Everlasting dream (18+)

Chapter 77 — In between

Chapter 77 — In between


The sun shone brightly overhead, casting its warm rays upon the little girl lying naked on the soft grass, green blades of spring grass tickling her pale skin. It had been less than half an hour since Aster's thingy calmed down and stopped twitching and throbbing so much between her buttcheeks. Shortly after that, he moved his hips away from her little behind but not breaking their cuddle, still lying behind her.

The siblings lay together in awkward silence, watching the flames dance before their eyes and enjoying each other's warmth. But their thoughts were far away, occupied by what had happened earlier. Neither could stop thinking about it, replaying their sensations repeatedly in their heads.

Silvia couldn't shake the feeling of her brother's stiff, warm member twitching against her little hole, how it poked against it tenderly with each throb. 'Did his... thing... try to release his seed inside me? Is this why it twitched so much?' she wondered, her heart pounding against her ribcage. The thought alone made her face flush crimson.

'He wouldn't do such a thing... right?' the girl questioned herself, biting her lower lip anxiously as she glanced at Aster. His eyes, the same golden color as hers, flicked back at her, and a tiny, slightly awkward smile graced his lips.

— "Hey, Asty..." Silvia called out quietly, not wanting their mother to overhear them talking. Nivalis was still drying their belongings, neatly laying all their clothing around the crackling fire. She had even made an improvised drying rack using sticks and rope and was about to hang their pants.

Aster's golden eyes flicked again to his sister at the sound of her voice. "Hm?" he hummed, looking down at her.

— "Uh... n-nothing," Silvia stuttered, quickly averting her gaze as if afraid of what she wanted to ask. She swallowed hard and looked back at the fire, trying to gather courage. After a few seconds of silence, Silvia finally spoke up again, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why... why did your thingy throb so much?" she whispered, feeling her face heat up just from remembering it.

— "E-excited? From w-what?" Silvia stammered back, her golden eyes widening. Her gaze wandered down to his crotch, noticing his hairless, little member got a lot smaller than usual as the chilly spring wind brushed against it. Despite this, he did not press it back into her, too afraid. Silvia quickly looked back at his face, waiting for an explanation.

"Well... um, it was because of your butt," Aster mumbled sheepishly, averting his gaze again. "It felt really good down there. Like, super-good. It started twitching because of that," he admitted, forcing himself to look back at her after a moment. "I'm sorry, Silvia. Honestly, I don't know what got into me, and I didn't mean for it to happen. I promise it will never happen again," the boy said earnestly, looking guilty.

He took a deep breath before continuing, "Could you forgive me? Please? I'll do anything you ask," Aster looked at his sister with hopeful eyes, silently praying she wouldn't be too angry with him. She meant everything to him.

Silvia looked at her little brother, her expression softening slightly. "It tried to... put its seed into me, right?" she asked, her voice barely audible. It sounded almost like an accusation, making Aster gulp nervously.

"Y-yes, but-" he began, only for his sister to interrupt him.

— "No, it's okay," Silvia said reassuringly, giving him a shy smile. She reached out and gently cupped his cheek, caressing the smooth skin. "I'm not mad or anything, Asty. Just a little... well, surprised. I never expected something like this to happen, you know?" she added, pinching his cheek lightly. "Boop."

Aster nodded slightly, looking apologetic as she kept playing with his face.

Silvia soon continued, "You couldn't control it, correct?" she asked, watching him nod in response. "Alright... how about this? You will owe me a good massage, a long one until I tell you to stop. Then I forget it ever happened. Sound good?"

"O-okay," Aster agreed, nodding shyly. He pecked her cheek softly, mumbling a soft "Thank you" against her flushed skin. "I'll make sure it's the best massage of your life. You'll love it. The moment we find a safe spot for it, of course."

— "We'll see," Silvia giggled, enjoying his gentle kisses on her face. Her golden eyes sparkled with mischief as she looked up at him through her lashes. "So, did it feel good? When it throbbed a lot, I mean," she asked curiously. Her voice carried no trace of nervousness anymore; she sounded genuinely interested.

"Mhm," Aster confirmed, his lips curling into a tiny smile.

— "Really? It seemed quite painful," Silvia commented, pausing momentarily, trying to decide whether to ask the next question. Eventually, curiosity won out over hesitation. "Did it release any seed? I didn't feel anything," she asked, her voice getting even quieter than before. Her lower lip caught between her teeth as she waited for his answer.

