Doctor Player

Chapter 433

Doctor Player Chapter 433

Heaven’s Wrath.

means epidemic.

After spreading the worst plague in the ecliptic, Ludwig planned to make a justification by claiming that the plague was the wrath of the sky, angered by Raymond’s hypocritical misdeeds.

‘No matter how bad he is, he can’t solve this epidemic. No matter how good he is, in the end he is alone.’

There are many people concentrated in the imperial capital.

If the plague spreads, countless people will be infected at once, and no matter how great Raymond is, he will be helpless.

‘It’s over, bastard.’

Ludwig thought horribly.

* * *

Gears Kingdom immediately went into action.

[Everything that has happened so far is the curse of the saint of poverty!]

[We, the Kingdom of Gears, demand the head of the hypocritical devil, the saint of poverty.]

[If you do not comply with this request, we will take military action for justice.]

Gears Upon hearing the message from the kingdom, the emperor was shocked.

“What nonsense!”

What has been revealed so far is Raymond’s conspiracy with the Kingdom of Gears!

It was an absurd claim.

No one believed that the words of the Gears Kingdom were true.

The problem is that the person making this ridiculous claim is the Kingdom of Gears.

The most powerful country in the Crusader Federation.

‘That justification is just an excuse. To raise an army.’

Raymond’s eyes darkened.

The Kingdom of Gears was driven into a predicament, and it had a mind to conquer the Crusader Empire with military power.

The problem was that it was possible enough.

Even Alpenser Kingdom was on the side of the Gears Kingdom, so unless the rest of the ten kingdoms united as one, they couldn’t defeat the Gears Kingdom.

“I need to settle people’s confusion first. No one believes in that ridiculous claim, but we need to stop unnecessary confusion.”

At the words of the former emperor, Catherine, Raymond nodded.

But the important issue now wasn’t to prevent people’s confusion.

‘The military of the Kingdom of Gears?’

“How is the movement of the troops in the Kingdom of Gears?”

After hearing the report from the border of St. Rosette Kingdom, Princess Pione replied.

“They say that the 3rd Legion of the Gears Kingdom is marching towards the ecliptic. It’s a much faster move than expected, probably because we were already preparing for this situation.”

Declaring war does not mean that troops can be mobilized immediately.

Because all preparations are required.

However, seeing that they started marching so quickly, it was a story that they were preparing to cause this situation if the numbers were wrong.

“What about the 3rd Corps? size?”

“A total of 50,000 troops. An additional 100,000 troops are said to be preparing to move on the border with the Iron Empire.”

For reference, the Kingdom of Gears was operating a whopping 300,000 regular troops.

Considering that the Houston Kingdom managed to manage about 50,000 troops by stripping their souls, it was an enormous national power.

Even the Kingdom of Gears had more than 20 sword masters.

It was truly an enormous force befitting the majesty of the most powerful nation.

Saint Pione spoke in a low voice.

“I don’t think they will try to capture the imperial capital right away. An actual civil war would be a huge burden to the Kingdom of Gears. For now, I think we will carry out our demands through a demonstration of force.”


It was to offer Raymond’s head.

‘You can never follow me. Aww. Why did this happen?’

Raymond wanted to cry.

Why the hell did this happen?

While I was screaming like that, a message that scratched my insides came to mind.

[A great tribulation is coming to the empire!]

[Quests happen!]

[Victory without blood!]

(Ninjutsu Quest)

Priority: Extreme

Difficulty: Special

Quest Description: A great tribulation due to the greed of the villains A cloud of evil is coming! If this continues, the blood of countless people will flow. Use your abilities to achieve victory without shedding any blood!

Clear condition: Bloodless victory.

Bonus: Level up x 10 skill points 1000 points.


‘Shut up! Tell me what to do!’

Raymond was furious inside.

this damn system. I felt it before, but he had an excellent talent for scratching the inside.

‘What a bloodless victory! How is that possible!’

I didn’t even like the perks.

The true master of the Crusader Federation Empire?

‘I never asked for anything like that!’

At that time, the people in the hall spoke with dark complexions.

“It is a big deal. Raising an army in a situation like this where the election of the emperor has not yet been completed.”

Catherine made a puzzled face.

“After the saint of poverty became emperor, he could have issued a general mobilization order.”

general mobilization order.

It is a military mobilization order issued when a large enemy appears in the Crusader Empire.

An order that only the emperor could issue.

The problem is that now Raymond has not yet become emperor.

“Can’t His Majesty get off?”

Raymond asked clingingly.

But Catherine shook her head.

“I can’t. I have already given up the throne, so I have no authority, and most of all, the ten kingdoms will not follow my orders.”

Even if a general mobilization order is issued, it does not mean that the ten countries will unconditionally follow.

Of course, the general mobilization order is a compulsory order that all ten countries must follow, but unfortunately, reality does not work that way.

Even if an emperor with authority issues a general mobilization order, there are many cases in which countries do not comply with various excuses depending on the interests of each country.

