Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 212 Arrangement

Chapter 212 Arrangement

Tears cascaded down her cheeks and fell to the floor as Laura sincerely bowed before Adam. "If it weren't for you, I would have never been able to see my children again. Thank you… Thank you so much!"

Adam panicked seeing Lisa's mother bowing in front of him. He hurriedly shook his hands and anxiously said, "A-Aunty, please! You don't have to do that. I-I just did what anyone should have—"

However, Laura interrupted him. "No, not everyone would have done what you did. And for that, I'm truly grateful to you. Thank you!"

Adam didn't know how to respond. In the end, he could only glance at Lisa and gesture her to help him out.

Lisa giggled seeing Adam like this. Rarely did she see him feeling so hopeless. In the end, she nodded and walked to her mother who was still bowing toward his friend.

"Mother, it's fine. You don't have to do that." She helped her stand back up and added, "Look how uncomfortable you're making him."

You! Adam glared at his Lisa. Stop making things worse!

Lisa stuck her tongue out playfully and then tried to comfort her mother who had now started crying once again.

As she led her mother back to the seating area, Adam signaled Barry who was respectfully standing behind him. "Tell the maids to bring the food."

"As you wish, my lord." Barry respectfully bowed and returned to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Adam sat back down with the rest of the people. Only after Laura had stopped crying, did he ask her with an amicable smile, "So, Aunty, how was your stay in Moon City? I hope you didn't have to face any issues."

"Thanks to your friend, everything was very smooth sailing for us," Laura began with a grateful smile, "she had already found a house for us to live in. After that, Barry has been very helpful in helping us settle down."

Although the De Clare family had been greatly taken advantage of by the Gracie Family over the years, so much so, that their family's treasury had been depleted.

But being a Magus Family, they still had enough hidden assets to move to a new place and settle down. Laura and Jamie couldn't really live at Lisa's residence. After all, she had been frugally living in a small apartment. There wasn't enough room for everyone.

"Well, that's good to know." Adam nodded.

He then secretly cast Mind Whisper and directly spoke to Edward in his mind. 'Bastard, why are you sitting there like a statue? Say something! I'm running out of things to say.'

Edward felt like he had been doused with a bucket of cold water. He glanced at Adam and nodded ever so slightly. He then looked at Laura and sincerely said, "Aunty, if you ever need anything, please do not hesitate to let me know."

Laura glanced at the blue-eyed young man and nodded gratefully. "Thank you, child."

As they were chatting with one another, Adam thought to himself, Looks like Madam Mira really came through this time. Not only did she rescue Jamie from those bastards, but she also found them a house in the city. I should visit her soon and personally thank her.

Before leaving for Glassford City a year and a half back, Adam had visited this elven lady and arrangements.

He was to supply her with magical potions free of cost for one whole year. Of course, the number of potions he supplied had to be a reasonable amount. At the time, he had heavily emphasized this point that it should not in any way hinder his studies.

In return, she had to secure safe passage for Lisa's mother. Not only that, she also had to visit the Gracie Family and strike a deal with them to get Jamie, who was in their custody, back to Moon City.

As for the details of her negotiation with the Gracies, Adam was oblivious to it. He would have to find it out when he met Mira.

The reason why he had specifically asked her to carry out this task was because she was one of the few customers of his who was a Rank 2 Magus and at the same time she was also a good acquaintance of his.

Now usually, when two people of similar strength and stature negotiated with one another, there was always a possibility that things would go sideways.

To tackle this issue, Adam had told Mira that should things come to that, she was free to use Berger's name.

If a Rank 2 Magus like the Gracie Family Patriarch were to learn that Mira was carrying out the will of a renowned Rank 3 Magus like Berger, he was very likely to concede.

And that was exactly what happened.

The moment the Gracie Family Patriarch learned that it was Berger who was behind all this, he easily yielded and the negotiation with Mira became extremely smooth.

Adam couldn't help but involuntarily glance at Little Jamie who was offering a piece of grilled meat to Valerian. Seeing this, he broke into a smile.

Screw it. At least this kid's safe. I'll just have to apologize to the old man for using his name without his permission.

Suddenly he thought of something and made a mental note, I should do a thorough check-up on Little Jamie. Although it's very unlikely that those Gracie bastards must've done something to the kid, it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

For the rest of the afternoon, Adam and Edward had a grand meal with Lisa and her family. It was only until after sunset that everyone departed and went their separate ways.

Adam got into a pair of comfortable robes and headed out of the house as well. "Barry, I'll be having dinner outside. Don't wait for me."

"Yes, my lord."

Herbs & More.

Adam stood outside the entrance to the store and smiled brightly. Ah, how long has it been? I wonder how he's been doing.

With great anticipation, he entered the store, and as soon as his gaze landed on the familiar figure sitting behind the counter, he couldn't help but be thrilled.

He raised his hands in the air and screamed in sheer happiness,

"Muahahaha! Old man, I'm back!"

Berger was the same as ever. He was sitting behind the counter and reading a book while smoking from his pipe. He had long since noticed the youth standing outside the store.

Now, when he finally saw Adam, his tense shoulders relaxed ever so slightly.

The old gnome shut the book and placed it on the table. He looked at Adam and rolled his eyes. "Ugh, there goes my peace and quiet."

"Ehehe, I missed you too, old man."

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