Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 264 Disparity

Chapter 264 Disparity

Elton was minding his own business as he went around the marketplace looking for material components to buy. However, this mortal pair of siblings constantly pestered him to buy dumplings from them.

It was really getting to his head. If it wasn't for the large crowd that had gathered here, he would have already shown these peasants their place. However, this was wartime and he didn't want to create a ruckus.

Moreover, he did not wish to sully the name of the Magus Family whom he served. What would people think if they saw a Magus of the mighty Roy Family bullying children? This was what he thought every time he felt like beating these children who were annoying him.

But when the boy grabbed onto his cloak and defiled it with his dirty hands, something inside him snapped. All the rage and other pent-up emotions that he had been bottling inside him erupted like a volcano.

His face contorted in anger and disgust at the stain on his white cloak. Immediately, he slapped the boy, his eyes flashing with immense anger.

Gasps and murmurs could be heard as the crowd slowly gathered around them. But Elton didn't care. He stood over the boy and roared, "How dare you dirty my clothes?!"

But the next moment, this boy's younger sister came forward and talked back to him, making him even more furious. He raised his hand and struck her with a backhand slap.

"Silence! How dare you talk back to me?!" Elton spat through gritted teeth, his tone dripping with disdain. "You mortals are all the same - clumsy, ignorant, and unworthy of sharing the same space as us, Magi!"

The onlookers, who were a mixture of Magi and mortals, looked in silence. Some of the Magi slightly nodded in acknowledgment, thinking that the words Elton had just spoken couldn't be far from the truth. Other Magi were simply indifferent to this spectacle.

But the mortals couldn't help but lower their heads, feeling aggrieved. They had been feeling very proud of themselves for working together with the Magi in recent times.

However, this incident served as a stark reminder of the deep-seated disparity between them and the Magi. They were foolish to believe that this divide had been bridged due to the war.

It was only temporary.

None of the people came forward to diffuse the situation. The mortals could only helplessly watch as the Magus made an example out of those poor kids.

"Did you think you were equal to me?" Elton hissed. "If I don't show you your place, you peasants will never learn."

He raised his hand and was about to viciously beat these kids. But suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew across his face and a youth with plain facial features, wearing dark robes and a black pointy hat appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

Adam effortlessly caught the man's hand and tightly gripped it, causing the latter to slightly grimace. He glanced at the man with narrowed eyes and loudly said for everyone to hear.

"Since when did Magi stoop so low that they would resort to beating innocent children?"

Elton was stunned by the sudden appearance of this youth. Although both of them were the same rank, he couldn't even see this newcomer's movements. It was as if he was a specter that materialized out of thin air.

He forcefully yanked his hand out of Adam's grip and took a step back. He lowered his head and glanced at his wrist which had turned red from the youth's grip strength. He looked at the young Magus and asked with a grim expression, "Who are you?"

"Answer my question, Magus," Adam muttered coldly. He then glanced at the insignia on the man's cloak and sneered. "Has the Roy Family fallen so low that they would allow their dogs to harm innocents?"

"You bastard!" Elton gritted his teeth. He glanced around and saw that the looks that everyone was now giving him had changed.

If earlier, the Magus were silently approving of his actions, now, with just a few words from Adam, they were beginning to question the morals of the Magus family that he worked for.

Not good! He thought to himself nervously. If he sullied the name of the Roy Family, his status as an elite Magus within the squad would be doomed. He had to salvage this situation anyhow.

He gazed at Adam and spoke in a righteous tone, "Innocent? Who said these kids were innocent? Are you blind?" He grabbed the hems of his clothes and showed the dirty handprint that the boy had left behind. "Look, what he's done! Is this how one should—"

"Heh," Adam interrupted him. "It's just some dirt. From the way you lashed out at these kids, one would think that they cursed your family."

Elton swallowed his next words as he heard the crowd whispering about how uncalled-for his acts were. Hearing them, he couldn't help but gulp. In a state of panic, he blurted out, "I am a Magus! How dare these mortals even think of touching me—"

"Oh?" Adam's lips formed a vicious smirk, "Are you saying that the Magi of the Roy Family are superior to the other Magi? While we tirelessly work with the local residents to fight the enemy, you sit on your pedastal and look down on everyone else, whether they be Magi or mortals?"

"No, I didn't say that! Stop twisting my words!" Elton roared. Adam was really getting under his skin. Especially the youth's smirk, it really irked him.

"You didn't say that? Perhaps." Adam shrugged. "But that's exactly what your words sounded like."

"Stop spouting nonsense!"

"Huh, so what I say is nonsense, and what you say is right?" Adam nodded as he stroked his chin. "As I thought, you Magi of the Roy Family are really looking down on all of us."

Now, the Magi in the crowd were beginning to show slight hostility toward Elton. When he witnessed this scene, he cursed inwardly, Damn it! This bastard!

His eyes flashed with killing intent for a brief moment as he had the thought of casting a spell at this youth. But the next moment, he buried this stupid thought. Infighting was a highly punishable offense.

But how could Adam not sense the man's killing intent? What he did next, completely made the public opinion go against Elton.

"A Magus should be a beacon of hope, someone that not only mortals but even other Magi can look up to. But you have sullied the reputation of us mighty Magi!" Adam began with a passionate expression.

"We are currently at war. Although this is a difficult period for us Magi, it is even more difficult for the residents of this city. Rations are low and they barely get to eat their meals every day because most of it is being used to support us.

"These kids did nothing but try and sell you some dumplings so they could earn money and fill their stomachs. But what did you do? You viciously beat them! Is this how a Magus should act?

"You have brough shame upon us Magi! You have brought shame upon the Roy Family!"

At once, the crowd got riled up and started hurling insults at Elton, admonishing him for his behavior. The man could only lower his head and grit his teeth in anger as he gazed at Adam, his eyes flashing with hatred.

Right at that moment, a cold voice descended upon the crowd, making every one shut thier mouths.

"I can assure you, the actions of this man do not reflect the principles of my family."

Everyone turned their heads and when they glanced at the person who had just spoken, they gasped in shock.

Rank 2 Magus of the Roy Family, Marcella Roy!

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