Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 147 145-Enslavement Contract (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 147 145-Enslavement Contract (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

"I agree... to sign the Enslavement Contract." Not everyone possesses the courage to face death unflinchingly.

Threatened by its looming presence, Victor chose to submit.

Following Victor's submission, Baal whispered a convoluted and arcane incantation into Ethan's ear.

"Wanderer lost within the desert, in the oasis, I heed your call, bestowing upon you an inexhaustible spring. From this day forth, you shall serve me, without betrayal, until the world fades to oblivion..." The peculiar chant echoed, invoking a mysterious force.

A phantom-like contract manifested mid-air, inscribed with twisting characters unfamiliar to Ethan.

Yet, just a glance made him realize the significance of these writings.

"What language is this?" Ethan turned to inquire of Baal.

Baal shook her head mid-air, "I am not certain. Perhaps it's the language of the deities."

"No! It's not the language of gods," Victor interjected.

His name was already inscribed on the floating ethereal contract, indicating the Enslavement mark had taken root.

He was now Ethan's most loyal servant.

Sharing his knowledge was a testament to his loyalty.

"Victor, you know of this?" Ethan's surprise was evident.

Victor touched his temple with pride, "My esteemed master, the title of a scholar wasn't bestowed upon me frivolously. Over a decade ago, I was the librarian of a kingdom, overseeing its vast collection of books. Those days were..."

"Enough!" Ethan cut him off, his tone slightly irritated, "I don't want your life story. If you recognize the script, speak directly. No more tangents."

"As you wish!" Victor nodded, continuing, "This script originates from an ancient civilization. Their name has been lost to history, but they left behind this magnificent script called the Language of Nature. The Language of Nature possesses an incredible power, before which even life itself bows."

"For instance, this..." As he spoke, arcs of electricity danced over Victor's body.

Baal, taken aback, quickly ducked into Ethan's pocket, peeking out with caution.

Ethan remained unfazed, his gaze fixed on Victor's hand.

In the center of Victor's palm appeared a peculiar symbol, reminiscent of the one on the Enslavement Contract, evidently from the same script.

"My esteemed master, this is a Language of Nature symbol, representing 'Thunder'," Victor explained with pride.

A glint of understanding flashed across Ethan's face, "So, the reason you could wield that Hammer of Thunder was because of this Thunder Language of Nature?"

"Exactly," Victor nodded.

Ethan stroked his chin, pondering, "Then how does one learn and utilize this Language of Nature?"

Victor shook his head, "How one learns the Language of Nature remains a mystery. With the demise of that ancient kingdom, the lineage of the Language of Nature also vanished. No one knows the entirety of the Language of Nature. Even this symbol of Thunder I possess was a fortuitous find in an ancient ruin. As for how to learn it, I'm in the dark."

Hearing this, Ethan felt a sense of resignation.

It was then that Baal emerged once more, addressing Ethan, "Ethan, since Victor has signed the Enslavement Contract with you, as the master of the contract, you can sense everything about your servant. Try to perceive, perhaps you might understand this Language of Nature."

"Is that possible?" Ethan was taken aback, filled with surprise.

Without hesitation, he attuned himself to Victor.

A unique sensation enveloped him.

Although Victor stood right before him, Ethan felt as though he could see around Victor without moving, sensing anomalies, especially the radiant, peculiar silver-white symbol glowing in Victor's palm.

With curiosity, Ethan projected his consciousness towards the Thunder Language of Nature.

In the next instant, the unexpected occurred.

The Thunder Language of Nature, as if sentient, awakened.

A surge of electricity emanated from it, striking Ethan's consciousness directly.

He felt a paralyzing sensation, his consciousness seeming to detach from his body, floating weightlessly, ascending towards the cloud-covered sky.

Yet, within those clouds, a dark expanse awaited him.

Dark clouds, with thunder roaring and growling, induced an innate dread.

"What is this?"

Though panic briefly clouded Ethan's mind, he quickly composed himself. He swiftly realized that the scenery before his eyes wasn't real but a construct.

"Why has the Thunder Language of Nature brought my consciousness here? What does it seek? What's its purpose?" Ethan murmured to himself.

Suddenly, the cloud cover transformed.

Lightning converged, fiercely striking a hill below. The hill, upon impact, cracked and shattered, with rocks hurtling in every direction, leaving gaping holes in the ground.

