Dragonborn Saga

Chapter 249 A New Flee

A/n: Sorry about the delay. I am having a Job Interview at the first week of March in the ’High Court House’ and I am supposed to remember all the shit I learned in the past five years I spent as a law student... So freaking nerve-wracking!

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The name of the ’Chill Isle’ may sound scary for anyone of the natives of Winterhold as it was once a place where labor prisoners were forced to work to death by the previous administration of Winterhold. But now, things became completely different.

The Chill Isle is now a very important mining area and has a large closed workshop that belonged to the Dare Dragon Company. This workshop was where all the magic was happening.

We managed to create three designs based on the modern warships and the current age ones, the shipbuilders that were hired needed may have lacked a little bit in terms of creativity but Uncle Njord was there to help me with that matter. He stayed in the Chill Isle for some time and managed to build the designs I gave him.

Now, in front of me in the secret dock west of the Chill Isle, there were a total of 14 ships of three kinds.

-9 Gun Ship: a small and fast ship that requires 10 sailors to operate. It had two Fire Magic Cannons that shoot Fireballs. We named them GS-01, 02, 03, etc...

-4 Cruiser Ship: a Brig, bigger and carries more Fire Magic Cannons, each would shoot Fireballs and we made a Magic Mortar Cannon that would do long-range attacks on them, there were also Fire Breath Cannons that would shoot a strong stream of Fire. One of these Ships was the [Roaring Flame] the ship that obliterated the Bloodsails and the Blood-Horkers when they ambushed us during the Coming of Age trials. They were [Roaring Flame], [Iron Maiden], [Thunder Wrath] and [Winter Grace].

-1 Dragon Ship: a crossbreed between a Man O’ War and a Destroyer, a savage beauty that was made to level down fleets of enemies and conquer storms and forts. The only one we afforded to build was [Queen Potema’s Revenge].

All the ships have no sails and were build to work on Magicka Engines. All can be powered with Soul Gems on Magicka Reactors but the problem was the Cannons which were more consuming than expected. I had to put a small machine to make the Cannons have a separate Energy Source away from the sailing engine and it worked.

I was looking at the docks with a wide grin when I saw the power I obtained. I was a bit drunk with power there but I still had to hold myself from falling to greed. I know I can do a lot with that power but they were to protect what I build, not to be abused and bring a calamity upon myself. Yes, my ships were state-of-the-art battle machines but against the Superpowers in this world, I am no different than a rogue pirate so I have to behave and keep an eye on things.

"Uncle Njord."


"What a cold morning this is, are we really in Second Seed (May)?"

"It’s the Sea of Ghosts, lad. A bone-chilling ocean that would even freeze Nords. Yngol’s Barrow is just over there."

"Yeah, you are right, uncle. Anyway, are we ready?"

"Go and see for yourself."

Uncle Njord pointed at the warehouse by the beach, this was the workshop that we established and it can fit a Dragon Ship in there. We built it out of stone and made sure that it was well guarded and patrolled all the time.

In there, there was a single Cruiser Ship which is the [Roaring Flame], it was being prepared for the first sailing trial and here I was in the engine room attaching four Magicka Reactors to the engine and making sure everything won’t blow up... I mean I tested the Reactors on other things but moving the ship takes a lot of Magicka and the charging time of the Reactors are not that fast.

Anyway, all seems good and the crew was ready to rule.


"And it works!" I shouted.


The crew was in a frenzied state and wishing that this fast and easy to ride ship can be even faster and easier. After we sailed for almost an hour, there was no heating in the Quad-Core Magicka Engine and the speed of the ship was amazing. We then tried a testing Cannons and the Mortars that showed a lot of promise. Our target was the ice that formed around the small islands around the coast.

We sailed to the west and had our fun with the ship from Dawn till Noon as we kept shooting things aimlessly until we finally exhausted the Magicka Reactors and they went into Charging Mode.

"It is simply fascinating!" Mahran, the gigantic Cathay-Raht Khajiit from the Creation Club and an Engineer in the ’Creation Department’, couldn’t help but praise what he saw.

"I know, the idea of creating a network based on Elven Metal to connect the devices around the ship while keeping everything under one enchantment... only a few geniuses can pull that off." Morbagog the Orc Engineer also was in awe.

"Can just someone pull Yisra away from the cannon’s barrel? She is going to get herself blown." Eliel, the pervert Nord Scholar and the current head of the Creation Department, was pulling Yisra away from the cannon’s wrong end.

"Shoot again! Tell them to Shoot! I want to see it closer!" Yisra, the arsonist Redguard freak who adores flame more than the Firemanes themselves, put her head deeper into the cannon’s barrel and was eager to observe it while the fire was forming inside it.

