Eternal Melody

Chapter 839 You Are The Secret Which Blooms In My Heart Part 6


After Siena left, she was in a daze and simply sat on the couch staring at the ceiling. 

'Yuhi-san, I want to talk to you as soon as possible.' But, Sumire's gaze drifted onto the phone in her hands. All of her past few messages had been marked as unread. He is probably sleeping now, or maybe he has another concert. 

She was so distracted that she didn't realize when Toh entered the room.

"Hi beautiful." Toh bent down and kissed her cheek softly. "Missed me?"

Sumire nodded.

"I've missed you a lot, I've been thinking about you all day. Thinking about how your lips were sucking at my skin with so much passion."

Her dazed state vanished in seconds hearing his words and her face immediately heated up. H-hold on?

Toh chuckled at her reaction. "Don't like my greeting?"

"I thought we had a rule about harassment." Sumire exclaimed.

"We did, but we also had that nice conversation last night."

Sumire paused. "I'm not ready, Toh."

Because she isn't. She isn't ready for him to openly pursue her again. She needs to talk to Yuhi first. Siena is right, she can't allow others to decide her feelings or dictate where her feelings would go. Yuhi means well, he always has. No doubt that it hurt him making that decision. 

Toh nodded. "I understand, have you eaten?"

"I have."

"I hope you have some room for cakes, because I brought some."

At those words Huan appeared at the doorway with sparkling eyes. "Mom, can I have some?"

Typical, he was playing hide and seek after returning from Ru's place. But at the mention of food, here he is.

Like father, like son she supposes.

Sumire nodded and Huan rushed over to sit beside her.

Toh walks back over with a tray of plates, and two cake boxes filled with different cakes.

He sat down next to her and placed his hand on her thighs. "So, your not ready?"

"I-I need to talk to Yuhi." Sumire replied nervously.

But, gods. Why does his hand feel so comfortable? Sumire shakes her head. Insane, she is going insane and it's completely Toh's fault.

Toh followed her gaze and chuckled. "Are you sure? We can still try things."


Suddenly Huan is hugging her protectively, and glaring at Toh. Her sweat fell. "Uh, my baby. What's wrong? What's gotten you upset?"

"Mom! I will protect you." Huan said determined.

It takes her a few seconds to understand what he was doing. An image of Ru flashed through her head and she blinked. Like father, like son indeed. As each day passes by, they grow more and more alike.

Before she found out Ru was alive. Seeing the similarities between Ru and Huan brought her pain as well as comfort. This boy would grow up without his real father. Even if Yuhi=san treated him well, he would never be Huan's father. 

Sumire hugged him tightly. She truly is thankful that this child is around. Ru is alive, and they have reunited. But something has changed between them. Whenever they meet, all they do is argue. 

She has no favourites amongst her three children, but she feels the safest around this child.

After a few minutes, Sumire realized how sleepy Huan looked and brought the boy to his room. Seeing the sofa bed adjusted so an adult could sleep there. Sumire immediately understood. She doesn't have to say anything, and Toh understands her needs automatically. 


After ensuring that Huan was asleep, she returned to the room she was sharing with Toh. It was nice spending time with him like that just chatting and watching him fall asleep,

Sumire was scrolling at her phone, when she stumbled on the images Yuhi sent not too long ago. The images of him in the bathroom, naked.

She didn't get a chance to open it before.


She truly is insane.

What on earth possessed her to say those things to Yuhi, and even asked him to send such pictures? Hormones. She has no control of her hormones. 

A very naked, Mashima Toh just strolled into the room. Not quite naked, but the flimsy towel wrapped around his waist could easily come off.

Sumire shakes her head and turned her attention back onto her phone.

'Look at pictures of Yuhi and calm down.'

She was so focused on looking at pictures, that she didn't hear Toh approaching.

"So, you two send these type of pictures to each other?"


Toh was right beside her.

"Put a shirt on."

"Does my nudity bother you that much?"

Sumire looked away, but Toh was still leaning in closer to stare at the pictures.

"Well, the rumours about Terashima don't seem to be wrong."

"Those rumors are--"

"False?" Toh snorted. "I think you know they aren't."


Toh sighed deeply. "Alright, I get it. But I think you should use this time to actually learn about your boyfriend. He may have treated you well, but he probably hasn't shown you the darkness inside of him. Hasn't shown you the real him yet."

Recalling their conversation, Sumire paused. Indeed, she did tell him that next time they met she wants him to touch her for real. When she said those words, she saw it. A flicker of darkness.

"I understand." Sumire trailed off. "Thank you, I know your only worried about me."

Toh nodded. "Anytime." He trailed off. "If I put a shirt on, will you let me sit next to you?"

Sumire blinked and then laughed. "Okay."

Toh leaned forward and kissed her forehead, before turning to the drawer and slipping on a shirt.

"So, beautiful. What are your plans for the rest of this evening?"

"Writing songs?"

"How about watching a movie with me?"

"Here?" Sumire asked.

She doesn't feel like going out right now.

Toh nodded. "Here." He pointed to the TV on the wall. "Do you think that's just for show?"

"You don't really use it."

"Only when I have time to relax, and since getting back I haven't had much of an opportunity." Toh kissed her forehead. "But, now I have sometime. I'd like to spend it with you beautiful, do you mind?"

Sumire slowly nodded. She had no reason to disagree, besides it's just watching a movie.

Toh switched the TV on and eventually joined her. He placed a blanket on her lap and adjusted the pillow she was leaning on.

She immediately regretted that 'it's just a movie.' comment.

It was a romance film. A romance film that was rated eighteen and above.

A film like this will certainly contain romantic scenes between the main couple. But, to what extent? It's probably not that bad.


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