"This is the power of Thunder!" Ethan exclaimed, deeply awed. "Even a Rank S Hero would pale before such terrifying might. I wonder if even the gods spoken of in legends possess such power."

However, almost immediately, Ethan felt another anomaly.

Arcs of blue-silver electricity began to course over his ethereal form, reminiscent of Victor's previous display.

"Only one way to find out," he thought.

He focused on the feeble Thunder within him, molding it into the Ethan could even sense the emotions emanating from these electric arcs: they were volatile, eager to destroy everything in their path.

"Could it be...?" A surge of unexpected joy threatened to overwhelm Ethan.

"Only one way to find out," he thought.

He focused on the feeble Thunder within him, molding it into the shape of the Dragon Slayer Spear.

Taking aim at another hill below, he hurled it forward.

The spear struck the hill, piercing its surface and burrowing deep within.


The hill erupted in an explosion.

"It truly is!" Ethan exclaimed, breaking into joyful laughter.

He then noticed a Language of Nature symbol, similar to Victor's, had appeared in the palm of his hand.

Yet, in his jubilation, Ethan failed to observe that his Thunder Language of Nature was somewhat different from Victor's.

Ethan's was more intricate, its glow even more radiant.

With the Thunder Language of Nature now under his command, Ethan's consciousness swiftly returned.

He blinked his eyes open to find everything just as it had been.

Baal perched on his left shoulder, while Victor stood by his side with a deferential demeanor.

"How long was I spaced out?" Ethan inquired of Baal.

"Spaced out?" Baal replied with a hint of surprise.

Baal tilted his little head, his expression one of utter confusion. "Spaced out? It was merely ten seconds since I suggested you try sensing Victor through the Enslavement Contract. Did it work?"

"Only ten seconds? Was it truly just that brief?" Ethan was astounded.

In his consciousness, while amidst the clouds, it felt as if he'd been there for hours.

Yet Baal was now saying it had been mere seconds.

"The world of consciousness holds many secrets," Ethan mused, quickly pushing the thought away.

Pondering the mysteries of the conscious realm before even finding a way into the divine realm was surely unwise.

Beside Ethan, upon hearing Baal's inquiry, Victor glanced over with a smile, stating, "The Language of Nature isn't easily mastered. Especially this Thunder Language of Nature I possess. Even among all the Languages of Nature, it stands out as one of the most challenging. It's almost impossible that you, Master, could perceive it through the Enslavement Contract."

Victor's confidence was undiminished, even in his new role as Ethan's servant.

However, noticing the slight upward curve of Ethan's lips, a sense of foreboding grew in Victor's heart.

"Victor, prepare to be disappointed," Ethan said with a grin.

He then activated the Thunder Language of Nature in his palm.

Electricity instantly spread across Ethan's entire body, his eyes flashing with fierce lightning.

In his hand materialized a spear entirely made of electric energy.

"This is what I've gained – the Thunder Lance!" Declaring so, Ethan hurled the lightning spear, targeting an abandoned house nearby.

A thunderous roar sounded, and in an instant, the derelict structure was razed to the ground.

Not a single brick or stone remained in sight, all reduced to mere rubble and dust.

"That's terrifying... if that hit a person..." Baal exclaimed, frightfully ducking back into Ethan's pocket.

Victor stood with his mouth agape, staring at the scene of devastation in the distance, seemingly lost in shock.

Only when Ethan called out to him did Victor hurriedly respond, "Noble Master, you are a prodigy! Given time, you will undoubtedly become the mightiest in this world!"

"Enough with the flattery," Ethan interjected, "Let's go and see how Veronica is doing."

He turned and made his way back.

Before long, he arrived at the spot where Veronica had been resting.

Instantly, Ethan's face darkened.

Veronica was nowhere in sight, but ominous traces of blood were splattered on the ground, scattered as if left behind in a struggle.

"Damn it, someone has taken Veronica!"

In a secluded valley, Veronica slowly opened her eyes.

"You're finally awake," a familiar voice echoed.

Turning her head, she saw Sean leaning against a nearby rock wall, casually flipping a gold coin in his hand, a smirk on his face.

"It's you!" Veronica exclaimed, trying to rise, but soon realized she was bound with ropes.

Sean chuckled, approaching her, "Who else could it be?"

"Hmph, Sean, I'd advise you to release me at once. If Ethan finds out you've kidnapped me, you'll face unimaginable consequences!" Veronica retorted with a fierce tone, which only provoked greater laughter from Sean.

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