Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 125 124-The Undying Cycle (1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

An invisible barrier instantly enveloped the skeleton, and Henry felt as if he had struck a chunk of iron. 

The immense recoil numbed his arm and sent him flying backward.

At the same time, the skeletal dwarf raised his staff, and terrifying rays of light spread out from him as the center. 

The skeleton soldiers that had just been struck down were wobbling back to their feet.

Henry's face darkened. 

This skeletal dwarf's defense was far superior to the average wraith. 

His previous full-force strike had been unable to harm the dwarf, and meanwhile, an increasing number of reanimated skeleton soldiers were swarming towards them.

The group of heroes was instantly plunged into a fierce battle. 

The skeletal dwarf's attack wasn't strong, but as long as he remained standing, the skeleton soldiers could continually resurrect.

The heroes, initially holding all the advantages, were gradually finding themselves in a difficult situation.

"Take down the skeleton dwarf first!"

"What the hell is this thing? Why is its defense so freaking high?"

The heroes began to focus their attacks on the skeletal dwarf on the altar. 

However, all their abilities were blocked by an invisible barrier in front of the dwarf, who simply monotonously repeated his movements, waving his staff again and again.

A horde of skeleton soldiers overwhelmed the entire hero team, and cries of terror echoed around.

"No... Please, no!"

"Help me!"

Heroes were already beginning to fall, and Henry, who had been relentlessly attacking the skeletal dwarf, was starting to run out of energy. 

A group of skeleton soldiers immediately swarmed him, submerging him entirely.

Henry swung his sword and knocked down several skeleton soldiers in front of him, but a steel sword simultaneously pierced his chest.

"You damn mongrels!" Henry kicked the skeleton that had attacked him from behind, cutting down several more skeleton soldiers, but more and more skeleton soldiers were crowding around him.

"Am I really going to die at the hands of such trash monsters like skeleton soldiers?" Henry thought, filled with bitterness. 

But now, he didn't even have the strength to lift his sword.

At this critical moment, a ball of fire suddenly descended from the sky, fiercely smashing into the bodies of the skeleton soldiers.


The deafening sound of the explosion reverberated throughout the entire cave. 

Henry felt a sharp pain in his ears, and everything before his eyes turned black. 

When the smoke and dust finally cleared, he stared in shock. 

The densely packed skeleton soldiers had all been blown to pieces, the ground littered with fragments of bone, sending up wisps of blue smoke.

"Can you still move? If we can't kill that skeletal dwarf, none of us are getting out of here alive! Try to break that barrier for me!" Scott shouted to Henry. 

Having unleashed a powerful spell, his face had turned deathly pale.

At this moment, he was standing steadily in mid-air, his body engulfed in a blazing red flame. 

Dozens of small fireballs, each the size of a basketball, orbited around him, emanating a terrifying aura of destruction.

Everyone on the battlefield could sense the fearsome elemental fluctuation emanating from Scott.

"I'll do my best... but if this strike fails, I'm done for." Henry gritted his teeth, gripping his longsword with both hands and letting out a roar.


With his low shout, a deep red energy halo suddenly appeared around him. 

The oval-shaped halo, about three meters in diameter, emitted a terrifying glow like a flame.


With a roar, Henry charged at the skeletal dwarf on the altar. 

His longsword radiated a terrifying crimson light as it fiercely collided with the barrier around the dwarf.

A cracking sound could be heard as large cracks began to appear on the dwarf's shield.


With a roar, the red light on Henry's body surged dramatically, all pouring into his longsword. 

His sword let out a strained hum, and with a bang, it shattered. 

The terrifying sword light instantly tore through the barrier in front of the dwarf, breaking it into countless shards of crystal dust.

"Flame Dragon Spell!"

The fireballs around Scott began to flash with streaks of red light. 

The flames grew instantly, swirling streams of blazing light wrapped around each fireball. 

In the blink of an eye, they transformed into a ferocious fire dragon that roared towards the skeletal dwarf, swallowing him whole.

The skeletal dwarf, consumed by the fire, let out a pained howl.

"To hell with you, hahaha!"

Henry, witnessing this scene, laughed heartily, collapsing onto the ground. 

With his Berserk state now ended, he was completely spent.


Accompanied by a massive impact, the skeletal dwarf's body suddenly exploded into a pile of shattered bones.

