Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Shot Through the Air

Translated by LyraDhani

Edited by LyraDhani

“–What the hell…!”

Hitsugi raised her voice in surprise while being hugged by Tsugumi for protection. Tsugumi didn’t have time to answer.

–The moment the flower turned toward them, Tsugumi reflexively kicked the table in front of him, knocked it to the side, embraced Hitsugi, and protected her on his back. He decided that it couldn’t be avoided. If he were alone, he would have been able to avoid it with transportation, but it couldn’t be helped now.

In a hasty decision, he reinforced the table with thread to use it as a shield, but something penetrated it and hit him in the left arm. An object the size of a thumbnail – perhaps a seed or something – was lodged in the flesh of his arm, digging into it.

While enduring the pain, he manipulated the thread with his unharmed hand and attacked the flower, but it was easily cut into pieces. …The thread was too fragile.

Feeling indigestion, he stretched the thread around the wound to entangle the seed, then held his breath and pulled it out at once. With a buzzing sound, something snapped, and he felt a sharp pain.

“Gggghh… It hurts!”

He yelped at the pain that felt like his nerves were being ripped out. When he looked at the seed he had pulled out, he saw a reddish-black, thread-like object flailing around in his arm. However, it seemed to lose its power the moment it was separated from the seed, and gradually stopped moving, finally disappearing into a faint light.

…He experienced hellish pain for a few seconds until the roots disappeared, but he managed to bite back his screams during that time. He wondered if it had grown roots in that split second. It was a good thing that he had pulled it out early.

Tsugumi clumsily closed the wound on his arm with a thread and stood up, making a grim face and opening his mouth.

“Strange flowers. …We’re probably attacked by a Demonic Beast. Are you hurt?”

“I’m fine. Because Hagakure-san protected me. …But your arm. I’m sorry, if I had been able to react quickly enough, you wouldn’t have gotten hurt.”

Saying this, Hitsugi stared at Tsugumi’s arm with a pained look. It was as if she was blaming herself for her own inadequacies.

–Those who retired as Magical Girls gradually lost the power they had gained. They no longer had the superhuman physical abilities they once had, and they could no longer use the skills that were familiar to them. A lot of them become depressed due to the sense of loss.

Although it was unlikely for her to end up depressed, being unable to move even though she knew an attack was coming might be a bit frustrating for Hitsugi, who had been working as a Magical Girl all this time.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s not as bad as it looks. I’m more worried about the two people on the beach. I’ll go pick them up, so please wait inside, Hitsugi-san.”

–There might be some people still nearby. It would be better to evacuate them as soon as possible. Thinking this, Tsugumi looked at the beach where Itadori and Yumeji were. –Without knowing that it was already too late.

Looking back, there were already warning signs. That they hadn’t raised their voices or come near even though so much commotion was taking place on the terrace. And that memorable sound of bullets popping was heard twice in Tsugumi’s ears.

Due to the characteristics of a Magical Girl who could only fight alone, his judgment was lax in situations where there was someone he had to protect.

–To put it bluntly, Tsugumi didn’t have enough experience in fighting while protecting people.


When Tsugumi reached the place where they were, he heard a small groan along with the sound of waves.

The first thing he saw was a girl lying down with scars both on her shoulder and stomach, and a girl crying as she clung to her. This worst possible scenario made him gasp.

“Why! Why did you protect me!? –Even though you said you don’t want to die like that!”

Shouting out like that, the girl who was safe–Itadori–let out a sob while shedding big tears. Right next to her were two flowers that had been trampled on, and it was clear that they probably had been attacked by them.

Then, while frantically reprimanding his stunned heart, Tsugumi rushed to the fallen Yumeji and kneeled down.

“–Yumeji-san. Are you conscious?”

Yumeji nodded her head, her face contorted in pain. She let out a pained sound and looked as if she was about to pass out.

–I let my guard down. I was close by, but I couldn’t protect them…!

He should have been more careful during the attack. It would have been easy to predict that the same flower that had targeted Tsugumi would go after Yumeji and Itadori who were nearby. Tsugumi clicked his tongue and clenched his own hands so hard they bled.

There were two wounds. There wasn’t a lot of blood, but the unnatural twitching of her body suggested that the roots might already be stretched throughout the body.

Tsugumi hadn’t felt that much pain because the seeds were removed early on, but removing the seeds in this condition would be too much of a burden on Yumeji’s body.

But this couldn’t be solved just by seeing a doctor. He would have to contact the government and ask them to arrange for a specialist healer.

–Will I make it in time? No, I absolutely have to make it in time. Impatiently, Tsugumi gently picked up Yumeji’s body.

It would have been best if he could transport Yumeji to the government through transportation, but it wasn’t possible with his transportation skill.

“I will rush Yumeji-san to a government-affiliated hospital. In the meantime, Itadori-san, you will be with Hitsugi-san-“

“Nadeshiko-chan protected me…! When the strange flower turned this way, she pushed me away…! Hey, it will be okay, Nadeshiko-chan will be saved, right!?”

In the middle of Tsugumi’s words, Itadori sobbed while shedding tears. At the same time, Yumeji in his arms looked up at Tsugumi with eyes that seemed to be latching into him. She was sure that this person would help her no matter what–such trust was in her eyes.

An innocent trust in an active Magical Girl. Because he knew this, Tsugumi was struck with a sense of helplessness.

His heart ached deep in his chest. With his abilities, he couldn’t help Yumeji directly. The only thing he could do was take Yumeji to the hospital and ask the government to take care of her.

But, he didn’t care about that kind of sentiment. It was important that he could reassure them. Don’t worry, don’t worry, I am sure it will work out. He could say irresponsible words like that.

–But, as if ignoring such calculations, Tsugumi’s mouth moved on its own.

“–I’ll help you. I’ll definitely help you, no matter what.”

Before he knew it, the words came out of his mouth in a plain tone.

Tsugumi knew best what he could and couldn’t do. But there must be something that he could do to help. Then he should move. Offer to help in government and do what you can. Regret–It would come later.

“Hagakure-san!! I’ve called the government and an ambulance! They will be here in about ten minutes, so please carry her to the front of the road!”

He heard Hitsugi’s voice shouting from far away. Apparently, she had guessed their situation and moved in advance. Being thankful for Hitsugi’s competence, Tsugumi let out a small breath and looked at their faces.

“As soon as I get Yumeji-san out of here, I will head to the government. –Humans will never be defeated by this kind of Demonic Beast. So, please believe me and wait for me.”

After carrying Yumeji to the street and entrusting her to Hitsugi, Tsugumi took out the blood-stained seed he had left in his pocket and whispered.

“…I hope these seeds will be useful.”

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