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4 days ago
Aren’t you tired of the typical cultivation story, where an isekai’d person comes into the world... Read more Aren’t you tired of the typical cultivation story, where an isekai’d person comes into the world and becomes a brutal or selfish person? I know I am. So instead of being fully changed by the world, I want this protagonist to stick to their beliefs and help to change the world (and people) for the better. There will still be main character development and tests of those beliefs, but I want them to maintain that aspect.Brief Synopsis:American is thrown into a typical Xuanhuan cultivation world where the masses of the people are typically sacrificed for the abilities of the few. This is meant to be an alternate take on how protagonists approach these worlds. Main character comes into the world w/ scanning, healing, and monster taming abilities.The schedule is 2 chapters/week (Tue & Fri) at 11pm. Please like, comment, and follow, as that helps me to gauge interest in the series.Final note: I notice that many cultivation novels treat abuse or sexual assault as a throwaway tool to set a stage. I think the way it is normally done is both lazy and a disrespectful to victims. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve the way I’ve done it in this series, please let me know.I want to do this the right way.P. S. *Nudge, nudge* If you are looking for a sneak peek of up to 16 chapters ahead, check out my Patreon. :D Collapse Abusive Characters, Caring Protagonist, Cultivation, Demi-Humans, Healing, Helpful Protagonist, Honest Protagonist, Lack of Common Sense, Magic, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Monster Girls, Monster Tamer, Naive Protagonist, Older Love Interests, Righteous Protagonist, Selfless Protagonist, Strong to Stronger, Villainess Noble Girls, Xuanhuan I'm not gonna make too many comments about thia novel except for the fact that Klein maintained his kindness throughout the horrors of the LOTM world, and that wasn't even the main point of the novel W comment Rank: C-(no potential) The title alone screams red flag for me 🤢 The novel plot revolves around white knight cliche moments. This would be the best summary of the novel.The novel does progress logically compared to other novels. Here are a few things that you must be comfortable with before reading the novel-MC is black and from America-MC is an idiot-MC believes all women can do no wrong and all men think with their dicks-MC is an hypocrite-MC believes himself to be the sole saviour of women and children of the worldThe novel starts out great with a much needed logical progression that's hard to find in other novels.The author shows how a person that is suddenly thrusted into another world takes some time and mistakes to adjust to the new world unlike other novels of transmigration.The author also shows how a human from another that has not been or seen the dark side of the world is suddey thrust into a world where the dark side is the common everyday life. The author shows that the MC is unlike other MC's of other novels, that he isn't just another psychopath killer that can adapt to killing easily, but takes his time to slowly adapt and question and resolve his emotional distress from killing another human being.It was manageable for me to continue reading upto 130+ chapters but after is just irritating and ruins my mood to continue reading. I will be dropping this novel. I would still recommend reading upto the first 100 chapters for a variety from usual novels out there. So basically, MC is a Motoyasu/Spear Hero from shildbro with a bit of recolor? No, no comparison. Who is worse? I would say this MC would be worse as I was able to complete Shield Hero completely without dropping it. He is talking about 'spear hero' from the anime - shield hero...And tbh mc is ugh gg black skin1 star Are you racist ? What an unnecessary question. *barks a laugh* lack of common sense and naive protagonist tags are making me think the story will be cringe. am i wrong? Nope I loved it please keep going From the synopsis alone this seems rere, it's actually the opposite and instead of MC's being selfish and focusing on growing they play hero and stick their nose everywhere which ends up leading to faceslapping arrogant young masters and all the cliches. This book is a hard pass for me I like the idea of this book and the powers are interesting. The writing is easy to read. And I find the characters interesting.My only issues with this book are the MC's reeeeealy slow adapting (he comes off as a complete idiot) and the author's interest in making it a little too real. Because of these, I dropped the book at chapter 60. Wah so typical 😂 who gives a shit about how you live. Just be you. I’ll give this a low rating just because the synopsis is just f#cking ridiculous 😂 Let me support your cause bro good good…