"Can someone stop them, please?" Ongeim, the captain of the ship, was having a hard time focusing on his job from their noise.

"They are perverts! No cure for them." "Yeah, until you figure out a solution, count us out."

Morbagog and Mahran backed away.

These four were really working hard in both the College, the Creation Club and the Creation Department. It was a really fun time to work with them... except when Eliel turn into a pervert and sneak out to watch the girls in the bathhouse... putting that aside, they were a weird but a good bunch.

Anyway, I joined Uncle Njord to celebrate with him.

"What do you think?"

"When they told me you are an Enchanting Genius, I thought you are just a good enchanter like your Grandma or your Uncle Balder but to think you can enchant some metal pieces together to run a ship and make it shoot fire. Shor’s bones I was standing there not understanding anything."

"Come on, uncle. Without you, this beauty wouldn’t have sailed and we would be short on ships."

"Hahaha! Don’t flatter me, lad."

"Anyway, as promised. I will provide the Sky Fire Company with the Magicka Engines we agreed on and the with all the services and the maintenance that come with it."

"Good lad. You mother and father were never this proud."

I kept chattering with my uncle about the ships and the sailing. He was a famous sailor that was said to have visited the Isle of Roscrea, the rumored home of the giants, which is between Tamriel and Old Atmora.

He even started teaching me a way to use the Aura that father hasn’t taught me yet.

"Now that can solidify your Aura, it is not much you can do about it unless you learn how to merge it like Jonrad. The only technique we do is to use it to make an armor around our bodies. It takes a bit of time to master but you may do it in a year."

Hmmm! Solidify the Aura around my body...

"Like this!"

"... and you made it right as soon as I told you about it... Oblivion! It took me a year and a half!"

"... I am sorry."

Njord was a bit disheartened but what should I do? My existence is a cheat as a Dragonborn and I am enthusiastic about anything mystical. After all, I lived a past life in a non-magical world where Magic was part of everyone’s dreams and all wanted to be a superhero. Don’t blame me for learning Magic and mystical arts like a freak.

Also, the Aura is easier to understand that magic as it is very linked to the person’s nature. It is more like Qi from the martial arts novels.

"Anyway, you said my father can Merge the Aura?"

"Hm? Ah, yes. He can do that thing when he uses the Aura with his feet then merge it with the earth, he then creates a layer of earth and fire around his body and to serve him as an armor. I think he called it ’Magma Armor’."

"I see..."

This is also a Skill that is seen in ESO.

From what uncle said, I can understand that I also can merge the Aura but not with Earth-like my father, I can merge it with Magicka and other energies like when I tried it in the Bloodskal Barrow and developed the Tyrant Aura. The Aura cannot perform any long range attacks but when it got mixed with an Energy like Magicka, I became able to do so.

Simply think of Bloodskal’s ’Energy Arc Strike’ as the Aura reaching a further distance ahead. I also can perform it with another weapon other than Bloodskal but I am not skilled enough to make it as perfect as it does.

I also remember solidifying the Aura in the shape of a weapon and throwing it at the cave’s wall but it was not that good.

As I was standing on the ship’s side, I thought of trying it again.

I formed another spear made of my red Tyrant Aura, it wasn’t an actual spear or anything, just an unrefined and unstable stick of red Aura. I made a throwing pose and threw it as strong as I could.

"Woah... Watch that!" Uncle Njord watched what I did with curious eyes.

My red energy spear flew across the air but it started to dim and dissipate as soon as it reached 20 meters away from me.

"It can’t hold itself much away from me. Maybe I should make it faster."

I took out a bow and instead of making a spear, I made an arrow and tried to notch it on the string. It was very unrefined and hard to make, also the Aura started damaging the bowstring as it was very sharp and aggressive.

When I let loose, the arrow flew well at first but once it reached the target I aimed at, its shape was already breaking and didn’t resemble and arrow anymore. Still, it landed on that small icy surface and made a small boom.

"Still, not good."

"Not good?" Uncle Njord looked at me as if he was trying to hit me. "You mother is the only one who could make her Aura reacher far and it is not even as far as you did. Tsk! Kid these days are too greedy!"

"... Sorry sorry!"

I left him alone as he was fed up with how my head works.

Back to this Aura thing... I can now use it to Empower myself, Attack, Overpower, Form a Weapon and Shield Myself. Pretty useful I would say.

Maybe I should start thinking about how the novels’ characters were using their Qi to imitate these techniques or the Aura which is very similar.

But I really wanted to launch some aura attacks, maybe not now.

Anyway, the ship testing was over and I had to test every other ship.

Three weeks later... we are taking action against the last Bloodsail Stronghold.

Japhet’s Folly is mine!

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