Gravity Mage with Level-Up System

Chapter 193 Idle Talk

(FROM MC's Perspective)

I cast a quick glance at the three people who had followed me into this cafeteria. When they noticed me, they quickly averted their gaze. "I don't want to waste my time with these people," I sneered inwardly.

I must stick to my plan. Now I must concentrate on gathering information. The next second, I forgot about those three and focused on my ears.

I perked up my ears and tried to focus on the conversations of others. I began with a group of people right next to me.

Time went by,

Table after table, person after person. Everyone's conversation was overheard by me. But, sadly, I learned nothing useful. I sighed looking at the time. I informed my parents that I would arrive in an hour.

But I've already been here for an hour. My time was squandered. I was thinking about something when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned back casually the next second, but my face tightened after looking at the same three people.

"Who are you?" I asked.


"We discovered that you are a powerful wizard, little brother. Why don't you come and join us?" With a smile, the group's leader inquired.

These guys are acting like bad guys. But they have no idea that I am worse than them. I replied with a broad grin, "Oh, no, brother. This was unexpected. But I'd like to learn more about your team."

In my head, I'm hatching a good plan. So far, I've found nothing concrete. Getting close to the information I need to meet new people. What better way to accomplish this than by joining a team?

I had a big grin on my face after figuring out a good plan.

The leader of this small group was Bob Stokes, a middle-aged man with a hulking physique. He appeared to be in his forties. He has brown eyes and brown hair. His brute physique suggests that he could be a power-type wizard.

When he heard what the young man said. He was a little taken aback. In this situation, most people will retreat in fear. However, the young man responded with a bright smile. He seemed sincere in his desire to join them.

For a brief moment, he was perplexed. He then turned to face his two teammates. Garry Dyer is a level one Shovel Wizard, and Peter Cohen is a level one Pickaxe Wizard.

Except for his brute physique, Garry and Peter are very similar to Bob Stokes. Both had slouched postures.

When the two heard the words come from the young man's mouth, they were as surprised as Bob.

When Garry and Peter felt Bob's gaze on them, they nodded. Three of them had an unspoken agreement. Nobody wants to give up the good fat sheep in front of them.

Previously, in the front office. When the young man pulled so many magical materials from his storage bracelet. They were there at the time and noticed the young man's wealth. Three of them made the decision to rob him.

And when it comes to the strength of a young man. Three of them are aware that the young man is a novice hunter. Because seasoned hunters will not flaunt their wealth in front of others.

Hunters mostly sell their items through the online store until they reach level 2. Otherwise, they will be robbed of their belongings shortly. Three of them were drawn to this young man because of a minor flaw.

Bob then approached the young man. Bob paused a little when he saw his innocent smile. He had a lot of experience as a veteran hunter. Especially when dealing with other people.

Either the young man is truly honest and innocent, or he has already read their minds and is plotting something against them.

If it was the first, it was fairly normal. Most young people at this age have never seen the outside world. They have a tendency to trust everyone they meet. As a result, Bob accepted the first case.

And as for the second, he doesn't believe that the young man have such a clever mind.

Bob laughed the next second and said, "Ha...Ha...Ha..."

"Very good" "Very good"

"Let's have a quick chat here, and I'll tell you about our team and guild."

Hearing that, I laughed in my heart but kept my face as innocent as possible.

We discovered an empty table nearby. Four of us sat in a round and looked at each other. After introducing himself, the brute physique guy began to introduce his two friends.

At the same time, I devised a fictitious identity in my head. When the three of them finished their introduction, they all locked their gaze on me. I feel like a fatty pig going under the knife.

I had some reservations earlier. Meeting wild animals (three) in the forest is extremely dangerous (adventured union)

But once I discovered their magical abilities, all of my concerns vanished.

Other trash magic abilities include a pickaxe and a shovel. Why are these people similar to the trash groups I killed in the wilderness?

Only the group's leader is decent out of the three. A quick glint flashed into my eyes as I looked at the leader Bob, a level-1 power-type wizard.

"Why don't you introduce yourself, young man?" Bob was curious.

"I'm Kevin Smith, level-1 Spoon wizard. In the same city, I live on 5th Cross Street, "I said calmly.

But then it's "Ha...Ha...Ha..."

Garry and Peter both burst out laughing. They have considered numerous options. But what about this, spoon wizard? Never!

They thought they were the only ones with such useless trash ability, but after hearing the young man's magic, they realized they weren't. The unease in their hearts was completely removed. They both had a commanding look on the young man now.

Even Bob couldn't keep his smile from breaking out. He had a big grin on his face. He anticipated that robbing this young man would take some time. But when he discovered his magical ability, he was overjoyed.

Many things can be deciphered using one's magical ability. Bob is now aware that the young man possesses trash magic. He was almost certain that the young man had no background.

As a result, if they kill the young man in the future, they will face no legal consequences. Bob felt the pie falling from the sky for a brief moment.

Looking at the three laughing faces, on the other hand. I was taken aback. I blurted out something that came to mind in the heat of the moment. In this city, there is no street called 5th Cross Street.

I don't even know anyone who can do the spoon magic. I had no idea that such a magical ability existed in this world. Three of them believed every word that came out of my mouth.

I continued to stare at them in perplexity. Three of them stopped laughing a few seconds later. Bob realized they were simply rude. He does not want the fat sheep to flee as a result of this.

So he took the initiative to say, "Young man Kevin, don't worry; we won't discriminate against trash wizards."

Garry and Peter agreed after hearing Bob's words. However, two of them were a little embarrassed. They made a minor error right now. Kevin would have suspected something was wrong if it had been a slightly older person.

Fortunately, this young man is like a typical high school student. He doesn't appear to have seen much of society. Three of them sighed in relief when they saw Kevin's calm expression.

"I'm used to being mocked and despised by wizards. Could you please tell me about your guild right now?" I replied with a sigh.

But I'm getting frustrated inside. It's getting late, and I don't have time for this idle conversation.

Bob Stokes nodded, then looked at his two teammates before responding, "Our guild is one of the most powerful in the city. Valiant Sword is the name of our guild."

Pride can be seen on his face when he says that. No one will bother them after hearing their guild name.

A cold glint flashes into my eyes as I say "Valiant Sword."

It's surprising. All the trash that I met belonged to the same guild. What's the deal with Valiant Sword's management? Why do they let trash into their guild?

My rating for Valiant Sword Guild has reached rock bottom. What are the benefits of joining such a guild?

But then I had an epiphany. They had access to information about the abandoned site. I'm sure the valiant sword guild will send their powerful wizards next week.

My expression became more condensed. This is an excellent opportunity to gather data. It is critical to contact the hunters from Valiant Sword. This way, I might be able to get a little closer to the secret information.

"What's wrong, Kevin?" Bob asked, seeing the young man's worried expression.

When I heard that, I retracted my thoughts and looked at the leader, saying, "Ah, it's nothing; I was thinking about going into the wilderness next week."

Three of them exchanged surprised glances. Bob was considering how to entice the young man to come out.  But now the young man's words caused him to reconsider his strategy.

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