Eternal Melody

Chapter 915 My Beautiful Monster Part 16


Not once has he entertained the idea of mentioning her past life to the current her. While hanyous and evolved humans exist in this lifetime. Talk of reincarnation is a good way to make people label you as a crazy person. Moreover, he doesn't want to force her to remember. Their bond still exists in this life, so it won't be long before she remembers. At least that is how it's supposed to be. 

They are supposed to find each other as children, and he did find her. He found her before her parents locked her up in the facility. But on the day he was formally going to come over and explain the situation. Sumire lost control of her abilities, attacked a servant and her parents forced her into that damned place.

So much wasted time, and for what? For Sumire to encounter that man again. To encounter Terashima Yuhi before him? If her parents never sent her away, they would have surely met. He wouldn't have had to force his mark on her in the forest, since they would have bonded enough for her to ask him for it.

This should be the best place for Sumire to stay, because everything in this place is old fashioned. There are seldom any modern day items, so she shouldn't get triggered by anything.

Before Lucifer could open his mouth and respond to those words. Lucifer feels a sharp pain on his neck. It takes him only a few seconds to understand that Sumire is biting him.

Lucifer chuckled. "What's wrong? Doing this suddenly?"

"I can hear your thoughts when I drink from you right? I want to know what you are thinking."

"You simply have to ask me." Lucifer caressed her hair. But he doesn't dislike this situation either.

Catching movement in the shadows, Lucifer exhaled deeply. "It seems we have to cut this short."

Sumire must have noticed too since she pulled away. He presses a kiss on her forehead. "Do not stay out here too long, go back and rest. I shall return by midnight."




Ever since she learned of the existence of the dungeons. She has been frequently visiting the prisoners. At first they were wary of her, since it seemed like everyone was aware of who she was. 'The wife of the Lord who is responsible for them being down here.' It was normal for them to be wary and to resent her. But after a few visits, they gradually warmed up to her. Although there were still a few who said rude remarks, at the very least they accepted the food and medical aide she gave them.

As she was packing up supplies, she heard the sound of someone groaning in pain. Is there someone else? The rest of the cells in this part are empty. She doubts Lucifer would go through the trouble of separating them all. But, it's true she has never gone down here before.

'Perhaps I should ask him about it first. But, coming down here is already a huge risk. I don't think Lucifer will appreciate me feeding and healing his prisoners after he abuses them.' Taking a deep breath she walked down another area with an archway. She spots a single cell in the area, far larger than the others. But it was also the one in the worst shape.

Sumire sees a figure hunched on the wall with shackles on his hands, and his legs. But those shackles were not normal. Shackles that hinder an evolved human. Lucifer must be very concerned about this prisoner. While she wanted nothing more than to help everyone down here. She might be pushing her luck with this one/

She bit her lip and reluctantly dragged her feet away, only to have someone call her name.


Sumire blinked and she turned her attention back to the person in the isolated cell. 

"Do you know me?" Sumire said, surprised.

While she is aware rumours regarding her have arrived down here. The other prisoners didn't know her name. They simply address her as 'my lady.' This is the first person to call her by name.

The person didn't answer her question but the look in his eyes said it all.

So he does know her. 'I have so many questions. But for now I should focus on giving him food and treat his wounds.'

"I'm sorry he is keeping you in here. I don't know what you did but-I'll try and talk to him to make your conditions better."

The man shakes his head. "That will put you in danger."

"He won't harm me. He is my husband."

He chuckled. "Right, he is."

This person is very rude. But, Sumire slides a tray of food behind the bars. "I've given everyone else their portion today. I didn't know about you, so I'm afraid yours is left covers."

"You made it yourself?"

"The food they were giving to the others was terrible. So I bribed the guard and swapped it."

Another chuckle. "That's like you." He weakly extended his hand out towards the plate. Despite the shackles he managed to pick up the wooden spoon and started to eat.

"My name is Hino."


It sounds familiar. Where has she heard that name before?

"Does he touch you often? Your husband?" Hino suddenly asked.

Feeling his gaze on her neck. Sumire placed her hand on her bruised neck and shook her head. "His blood lust was out of control last night, so he simply bit me harder than usual. Normally he is gentle."

She is aware that her husband has another side, and that a terrible beast resides inside him. When she first discovered it, Sumire thought she would be frightened. But, instead it simply added to his allure. There really must be something wrong with her head, if she finds that attractive,

"I see. Well, at least he isn't treating you terribly."

Sumire frowned at those words. Why is this person implying that Lucifer will hurt her?

"I know about the beast. But, he can control it when he is with me."

'Although, it felt like he would lose control last night. I shouldn't mention that to a complete stranger.'

Sumire scanned him up and down. It is difficult to examine his injuries from behind the cell bars. She pulled out the key she swiped from the guard and unlocked the door.

Hino looked at her surprised. "What are you doing? You know you can't free me right, he will get angry at you."

"I am not freeing you but simply tending to your wounds."

"I don't think you should be-"

Sumire frowned. "Don't be stubborn. If I don't treat you, these wounds will get infected." She glanced at the cell and sighed. "This place must have been abandoned. It's too dirty, you'll definitely end up with infected wounds."

"I've been here for a few weeks. I've adjusted."

"That doesn't make it okay."

But a few weeks? Exactly how many weeks is he talking about?

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