“Then shouldn’t His Highness Raymond ascend the throne right away?”

Christine, who attended the countermeasure meeting together, presented her opinion with a hard face.

“That is also procedurally impossible. A new emperor must be supported by all ten kingdoms in order to ascend the throne.”

This was a problem caused by the fact that the Crusader Empire was an alliance of many countries.

There were several procedures for the emperor’s enthronement, and one of them was the establishment of the Ten Kingdoms.

Apart from obtaining the support of the electorate, in order to become an emperor, he had to additionally be promoted by all ten kingdoms.

Of course, this promotion was only a formal procedure, so there was no particular problem in the usual, but it was a fatal problem in such a civil war situation.

I can’t rise to the throne.

“In the past, a civil war took advantage of this blind spot during the election of the emperor. It is a problem.”

Raymond smiled at those words.

You can’t ascend to the throne.

Should I be happy with this or not?

‘It’s fortunate that I don’t have to ascend the throne… … There’s no way.’

Raymond scratched his head inwardly.


It was the worst crisis ever.

‘I’m really going to run away from this!’

Then Catherine spoke in a low, subdued voice.

“There is only one way.”

“Which one?”

“Apart from the Kingdom of Gears and the Kingdom of Alpenser, which caused a civil war, the saint of poverty ascends the throne as a temporary procedure with the invitation of the other ten kingdoms.”

“Is that possible?”

“Since the two kingdoms are the parties to the civil war, it is possible to exclude them from the nomination process.”

Catherine continued.

“There was a case in the past when he ascended the throne like that during a civil war. The problem is that in this case, it is not a formal procedure, but we have to convince the rest of the ten countries.”

Originally, receiving the promotion of the Ten Kingdoms was nothing to worry about as it was just a set formality.

But in this case, the story was different.

If even one of the remaining countries disagrees, the throne cannot be crowned.

‘Damn it. what to do Do I have to jump on my feet and convince him to make me emperor?’

Raymond bit his lip hard.

In my head, I know that there is only the method Catherine suggested.

If he doesn’t unite the other nations, he will be killed by the bad guys of Gears.

But the emperor!

You are the emperor!

his life will be ruined

‘Ahhh. But if you don’t accept it, you’re about to die before your life is ruined! Why is this ordeal coming to me! What did I do wrong! The only sin I have is wanting money! is that a sin It’s a sin!’

Do you die or your life is ruined?

It was when Raymond was screaming in front of that terrible choice.

A servant came suddenly.

“That’s an urgent matter, Your Highness the Crown Prince!”

Raymond’s complexion darkened.

What more urgent information do you mean here?

It made me want to die.

“What is it?”

Catherine asked calmly, and the attendant shouted with a daunting face.

“This is the news that the ten kingdoms, excluding the Kingdom of Gears and the Kingdom of Alpenser, have decided to make His Highness Raymond their emperor!”

It was unexpected news.

* * *

Raymond’s Emperor!

To think that the rest of the Ten Kingdoms came forward before Raymond even persuaded them.

It was unexpected.

Catherine, too, reacted in bewilderment, as if this had not been expected.

“The ten kingdoms made that decision first?”

“yes! It is said that the remaining eight countries, led by the Peninsula Kingdom, have all unanimously resolved to appoint His Highness Crown Prince Raymond as emperor!”

There was a reason this happened.

It was all because of the light that Raymond had scattered so far.

First, Houston Kingdom.

Those who heard the rumors jumped up and stood up.

“what? Are you saying that our light slandered the Kingdom of Gears? What kind of unfunny lies are you telling?”

“So you want us to offer up the head of our Highness Raymond? Shiv things like this?”

It wasn’t just the King or Princess Sophia who was angry.

From the nobles above to the common poor.

Everyone rose up in rage.

“Let’s protect His Highness Raymond!”

“Gears Kingdom? Kill them all!”

It wasn’t just one or two.

Not only the soldiers, but also the farmer woman, who had been farming, stood up with their bamboo spears and scythes.

Then Catal Kingdom.

was equally angry.

This is because Raymond was also the benefactor of the Catal Kingdom.

“We protect our cardinals!”

Incidentally, Raymond was also a Cardinal of the Catal Kingdom.

The most respected cardinal.

The light of the hearts of the people of the Catal Kingdom.

“Let the entire army prepare to march to the ecliptic!”

King Jude, Raymond’s promising apprentice, took the lead.

She held Raymond’s castle in her hand and hurriedly summoned the army.

It wasn’t long after the call-up order was issued, but troops like bees gathered.

The other 4 drugs, Clever Kingdom, also shook off and stood up.

Prince Enrique, who became the heir to the Kingdom of Cleaver, had been saved by Raymond during the war with the Kingdom of Droton in the past, so he took this opportunity to repay the favor.

Even the Droton Kingdom decided to send reinforcements.

“Marquis Dulac! We must help Master!”

“I will obey Your Highness!”

Machapel III, who was greatly favored by Raymond, immediately formed reinforcements as soon as he heard the news.

It wasn’t just them.

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