So, what do you have to offer?" He steered the conversation directly to the merits.

"Zi Gong." Xiao Yun called. 

"Yes, boss." Zi Gong pulled the proposal and gave it to Fang Yating to have him throwing aside the document without bothering to read a line of the documents. "Let's just quickly negotiate the price and leave. The starting price is four million yuan per month." 

Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes at his crude behavior but had her smile still on her face. "Four million yuan? If I am not wrong the range of the price start between one to three million yuan the most. I do think four million yuan is a lot of money to ask for each month." 

Fang Yating yawned over and rolled his eyes. "That's the price. Do you want to take it or not?" 

Xiao Yun breathed out, speaking with someone like this she judged that her store could suffer under such a headless and foolish person. A fool, she noted. 

Suddenly, Fang Yating had his phone rang loudly and had his eyes sparkled from reading the caller's name. He immediately took the call without minding Xiao Yun. "Hello, Ms. Lin? What can I do for you?" he did his best to flatter the caller with all his might, afraid that he would offend the caller.

'Lin?' Xiao Yun danced her brows. 

"Of course, of course. You want to have your store in our shopping mall? Yes, yes. I would be very delighted to have you here!" Fang Yating spoke out aloud enough for Hi Gu Yan who was standing in front of the room to hear. "We could negotiate the price, of course, thank you very much." 

Xiao Yun scoffed faintly. She could clearly see how different his tone was when he took the call from Lin Chang Lu and her. 

When he ended the call, Fang Yating glance to see Xiao Yun still sitting on the chair and nudge. "You are still here? So, do you want to have your store here or not?"

Xiao Yun shook her head gently and took her bag and proposal he tossed away. "No, it seems our negotiation didn't go through. Thank you for sparing your time." She stood up to exit and queried, "Can I ask something, Mr. Fang?" 

"What?" Fang Yating sourly asked. 

"Is the person who called you before Ms. Lin from Golden Tree?" 

"Yes, so what?" She cast a cold distant gaze to the fool and replied briefly, "No." 

They exited the shopping mall and entered the car. Zi Gong and Tian Yi had a very annoyed expression after their discussion from Fang Yating. "That damned bastard." Tian Yi cursed, "How dare he used that lustful eyes to the boss? Wait until I report this to CEO Wang." he sulked. 

"You don't have to tell him everything especially something small like this." Xiao Yun waved her hand. 

"No! It's not something small, boss. He's very rude!" Zi Gong spoke out with a flaring anger and had Tian Yi nodding with him to agree.

"Like I said, it's not something you should tell Li Lei, he will only turn the shopping mall into ruins. There's no need to defeat a moth with Excalibur, understand?" Xiao Yun persuaded and still saw their faces unable to rest the matter and spoke. "Anyway, he would soon regret what he did, believe me. Now let's go to the other shopping mall. Gu Yan." she ordered and drove straight to the next shopping mall that wasn't too far off from the first shopping mall. 

Walking down from the shopping mall, she spoke to the receptionist to have them leading her with a pleasant face to the director room. 

"Director Han, Ms. Yu from Azure company have arrived." 

The woman stood from her seat and brightly called from her seat. "Let her in." 

When Xiao Yun pushed the door she saw a familiar face looking back at her with a wide smile. She came toward her and held her hands. "We meet again, Xiao Yun!" 

"You are..." Xiao Yun trailed her words. "Han Mi Er?" she was the girl who Xiao Yun saved when she was hit on by rude men. 

"You're right!" Han Mi Er giggled. "I'm impressed you could still remember my name." 

Xiao Yun shook her head humbly, "It's nothing to be impressed, you are the director of this shopping mall?" 

"And you're right again!" She led Xiao Yun to her desk and offered, "Please take a seat and also for your bodyguards too." 

"Thank you very much for your offer but we will be standing here." Hi Gu Yan spoke, making Tian Yi who was about to take a seat hanging on the air. 

"Alright." Han Mi Er shrugged her shoulder and sat on her desk. "So, how is Xing Fu?" 

"Xing Fu? You mean Ge-Ge?" Xiao Yun replied with a bewildered face. "Do you know Ge-Ge?" 

"Of course I know him." Han Mi Er stated the matter easily. "Afterall, I'm going out with him since yesterday." 

Xiao Yun kept her poker face and smile but initially, she was howling her heart. Brushing her hair aside, she gave a faint sigh, "So you are the one who Ge-Ge described." 

"What did he describe about me?" Han Mi Er brought forward her face to her. Xiao Yun could see her eyes sparkling. 

She can't possibly say that he describe him as a weird girl who suddenly confessed in the middle of the company, could she?

"A very adorable person, bright and cheerful. He said that it was the first time for him to meet someone like you." She gave a smooth white lie. 'Well, it's not a full lie since brother must be really thinking that.'

Han Mi Er giggled a long oh and recalled their matter back. "Let's put a hold to our conversation and get back to the proposal." 

"Yes." Zi Gong placed the document to the side for Han Mi Er to read and she took her time to read the documents. 

"I have read the proposal. I recommend renting this slot on the first floor that's near the Plaza. This way everyone could see the charm of your store as they entered. Although the price would rise, I do think it's the best place." She explained. 

Xiao Yun looked at the map of the shopping mall she pointed out and nodded. "That's actually the spot that I also planned to rent." 

"The starting price would be about two million yuan." Han Mi Er gave a peace sign and heard her phone suddenly rang and froze her smile. "Excuse me, Xiao Yun. A bothersome lady called me." 

"It's not a problem." Xiao Yun decked her head and heard Han Mi Er sighing to put on her business smile. "Yes, it's me, Ms. Lin. It's rare for you to call me. What can I help you with?" Her robotic tone straightly decked. 

Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes at the phone call.

Lin Chang Lu again-

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