Aster was embarrassed to talk about such things with Silvia, of all people. But she had been so kind and understanding despite how wrong it was that he couldn't bring himself to refuse her. "No... there was nothing. I don't have anything in there yet," he replied honestly, hoping she wouldn't ask him to explain more.

— "I see... So weird," Silvia giggled, smiling up at him before whispering another question. "How... how often does it grow like that? When did it happen last time?" she asked, golden eyes wide and curious as they locked onto his.

Aster smiled awkwardly back, considering whether he should tell her the truth. But again, he didn't want to lie. "Like... every time you do the mana invasion thing," he honestly answered with a deep sigh. "It grows when your mana touches mine."

— "E-every time?" Silvia exclaimed in disbelief, a bit too loud. She quickly glanced at Nivalis to ensure she didn't hear before lowering her voice to a whisper again. "Are you serious?"

Aster simply nodded, smiling weakly.

Silvia breathed a soft "Oh," her brows furrowing as she pondered over his words. 'All this time? I never noticed,' she thought, but their mother's sweet voice came from the fire before she could question him more.

"Alright, I'm done here. I have some time to cuddle my angels while everything gets dried," Nivalis whispered. She carefully got behind her little boy and lowered herself to the ground, spooning him from behind. Her arms wrapped around both children, hugging them tightly against her chest.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she rested her chin on Aster's head, breathing in his scent. "Oh, Asty... I don't know what I would do without you. I didn't even know it was possible to save someone from drowning the way you did. Thank you, my love," Nivalis whispered, gently kissing her boy's hair.

"I-it was nothing, Mom. Just... did what I could," Aster mumbled, enjoying his mother's embrace.

— "What did you do? I thought I just woke up on my own, no?" Silvia asked curiously, glancing back at the boy who had a proud grin on his face.

Nivalis answered instead, "You didn't. He kept inhaling air into you and pressing on your chest until you started coughing," she explained, gently caressing her daughter's silver hair. "You nearly died, sweetie."

— "I didn't know..." the girl mouthed, her eyes wide with shock. Her golden gaze darted between her brother and mother before she turned around to hug him tightly with all her strength. "Just forget about massage, alright? You don't owe me anything, Asty," Silvia whispered into his pointy ear, her soft voice cracking slightly. "Thank you for saving my life."

"I'll do it anyway. Don't worry about it," Aster mumbled, lovingly running his fingers through her silver hair.



They spent the next two hours relaxing by the fire, enjoying each other's warmth and company in comfortable silence. Eventually, their clothes and belongings dried completely, and it was time to leave this small shore behind. At least the dark forest seemed quiet inside, not a single sound to be heard.

"How are you feeling, my love?" Nivalis asked gently, crouching before her daughter, who had just relieved herself. A tiny trickle of urine dripped from between her pale thighs, but Nivalis quickly wiped it away with a leave, making sure her hairless slit was clean before pulling up the girl's pants. "Maybe you're still hungry? I can give you some dried fish to munch on," she offered.

— "No, I'm good, Mom. Thanks," Silvia replied, smiling up at her mother. "And I can do it myself, you know," she added, reaching for the strings of her pants. But Nivalis slapped her hands away playfully.

"Just let me," Nivalis chuckled, finishing tying a cute bow and getting to her feet. "Everyone ready? Asty?" she whispered, glancing at her son, who sat on a rock nearby and was busy making two spears. It was nothing fancy, just sharpened wooden sticks. Better than nothing.

Aster looked up from his work, "Yep," he said, handing one spear to Silvia and keeping the other for himself. "Let's go," the boy added, taking her tiny hand and glancing at the dark, ominous woods ahead, fear evident in his eyes.

Nivalis gripped her bow, an arrow already knocked, and stepped into the eerie forest; her children followed closely behind her. They walked quietly and cautiously, careful not to step on twigs or rustle leaves. These woods seemed strangely peaceful, almost too quiet.

The air smelled different here; it was thicker, with a hint of decay. The grass covering the ground was dull green, and the ancient trees were covered in black moss and dead vines. Very little sunlight filtered through the thick canopy above them, making everything feel gloomy and cold. Not a single bird chirping or wind rustling could be heard, only silence.

Nivalis kept casting anxious glances over her shoulder as they walked deeper into the dark woods, making sure her children were still following closely. The siblings, clearly frightened and uneasy, tightly grasped each other's hands, their heads turning left and right as they scanned the strange surroundings. Their palms grew sweaty, but neither released the other's hand.

