Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 319

Chapter 319: Stalling the Advancing Army

“Don’t slow down! We don’t rest until the town is in sight!”

The command passed over the open road, being relayed by multiple soldiers to those of lower ranks. Altogether, the army of over three hundred humans and beasts alike continued to push forward without missing a beat. Most were panting as they kept their gazes pressed ahead. No one dared to look back and defy the man atop the chain of command.

“Good...” One man chuckled as he scanned over his marching men while he rode a massive horse even larger than the Thick-hide Stallions. “Is there any news from the scouting party?”

“Nothing yet, sir.” Another man was riding horseback alongside the general, who added, “They haven’t found any signs of the enemy just yet. Perhaps they mobilized later than we had anticipated.”

“Hmm... But why? Did they find out about the others?”

“I’m not sure.”

Nodding in thought, the general glanced over his uniform with a chuckle. “To think I’d wear something like this again... I guess I’ll have to take care of everything, as usual...”


“Do you still hold a grudge?”

“Why not?! They killed my son, so why can’t I come kill them?” argued the general, watching over the open road. He and his men rushed along the main path in a hurry, also using the side of the road to maximize the flattened space for marching space.

“Well, then I hope you’ll be able to kill them before the others get a chance,” joked the assistant.

The general chuckled. “True, but so long as I get their hides I’ll be happy!”

But the man’s chuckles ended abruptly. At the same time, the general’s great stallion came to a complete stop. Only then did the general verify that something was off.

“MEN! Stop and–”


Before the general could finish his orders. The ground stopped tremblingly lightly and began to shake vigorously. No one understood what was happening but everyone could feel the ground caving in under their feet.


The general quickly noticed the disparity between the tremors at the front of the army and the rumbles at the rear. He immediatley ordered his troops to back away in a hurry but it was too late for those at the very front.

As if someone had cut the ground in a straight line, the entire road and surrounding area collapsed. It started at the front of the army but quickly began to close in on the rear as well. And as the ground collapsed and opened up to swallow those at the front, an unusual sound left the entire army baffled.




Cries of alarm and pain reverberated across the front lines as more people fell between the cracks. Only one-third of the army managed to escape the collapsing ground, while those at the rear weren’t too threatened by anything, only being trapped by falling ground and being unable to rejoin with their commander. But those still near the front were crying louder and louder. It took a moment for everyone else to confirm what was happening, to their horror.

“WATER, IMMEDIATELY!!” shouted the general, alerting all able-bodied soldiers with water essence to finally move.

The general then watched as almost a quarter of his men, a great chunk of his adept forces, were now wading knee-deep in boiling magma. All he could do was watch as those that weren’t trapped worked to help those surrounded by lava. A few fire-wielding cultivators tried to rush through the magma pool but most were too far away from safety and only sped up their demise. Those with water affinity tried to dry the magma but struggled to do that as an adept. Some escaped with wind essence but that couldn’t ease the drastic burns they had received. Most were left unable to escape and doomed to wait for aid, if it was able to reach them fast enough.

Silent, the general watched as the leaders under him took the lead and worked to save as many soldiers as possible. His eyes weren’t weighed down by tears though, they were burdened with cautious curiosity. “What do you think of this? How did the scouts not find this?”

“This... I suppose our scouts weren’t concerned with what laid underground,” replied the assistant.

Nodding, the general put his mind to work. “True. I never asked them to be so thorough. But they’ll have to be from now on.”

“I’ll make sure it happens.”

“And tell the men they can rest until the final soldier has been treated. Then, we move again.”

Lifting an eyebrow, the assistant asked, “Would you mind sharing your reasoning? It will help the captains be more willing.”

“I don’t sense anyone nearby and we haven’t inspected the cause of this just yet, but I’m guessing it’s just a tactic to buy time. And they definitely succeeded in that regard. However, why should I award them with any more time than necessary?”

“Thank you, sir.”

The assistant rode off and approached the nearest captain. He speedily passed on the order and rushed to the next captain.

All the while, the general snickered and shook his head. He mumbled to himself, “I’ve underestimated you... But who do you have that can create magma? You shouldn’t have such a person...”

Far off from the stalled army, two jaguars and two lynxes were zipping toward Iron Town along the main road. Aback one lynx was a human man, laughing his head off. And atop one jaguar, a bulky gorilla laughed even harder as their destination came into sight.

Leaping off his mount, the gorilla shouted at the jaguars, “Thanks! You’ve finally earned your rest!”

“You too! Thanks for the help!” Nixt chuckled, hopping off one lynx’s back.

Neither the lynxes nor the jaguars said anything in response. All four beasts were drastically out of breath and their faces were drooping with exhaustion. They slowed and collapsed the moment they joined their fellow clans at the camp.

Though they didn’t do the running, both Nixt and Rathe laughed through their own exhaustion and recovering essence. They quickly found the largest of the few tents and entered with beaming smiles.

Rathe boomed, “That should do it for now! So, What have you got for me, Hurman?”

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