"Clear out these skeletons, they can't resurrect anymore!" Scott yelled, hurling one fireball after another, like a human cannon.

The group of Heroes began to gather their strength. 

Without the ability to resurrect over and over, these skeleton soldiers were just easy targets. 

In no time, they had cleared the area around the altar once more...

"Not good!"

Suddenly, one of the Heroes cried out in horror, staring in fear at the altar ahead. 

As the skeleton soldiers fell, the skeletal dwarf that had previously shattered on the altar started to reassemble itself.  I think you should take a look at

Wobbling, the dwarf stood back up again, swaying his staff.

The fallen skeleton soldiers began to resurrect again...

"How the hell are we supposed to fight this?" Despair filled Henry's eyes.

Killing the skeleton soldiers resurrected the dwarf. 

Not killing the dwarf meant the soldiers would keep coming back. 

It was a lose-lose situation.

Henry cursed under his breath, regretting his greed for the ten thousand gold coin reward. 

Now he was in a real mess, not only losing his soldiers but risking his life as well.

Holding onto his belly wound, Henry's blood trickled out and dripped onto the ground.

Now, all he could do was watch helplessly as the skeleton soldiers charged at him, unable to fight back.

"Break through this way!" A flash of sword light suddenly appeared, slicing through several skeleton soldiers. 

Jonathan, riddled with arrows, ran back looking worse for wear.

"Ethan and I found a passage ahead, follow us this way! We've been thinking about this all wrong!"

"This skeletal dwarf has no attack power, and the damage from these skeleton soldiers is not high. 

We just need to break out of here and leave this place. 

This resurrection ability can't possibly cover an infinite range, we just need to leave."

Jonathan helped Henry up, signalling the group of Heroes to start breaking through towards the front. 

Scott, hovering in mid-air, also descended, and several Heroes from Dark Core quickly helped him.

His face was deathly pale, and even walking was a challenge. 

Like Henry, the previous battle had severely drained his stamina.

"How are we supposed to break through, damn it... we can't even finish off these skeletons, moving a step is difficult."

"Who's got any healing potions? I can't even swing my sword anymore."

A group of Heroes groaned in despair. 

Even knowing that the path to escape was just ahead, they were now too exhausted to run.


A terrifying bolt of lightning struck down, instantly shattering a large number of skeleton soldiers and clearing a path.

"You guys go, I'll cover the rear." Ethan said emotionlessly. 

Lightning bolts were shooting from his hands, smashing the resurrecting soldiers.


Jonathan and the others knew that now wasn't the time to hesitate. 

One by one, they started sprinting forward. 

Whenever the skeleton soldiers gathered, a timely bolt of lightning would fall from the sky.

The Heroes stumbled across the square, finally reaching the big door Jonathan had mentioned. 

They hastily pushed open the door and escaped inside.




The terrifying sound of thunder continuously echoed from behind. 

Ethan, in the midst of the sea of skeletons, seemed like Thor himself. 

Countless arcs of electricity wound around him. 

Skeletons charged at him one after another, only to be reduced to bone dust by the lightning.

"Holy crap, what a freak..."

"Is this guy a swordsman or a wizard?"

"How much mana does he have inside him? He's been blasting for almost ten minutes now, right?"

"Why do I feel like he's more terrifying than the boss? Thank God he's a Hero."

The group of Heroes gaped at Ethan, who was immersed in lightning. 

They were flabbergasted. 

To them, Ethan was a more terrifying entity than the sea of skeletons. 

If they were to confront Ethan, they'd probably have been annihilated under the relentless thunderstorms.

Seeing the group of Heroes had successfully retreated, Ethan dashed through the sea of skeletons at lightning speed. 

A few jumps and he was through the great gate.

In front of the gate, there seemed to be an invisible barrier. 

The skeletal soldiers halted their pursuit upon reaching this point, just standing there, dumbfounded, staring at the group of heroes.

Eventually, having no targets to attack, they began to sway and disperse.

Meanwhile, on the distant altar, the skeletal dwarf remained in the same position as before. 

The green flame burning in its eye sockets had dimmed, leaving only a tiny, weak flame flickering, indicating a sign of life.


Suddenly, the skeletal dwarf's legs gave way.

The flames beside the skeletal dwarf abruptly went out. 

Its body collapsed to the ground, breaking into a pile of bones. 

It was devoid of any signs of life.

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