All three wore disguise cloaks made from blankets with leaves and twigs attached. These cloaks did a great job covering their pale skin and silver hair and breaking up their silhouettes against the dark forest.

They walked for an hour in silence, filled only with the sounds of their breathing, footsteps, and racing hearts. The dense forest grew thicker and darker around them with each passing minute. Memories of this place from when Silvia was five kept flooding her mind — the tears shed, the fears experienced back then, the spider-like beast that had trashed their sled, and how it chased them through these very woods.

Trembling, she gripped Aster's hand tighter as if her life depended on it. How much she wished to be somewhere else, far away from this terrible place, was immeasurable. She silently prayed to all the gods she knew for their safety to allow them to find that little house she dreamed of the last few months, a place they could call home. To have a small garden, maybe even a dog.

But those dreams were shattered when a loud crack of a branch snapping echoed throughout the forest, making Silvia's young heart skip a beat. Everyone froze instantly and crouched down, muscles tensing in fear. The girl narrowed her eyes, looking around the dark woods with terror evident in her golden orbs. The sharpened stick — a spear — she gripped gave her little confidence that they would stand the slightest chance if something did appear and attack them.

'Maybe it was just a branch falling somewhere nearby?' the little girl hoped desperately, praying even harder for their safety even as the air grew heavier around them, unnatural.

Every hair on Nivalis's neck stood on end as she quietly motioned towards the nearby tree, urging her children to follow. The siblings exchanged worried glances, nodded in agreement, and crouched behind their mother.

The large roots of an old, massive tree, its bark as dark as night, created a cave-like shelter big enough for the Silverfrost family to squeeze inside, albeit with some discomfort. They quickly crawled in and hid among the mighty roots, not daring to utter a single word.

Silvia lay in the middle, pressed between her brother and mother, which made breathing slightly difficult, but she didn't complain. 'At least it's warm and cozy,' she comforted herself, feeling their soothing heartbeats against her. A silent prayer echoed in her mind: 'Please, don't let the monsters find us.'

They stayed hidden, waiting for something to happen but hoping nothing would. A minute stretched into five, then ten, then thirty. Nothing was heard except for their quiet breathing and fast-paced hearts beating against their ribcages. After an hour, they began to relax slightly but didn't dare to say anything yet, afraid that even the slightest sound could give away their location.

Meanwhile, the sun seemed to begin to set as the forest became darker and darker, almost pitch black. It was too early for sunset; there should have been hours of daylight left. 'Is nighttime approaching faster than normal in here?' Silvia wondered, trying to remember if it was this way back when she was five, but she couldn't be sure. She was so young then and scared to notice such details, but it made sense that the giant trees could block most of the evening sunlight.

Soon, the temperature began to drop quickly, and their breaths came out in visible puffs, the cold ground beneath them seeping into their bones. "We're staying here for the night, right?" Aster whispered as quietly as he could, receiving an even quieter hum of confirmation from Nivalis. He didn't need to mention making a fire; they all knew it would be suicide as it would attract all kinds of creatures that inhabit this area.

Still lying on the cold ground, Nivalis quietly opened their backpacks and took all the blankets out. "Undress and put your clothing beneath you on the ground," she instructed, whispering into her daughter's pointy ear before proceeding to whisper the same thing to her son.

It was pitch black inside their little cave-like shelter among the massive tree roots. There was no room to lay on their backs, forced to lie on their sides, bodies pressed tightly together. But despite how close they were, Silvia couldn't even see Aster's and her mother's faces; she could only feel their gentle breathing against her.

The young girl trembled as she removed her cloak, pants, and tunic, carefully folding everything beneath her to ensure her bare, goosebumps-covered skin wouldn't touch the cold ground directly. She felt Asty and her mother doing the same beside her, moving slowly and quietly to avoid making any sound except their soft breathing.

Once they were done, Nivalis unfolded two warm blankets and placed them over herself and her children, tucking them in snugly. Even their faces were covered to prevent any cold air from slipping under the covers. It felt like it would be a chilly night ahead.

Silvia lay motionless, her petite body trembling as she was snuggled in between her mother's breasts, inhaling her familiar scent. Her soft and round butt pressed tightly for warmth against her little brother's hips. Strangely, she didn't feel his tiny member poking her there at all now that she paid much more attention to it.

