Grand Voyage : Surviving on a Ghost Ship

Chapter 30 - Nightmare Star, set sail!

“I am Yu Dawei, the captain of the Iron Heart. Can you two see my message?” Yu Dawei sent a message through the regional channel.

Given the current situation, with only three players left in the buffer zone, he wasn't worried about contacting the wrong people.

“Hello! I’m Yang Yi, the captain of The Nightmare Star,” Yang Yi replied.

“Captain Yang, where is your ship? I don't see it.”

“It sank.”

“What?” Yu Dawei was dumbfounded on the spot.

He didn’t know that a sunken ship could be rebuilt, so he thought he was doomed.

It wasn’t until Yang Yi explained the situation that he understood.

“You’re short of 7 units of wood? No problem, I’ll send you 100 units right away,” Yu Dawei immediately replied, “But once your ship is repaired, could you help tow mine?”

After a brief moment of consideration, Yang Yi agreed.

Time was of the essence, with the black fog closing in. The two of them had to work together if they wanted to escape alive.

Seeing Yang Yi agree, Yu Dawei finally relaxed and responded, “I’ll move closer now. Don’t attack me — you’ve got a pistol at your waist, right?”

Yang Yi was a bit surprised.

The Iron Heart was at least several kilometres away from him, so how could Yu Dawei see such details? Did he have binoculars?

In reality, this was due to one of Yu Dawei’s talents.

He had two talents:

Eagle Eye: Perception +2, excellent vision, proficient in tracking and aiming】

The second talent was unlocked after he killed a large number of giant sea beasts.

Firepower Supremacy: As long as you have sufficient firepower, you dare to face any enemy. Sanity won’t drop below 50. Truth lies only within the range of a cannon!】

As the Iron Heart gradually approached the island, the black fog had already covered half the sky, remaining only 15 nautical miles away from it.

At that distance, they didn’t need to chat through the log anymore; they could hear each other by shouting just fine.

Yu Dawei shouted, “I’ll use the whaling gun to send the wood over. Don’t be scared!”

With that, the Iron Heart fired the whaling gun, sending a large bundle of wood that landed just over ten metres away from Yang Yi.

The bundle contained exactly 100 units of wood — no more, no less.

With enough materials, Yang Yi didn’t hesitate. He immediately selected an appropriate location and operated through the log to start rebuilding the ship.

After confirming, the materials floated into the air, scattered into tiny fragments, and then assembled like building blocks into a ship.

The ship was about 30 metres long, still retaining the ghost ship appearance, but much larger than before.

The hull was still worn, covered with barnacles, and the bow was adorned with the skeleton of a captain, with some seaweed hanging from it, as if it had just emerged from the ocean.

Compared to the previous Nightmare, the biggest difference was in the midsection, where a huge crystal ball had appeared in front of the mast.

Some parts of the hull were now covered with rusty iron plates, making it look sturdier than before.

【Nightmare Star, Level 2, Durability 1000/1000, Capacity 3000 units, Speed 60 knots]

Ship Skills: Nightmare Star: The quality of sleep on board is extremely poor, causing nightmares. Stamina recovery efficiency -75%, effective only for the captain.

Fisherman’s Curse: Significantly reduces the chance of catching normal fish, greatly increases the probability of catching unusual items.

Astrology: Reveals the surrounding sea map within a radius of 150 nautical miles, viewable through the crystal ball. Warnings can be set to alert of other players' presence via vibrations.

Scrying: Can scan for ship names and player names, providing the coordinates of the target ship and viewing its image. Limited to one target per day.】

Description: You chose to merge with the ghost ship... Hope you won’t regret it!】

After reviewing the ship's information, Yang Yi was generally satisfied.

The merged ship was sturdier, and its speed had increased.

Additionally, the Astrology skill had evolved, expanding the map range and the Scrying skill to cover the entire map.

“Let’s go, we’re boarding the ship!” Yang Yi called Suna.

Once aboard The Nightmare Star, Yang Yi noticed some interior changes as well.

Next to the captain’s quarters was an additional bedroom, which belonged to Suna.

The ship’s hold was also larger, with two expansion spaces available for building additional structures.

It was almost as if the potential of two ships had been combined.

All the previous items were still on board, including pirate clothes, fishing nets, fishing rods, coconuts, and some food and fresh water.

Even part of the giant insect’s corpse that Yang Yi had previously blown up was still there, which was a pleasant surprise!

On the other side, Yu Dawei was feeling a bit anxious.

He was worried that Yang Yi would leave him behind and sail away.

Even though Yu Dawei was confident he could stop The Nightmare Star, if it really did come to that, he would be doomed.

Fortunately, Yang Yi wasn’t foolish.

Nightmare Star’s Captain Yang Yi requests to add you as a friend

Yu Dawei immediately accepted.

Yang Yi then sent a private message: “I’m heading to the stern now; throw the grapple over.”

Seeing the message, Yu Dawei breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the bridge, and headed to the deck, where he saw Yang Yi face-to-face.

But since the Iron Heart was larger than The Nightmare Star, Yang Yi could only see half of Yu Dawei’s body.

Though Yu Dawei was a bit cautious, he still approached.

“Captain Yu, your ship is too big! So let me be clear: if my ship’s speed drops below 15 knots while towing your Iron Heart, don’t blame me for cutting you loose. And you mustn’t attack me either, agreed?”

Yu Dawei pondered for a moment, his expression shifting several times.

After a while, he replied, “If that’s the case, how about I come aboard your ship to take shelter?”

“No problem!” Yang Yi agreed decisively.

After all, a ship can be rebuilt, but lives are irreplaceable. If you lose your life, it’s all over!

Yu Dawei threw the Iron Heart’s grappling hook over.

Yang Yi caught it and secured it in multiple places to distribute the load and prevent any single spot from failing.

As for the durability of the grappling rope, there was no need to worry — the log stated it had it could tow anything!

Once secured, Yang Yi sent a message to Suna, instructing her to move at full speed.

The Iron Heart also powered up to its maximum.

Both captains held their breath as they watched the speed gradually increase.

11 knots!

12 knots!

When the speed finally exceeded 15 knots, reaching 16 knots, both of them started to relax.

If it had dropped below 15 knots, it would have been troublesome.

Luckily, The Nightmare Star's power wasn’t just for show.

Ultimately, the ship’s speed reached 17 knots, just 2 knots faster than the black fog behind them.

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