Divine Beast Ascension

Chapter 269

Chapter 269: A Different Test?

Sighing, Zelsh replied, “Indeed, Oliver has a knack for soul arts...”

“And that’s why you’re adamant on supporting him?” asked Zrand. “Or does he make the perfect diversion for Kraz to inevitably surprise the competition? That’s what I’d like to know. So, Oliver, please come forward and attack me.”

Oli blinked with a closed mouth. He glanced at Zelsh, who did nothing in response. The young man was clueless about the stress and worry buried under Zelsh’s poker face. So Oli stood up and slowly began walking toward the prefecture lord. Only after standing directly in front of Lord Zrand, within arm’s reach of the most powerful cultivator Oli had ever met, did Oli pause for a deep breath.

“Don’t worry. This isn’t a test and you can’t fail. It’s just a simple demonstration of your cultivation. No consequences will befall you regardless of what happens,” commented Lord Zrand, showing his kindness once again.

With a slow nod, Oli focused on the outstretched hand. Such a simple target had never seemed so immovable.

Assuming an offensive stance, Oli put his fist at his side.

“Perhaps we shouldn’t...”


Without warning, a hand lightly grabbed Oli’s arm from behind. It wasn’t Zelsh’s heavy, thick-fingered hands, a fact that Oli was certain of. Oli meant to glance behind him but his gaze lingered instead when he found Lord Treeda standing there.

“What’s wrong? Aren’t you curious, as well?” asked Zrand.

Treeda nodded. “I am. But what’s wrong with my prefecture keeping secrets?”

“Then what’s the point of this exhibition? There would be none.”

“If I remember correctly, it wasn’t even a century ago that a similar situation happened during a previous exhibition, just before one of Shraal’s representatives went on to claim the title and earn your prefecture plenty of wealth and fame...”

“What of it?”

Treeda continued, letting go of Oli’s shoulder to step between Zrand and the youth. “I recall wishing to test a young gorilla who had surrendered immediately after entering the arena, despite being chosen as Shraal’s first seed. And just as I’m stopping you now, you kept me from verifying that gorilla’s strength. Do you remember now, or shall I name the gorilla to jog your memory further?”

“... There’s no need to name him...” sighing, Lord Zrand stepped away from Oli. “Then we’ll call it even. Though I doubt that is a fair comparison, given that boy’s merger cultivation...”

“Thank you for considering my preference.” Bowing her head ever so slightly, Treeda watched Zrand walk back to his wife. “Then shall we continue our earlier conversation?”

“If you were going to stop me, why allow me to come down here at all?”

“I remember asking you that same question back then.”

As Lord Zrand and Lady Inka leaped back toward their seats, Lord Treeda took a moment to approach Zelsh. Telepathically, she whispered, ‘Following the exhibition, Uutrai and I will join you in returning to Rot Region. We look forward to your famous hospitality and a proper show of your region’s strength.’

Zelsh wasn’t given a chance to respond before she jumped for the raised platform.

Chuckling and shaking his head, Uutrai walked over and patted Zelsh on the back. ‘Forgive my wife for her bluntness. I’m sure we’re both excited to see what your region has to offer. And I really miss Bore City cuisine, so prepare plenty.’

“Of course...” Zelsh sighed, unable to deny anything.

“Such weak filth doesn’t deserve so much attention. I can’t believe how far the Toxic-shadow Prefecture has fallen–”

Just as Brak’s comment had interrupted them, a tight squeeze digging into Brak’s shoulder interrupted him. The arrogant dragon instantly shut his mouth and stopped speaking.

“What’s wrong? Did you forget I was here?” Not hiding his words from everyone in the colosseum, Uutrai spoke openly with his calm yet demeaning voice. “If I’m not mistaken, all of your luck was expended when you avoided your punishment at Lord Zrand’s request... Or am I wrong? Would you like to keep talking and test your luck further?”

“... No?” Uutrai scoffed as he released Brak from his grip. “I blame myself for not recognizing you for the cowardly weasel you are. Dare to even mention my clan by name and I’ll hold you accountable as the Toxic-shadow Patriarch. Hopefully, your idiot mind won’t grasp that warning and I’ll finally be allowed to punish you for your crimes...”

Without another word, Uutrai jumped back to his seat, leaving the dragon in human form alone to regain his breath.

“What was that? You dare call Master Uutrai a–”

“I said nothing!” Brak shouted, not daring to let Zelsh slander him further. “Just be lucky that your pathetic candidate is allowed to forfeit. Had this been the real deal, then Drogat would’ve torn through his vocal cords before any chance of mentioning surrender.”

“Right... How dare I assume myself superior without cause...” Zelsh sighed, surprising everyone around. “How about I treat you to our famous cuisine in Bore City? You’re welcome to tag along after the exhibition. Oh, wait... You’ll be captured, tortured, and quartered the moment you leave your prefecture, won’t you?”

“Shut up!”

“Won’t you?”

“I think that’s enough, Zelsh...” Jeminine sighed, jabbing Zelsh’s side with an elbow. “Come on. Stop wasting your breath on that scum of a cultivator. It’s time we discuss our standings.”


Waving and turning his back to Brak, Zelsh walked to the side of the arena with the other kings of his prefecture. Jeminine then activated a ring on her finger and surrounded the four kings in a silenced space, just as the other kings did the same.

While the kings began to discuss the new placings of their candidates and what order they should use for the remaining competitors, the mortal representatives were chatting amongst themselves. Both Vant and Tilgron welcomed Oli back with proud smiles. Despite Oli not fighting, the mention of Oli’s powerful soul was enough to earn their respect as fellow representatives of the same region.

But Oli’s mind was caught on something else, so he gratefully accepted the greetings and began to cultivate in peace.

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