Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 259 A New Healing Magic

A/n: This Extra may have come a bit late but it comes to you by Nicholas Lloyd.

Also, Extra Large Thank You for Christopher Gardiner.


"You guys are super mean! You spent yesterday lovey-dovey and left us looking for you like that? I am really angry."

Jull kept throwing on a tantrum all day long until we appeased her with some food, sweets and all that she wanted. I knew she was after that from the beginning.

Also, I broke through the ’3rd Level of the Iron Bones Stage - Dragon Frame Realm’ last night and I am in the 4th right now. It is mostly because of the effect of the place on Alina which made her Anuic stronger than usual. She is now in the 9th Level of the Dragon Robbing Realm.

In my case, my bones almost felt like they were breaking and fixing itself over and over again but my raw physical power has risen many folds. I am safe to say that I am entering the realm of superhuman after this stage. I can carry half a ton now with ease.

Anyway, the decision of coming here for a vacation was something good. I took Nefertiti and went hunting together outside the sanctuary and we caught a strong elk that put up a really good fight.

Life went like that for the first three days and nothing caused us to pause our hedonistic lifestyle. Well, not until pilgrims started coming to the sanctuary and some priests of Kynareth also came for rituals. A situation happened where Alina and one of the priests went into an argument about staying in the grounds, it seemed that the Priests of Kynareth that follow the Imperial Pantheon and the Priests of Kyne who follow the Nordic Pantheon don’t really see eye to eye and the title of ’Favored of Kyne’ does not mean much to the none Nords. But I tell you what does... my Aura, Alina’s glare and Jull’s frenzy mode. That pretty much can solve any problem.

In the fifth day when Alina and I snuck up to her place on the summit of the sanctuary, I had something in my mind to show her.

"What are these? Needles?" She asked.

"Not just any needles, they are some leftovers from the Mithril Wulfur and I used to create your accessories." I put a small box of a few mithril needles in her hands.

"You created... needles? I am not sure what are you thinking but... why needles?"

"Well, my initial plan was to make them with silver but the Mithril will increase our success by many folds. You see, I am sure that you heard about the Needle Therapy that was practiced in Akavir." I said so but it was actually inspired by the Acupuncture Needles I saw in my past life.

"Oh! So that’s what this is about... I understand the idea of the needles now but the Akaviri ancestors of my clan left no such records for that therapy method."

"I know, I didn’t have high hopes anyway but... look at this." I took out a large old book and put it in front of her.

"This is..."

"I am not supposed to lend it to anyone as this is my treasure but that book was handpicked by Grandmaster Alfe Fyr from Great Grandmaster’s Library. Something the 4000 years old Divayth Fyr deemed worthy enough to have in his library."

As I said that, Alina’s eyes lit up and her hands moved as fast as she could to snatch the book but I returned it to the ring faster than she could even do anything.

"Jon... fuck! Give me that."

"In your dreams. I only showed it to you because you are close to me. Not even Nurina can have it."

"Grrr... I am so dying from jealousy."

Of course, this book is something that our top idol character in the world used to have.

"Well, as the good fiance I am, I copied some pages for you too..." I said so while taking out some papers I copied but Alina snatched them in an instant.

She hugged the papers away and retreated ten meters away from me.

"If you isolated yourself in a cave for years and started calling the papers ’Precious’ then we are done here, you know."

"Ehem, I won’t do such a thing but... thank you."

She regained her normal attitude and came back beside me.

"So, what is the purpose of you giving me precious things like Mithril Therapy Needles and such an important book."

"As you already know, you are much better than me in when it comes to Restoration Magic, you are hands down the best Healer in Winterhold outside the Restoration Department."

"Oh, a lot of compliments! It seems you are asking for something big."

"I am. It is about......" My next words made Alina open her eyes wide and turn serious all of a sudden. She heard what I said and nodded seriously to every word I said.

"Are you sure of what you are talking about?" She asked with a serious face.

"Yes. The ’Light Emitting Screen’, the ’Mithril Needle’ and that ’Acupuncture Points’ I copied from the book. It was all for the sake of what I just told you. What we need now is a capable healer with very steady hands."

"I- I see." She made a solemn face as she started looking through the papers I gave her.

"This is simply... groundbreaking." She said as she went through the paper.

"I know. It took me quite a while."

"... We never knew you were working on such a thing. When they said you are a Genius Enchanter that can only be seen once an Era... I think they still underestimated you. I mean, Reconstructing an Astral Body?... Damn! This is the work of the Divines."

I only smiled at Alina’s words.

And yes, that’s what we are after. Reconstructing the Astral Bodies.

What does it mean to reconstruct an Astral Body? One may wonder.

Before we think of that, we should think of the difference between the Soul and the Spirit. [A/n: before going further, please take note that this is my own fictional way of crafting a story that is not meant to go against on align with any faith Abrahamic or non-Abrahamic.]

Souls are the immaterial part of beings that contain its life energies and can be considered immortal. Spirits are parts of the souls that defines it and carry their memories and shape.

An Astral Body is what binds the Soul to the Physical Body and takes the form of the Spirit. It also gives the Physical Body its shape.

All of that doesn’t mean that only the Astral Body affects the Physical Body and not the other way around. Actually, the Physical Body affects the Astral Body way more than anyone can think. When people age, their Physical Body grow to make their Astral Body follow its pace and take its shape and that is one of the reasons why ’Aging’ is considered a flaw in some of the philosophical opinions that pursue immortality. Back to what we were saying, the Physical Body can also affect the Astral Body when a wound appears on it. If the wound is not handled on the Physical Body then it will be permanent and will also appear on the Astral Body causing it to not be healable by any normal healing spell, and speaking of which, how healing spell return wounds to its perfect state is actually by drawing the shape of the intact Astral Body and apply it with the force of Magicka on the Physical Body.

While talking about Magical Theory is really fun and all, we finally arrived at the main point. It is to Heal a Wounded Astral Body to make the Physical Body heal its old wounds.

If this went more advanced. This can not only heal old wounds, but we are also talking about regrowing lost limbs, immortality, reshaping the body or even adding a new organ to the body.

The basic idea here is to apply Magic Energy to manipulate the shape of the Astral Body and force the edits to be applied on the Physical Body. The only way to reach the Physical Body is by going through the Acupuncture Points and here was the Needle Therapy comes in. The Acupuncture Points are of course the points where the Astral and the Physical Bodies are connected and where energy comes in and out.

With this all, we are about to go through a new realm of research but we are just on the threshold where we are only capable of healing old wounds.

"And there is someone we need to heal before anything else." I said.

"I know. Let’s bring Jullanar." Alina agreed.

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