"If you feel too cold during the night, just wake me up. I can make myself warmer for you," Aster whispered into his sister's ear, his warm breath tickling her skin. Then, he repeated the same whisper to his mother, receiving a slight hum from each.

Another hour slipped by in silence, and throughout that time, Silvia could sense Aster's heart pounding against her back, only getting faster with each passing minute. Her heart raced just as much as the fear of something finding them kept creeping into her mind. It was too quiet outside. Any forest shouldn't be this silent.

A few minutes later, Silvia turned her head slightly and pressed her soft lips against her little brother's ear. "We forgot to do the mana invasion for you," she quietly whispered, her warm breath tickling his skin. "I bet you're all red right now and in pain. Press against me tighter so I can break through."

Aster hesitated, his hands resting on her small hips, gripping them gently. He eventually nodded and obeyed, slowly wrapping his arms around her flat chest from behind. The boy pulled her tiny body closer to him with all his strength, almost pushing all air out of her lungs and whispering a gentle "Thanks" into her pointy ear.

Silvia didn't answer, only smiled. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and started gathering mana. The familiar freezing sensation spread throughout her chest, tingling her skin and making her teeth chatter slightly. It was usually not a problem, but it is now when even the slightest sounds meant danger.

The girl put her thumb into her mouth to bite down on it lightly, keeping herself quiet as she focused solely on cooling her mana. 'How will I even sleep like this? With a finger in my mouth?' Silvia wondered briefly before pushing the thought away. She'll figure something out later; her little brother needed her help.

It only took a few moments for the girl to gather enough mana for the invasion. The moment it was ready, she sent it straight into Aster's body, piercing his barrier in just a few seconds without much struggle due to their age difference and her stronger mana. It made the process almost painless for him.

Aster's quiet moans against her half-elven ear soon followed. He tried to muffle himself by pressing his lips against it. The way his body writhed behind her made it clear how much he enjoyed the feeling of her mana inside him, just like she always enjoyed him getting into her. A satisfied smile graced her young face as Silvia kept pushing more mana into his chest, making him breathe faster and harder into her ear.

— "You good?" Silvia whispered after a moment, feeling Aster's heartbeat pounding wildly against her back, his body still trembling slightly from the intense pleasure. Her wet finger slipped out of her mouth with a soft pop.

Aster nodded, his breathing gradually calming down. "Y-yeah. Thanks," he mumbled, gently pecking her cheek as she returned the finger to her mouth to prevent her teeth from clattering uncontrollably again.

Silvia nodded, mumbling a barely understandable "You're welcome" response. She felt Aster's warmth against her petite body and how he buried his face into her silver hair, slowly breathing in her scent. His heartbeat finally slowed.

The girl tried to fall asleep for over half an hour, but it was damn hard with her finger still in her mouth. It kept slipping out, making her teeth clatter uncontrollably. She tried using the index finger instead, but that was even worse. 'Ugh... it will take me a few hours to get warm enough to stop this. Stupid mana...' she sighed internally.

'Wait... Aster said before his thing grows every time my mana touches his. But I don't feel anything...' Silvia thought, opening her golden eyes again. She pressed her hips tighter against her little brother, rubbing her soft, delicate butt against his groin area, trying to feel if anything strange was going on down there. 'Nothing... Did he lie to me?' she wondered.

Now curious and with sleep nowhere in sight, the girl decided to check if Aster was telling her the truth. She pulled away her hips slightly and slowly reached between them with her hand, gently searching for any sign of his thing being big or hard. Her index and thumb fingers were coated heavily with saliva as she felt around. To her surprise, she couldn't even find it at all.

"Silvia? What are you doing?" Aster finally asked, his voice barely a whisper. "Mom just fell asleep. You'll wake her up," he added, softly grabbing her wrist and stopping the girl's movements around his hairless groin.

— "I... was just checking if you were lying to me. You said your thingy gets bigger every time my mana enters your body. So... I was checking," Silvia replied, feeling her cheeks grow warmer from embarrassment. "You did lie to me, right? There's nothing."

A long sigh escaped Aster's lips, his grip on her wrist loosening. "No, I didn't lie. I usually hide it between my thighs so it doesn't bother you," he whispered into her ear. The boy pressed tighter against her, leaving no space for her hand to move. "Now, try to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

After a moment of silence, the girl's quiet voice broke the silence again. "Doesn't it hurt to tuck it that way?" she asked, turning her head slightly. Her expression was concerned and worried, but the darkness prevented Aster from seeing it.

