DxD: My Main Skill is Winning Hearts

Chapter 90 – Not so sweet home

Chapter 90 – Not so sweet home

When I stepped through the portal into the other world, I found myself in the same place where I had decided to try out my new system for the first time, the cramped room of the Explorer system. Obviously, the days had passed here as well, and I could tell by the holographic calendar behind the door.

"Day 267 of the solar cycle."

For the sake of accuracy and worker motivation, the traditional calendar system was abandoned after World War I. Members of the upper echelons of the government felt that the old calendar would remind everyone of the old memorial dates, and that would affect morale, so they changed it. In addition, with the impact of the atomic bombs all over the planet, the earth's rotation was slowed down by one day, meaning that the years no longer had 365 days, but 364.

I sighed to be back in this place. Well, it wasn't exactly pleasant to return to my home when most of the things I liked were now in another world.

"I'll take care of my business quickly, visit my relatives and continue my journey. That's the best thing to do. I don't want to spend any more time in this place than I have to," I said to myself at that moment.

Suddenly, a voice in my head that wasn't from the system alerted me.

{Leo, where are we?}

My eyes widened. Of course, how could I have forgotten Ddraig? He, or rather she, lived in my mind, so of course he would travel to other worlds with me, even if involuntarily. The best thing was for me to be honest? Otherwise, what excuse or explanation could I give him?

{This is another world, isn't it? I feel magic a little differently here.}

"Wait, can you feel the difference?"

{Of course I can! I'm the Dragon Empress, and there are even dragons that can create alternate dimensions, but this one feels just as evolved as the natural dimension... Where are we, child? How did you do that?"

I sighed, realizing that I had to be honest with Ddraig to repay all the help he had given me by not letting me die.

"The truth is, Ddraig, I'm not originally from the same universe as you..."

{What are you talking about, boy?}

"I am originally from this universe you see before you. In this world, it's normal for people to receive powers called 'systems,' and I received one that allows me to travel to other realities and change a characteristic of this world. In this world, the universe you belong to is called High School DxD, and you're supposed to belong to a perverted boy other than me, but I selfishly changed that and went to your world."

{Boy... I think I'm starting to get it. I'm not surprised, really. I've always heard you talk to yourself as if you were talking to something other than me, and you always seemed to know so much}.

"I know about a limited number of events that will happen, but most of my knowledge has been covered since I went to this world. The battle against Raiser Phenex, the appearance of Kokabiel, and many other things I know. Now, the final event will be the arc caused by Loki."

{Loki? The Norse god?}

"Yes, exactly. Before that, I need to prepare myself and become stronger to easily deal with gods like him, so I returned to the world briefly, as a rest, before going to another."

{And I'll gladly accompany you on this journey, child!}

"Gladly? Are you serious?"

{Of course I am! No other bearer of mine has ever taken me to another dimension, or has a story as interesting as yours!}

"Glad to hear it, Ddraig."


Outside of my little room, the world was very different from the world of High School DxD. It wasn't a world full of demons and angels, but maybe that's why it ended up so destroyed.

The air had a pungent metallic smell, probably a remnant of the countless machines that dominated much of Republic City, responsible for the production and distribution of technology and manufacturing to many other cities in the region.

The city never slept, and this was evident in the constant flow of people on the streets, day and night.

The streets themselves were strange, to say the least. The asphalt was always covered in a fine layer of dust brought in by the winds from the surrounding deserts, and at the same time the buildings were large, imposing, and even seemed to compete with each other to see who could reach the highest.

On the streets, advertisements of all kinds were everywhere the eye could see. They were advertisements for how good the systems were, or devices for the body, such as metal prostheses and exoskeletons for work, because that was the new fashion.

As I walked through the crowded streets, the loudspeakers scattered throughout the city blasted messages of progress and order maintained by the central government, but the decay was growing. Anyone could see how many buildings had been abandoned in recent years, and how these buildings housed the destitute, those who couldn't afford the fees to live in the central districts.

There was a gleam in the eyes of the people walking the streets, but it wasn't hope; it was desperation masquerading as ambition, an uncontrollable will to survive at any cost.

"I have to get out of here," I muttered to myself as the thought of staying in this devastated world any longer than necessary became unbearable.

I made my way to the train station. When I arrived at the station, I was greeted by a sea of people. The platform was packed and people were jostling to get on the next train. The noise was deafening: the sound of engines, conversations, automated announcements, and the constant buzz of electronics interacting with each other.

I joined the crowd, adjusted my position, and was soon pushed onto the train as the doors opened with a hissing sound. The space was claustrophobic. People huddled together, barely able to move as the train accelerated at breakneck speed, leaving Republic City behind and crossing the desert that surrounded it.

As the train moved forward, the windows showed an arid and inhospitable landscape, a vast desert that stretched as far as the eye could see.

Outside, the sand was marked by huge cracks, the result of extreme heat and the devastation caused by nuclear explosions. In the distance, I could see a herd of radiation-born monsters, deformed, with elongated limbs and red eyes glowing under the merciless sun. I watched them run towards the train, but obviously they didn't stand a chance against the speed of the bullet train.

I was going to Awaniko City to visit my parents, but something told me it wouldn't be a peaceful return to my hometown.


Author's note:

The next two chapters will take place in Leonard's original world, where he deals with simple family problems. I know that some readers are only here for DxD and don't really like completely original parts, so I won't go on too long, I'll just use it to better connect the story and develop some aspects that I think are important.

Also, the next chapters will take place in Konosuba, then we'll return to the world of DxD to continue the arc of Loki and Norse mythology. I'm looking forward to this part because I have a lot of interesting changes in mind. XD




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