"It's fine. I already got used to it," he replied, kissing her cheek gently before adding a soft "Don't worry."

Silvia fell silent for a while, thinking over his words. "Why did you even hide it from me? You kept sleeping like this, all uncomfortable," she eventually asked, her voice barely audible.

"Because... I-it's weird, and..." Aster trailed off, sighing quietly before continuing. "I promised Mom to keep it away from you when it gets large."

— "Oh," the girl mumbled, feeling bad for him. 'He kept sleeping like this, tucking it between his thighs for hours so it doesn't bother me... I should have noticed,' she thought, frowning. "I won't tell her, don't worry," Silvia whispered after a short pause, her hand reaching to pat his naked hip gently. "You saved my life today, Asty. Come on, take it out and let it breathe. I'll pretend it's not there. Please?"

Aster stayed silent, unsure of what to do. The idea was tempting; sleeping like this was anything but pleasant. His tiny shaft felt stiff, cramped, and ached badly. The boy hoped to wake up his mother later that night to make it go away, but considering how tight and cold the cave was, he doubted it would be possible.

Silvia continued, "Don't make yourself suffer, please," she whispered again, but Aster kept quiet, not wanting to give in, afraid that what happened at the beach would repeat. "We'll be fine if you don't do what you did back then... Putting it between my butt, I mean," she clarified, hoping it would make him less hesitant, but to no avail. Aster's lips remained sealed. "Asty?"

After a long moment of silence, Silvia sighed quietly and reached for Aster's hip again. "I'll do it for you so you don't feel guilty about it, alright?" she whispered, her soft hand slipping between their bodies in search of his thingy. This time, however, she knew exactly where to look.

Her tiny, wet fingers found their way between his thighs. Aster reluctantly parted them for her but not too much, still feeling hesitant and guilty about the idea of having his erect boyhood pressed against her butt. He already felt bad enough about what happened near the river. Luckily for him, his sister was determined to do something about it and didn't care if it was wrong.

Aster gasped quietly when Silvia's fingers found their way to his shaft, her index and thumb fingers wrapping around it. Trying not to think of how wrong this was, she began pulling it outside from between his thighs. 'How did he even manage to tuck it there?' the girl wondered as her fingers stretched out his foreskin until her brother's penis jumped from between his legs.

The moment Aster's tip pressed against Silvia's soft, round butt, his breathing grew labored and heavy against her pale neck. The boy tried to muffle himself by pressing his lips harder into her skin.

Silvia touched the base of his hot shaft hesitantly, not finding his little balls in there. They were still stuck between his thighs. A quiet sigh escaped her slightly parted lips as she pushed aside embarrassment or shame. 'No big deal. I am his big sister. It's my job to take care of him,' she told herself.

Her hand slipped between his thighs again, and this time, Aster lifted them slightly to give her more room. Silvia gently touched his wrinkly sack, feeling how incredibly soft and delicate his testicles were in her palm. 'So soft,' she thought, enjoying the sensation of his warm balls. It felt amazing... but also wrong.

Pulling out one testicle at a time, she asked quietly, "Better?" giving his sensitive sack an encouraging squeeze before letting go. She wasn't sure why she did it, but somehow, it felt right, and he seemed to enjoy it.

"Y-yeah... thanks," Aster whispered back, his voice slightly shaky as his heart pounded rapidly against her back. His sensitive tip pressed firmly against her soft buttcheek, throbbing and twitching uncontrollably against the delicate flesh, enjoying the softness of his sister's behind. It felt like heaven, without a doubt.

The brief feeling of her hand on his boyhood still lingered there even though she had long let go. Aster's breathing grew heavier as he tried to muffle himself by pressing his lips harder into her neck, hoping their mother wouldn't wake up from the sounds he made.

— "Have a good night," Silvia whispered, giving him another reassuring pat on his hip before returning her thumb to her mouth to stop the chattering of her teeth. With her mind at ease, knowing that her brother could finally get a good night's rest, the girl closed her eyes.

She tried to ignore the throbbing thing pressed against her soft butt, instead focusing on falling asleep. A strange taste lingered on her pink lips, but she couldn't exactly tell what it was. 'It must be the forest air,' she thought as her slippery tongue covered her thumb with fresh saliva.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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