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10 days ago
A group of rookie adventurers enter an ancient tomb in the hopes finding treasureWithin they... Read more A group of rookie adventurers enter an ancient tomb in the hopes finding treasureWithin they found something priceless but it is not something they expectedWithin lay an egg that held a species that existed since life beganA species wiped out long agoA species that only lives in tales, songs and legendsA species that can become more powerful than any otherWith the opening of the tomb the adventurers will release this creature out into the worldThey will release me into their worldIn my past life I was powerless and abusedNow I can become more powerful than any otherAnd I am very hungry… Collapse LitRPG, Ability Steal, Cunning Protagonist, Evolution, Genderless Protagonist, Hated Protagonist, Mutations, Non-humanoid Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Reincarnated as a Monster, Reincarnated in Another World, Selfish Protagonist, Fanfiction I apologize for my English.The author of the work clearly likes to describe how people piss at the sight of something scary. In this novel you will not find practically a single positive male character, while there are no clearly bad female characters - at least a woman is an anti-hero. Maybe I'm a sexist? This story is simply not about the protagonist, it simply makes about ten chapters talking about random secondary characters who have no importance to the story and then makes an extremely short chapter about the protagonist hunting something meaningless so... what this book really about? synopsis is just some freaky invasive species warning. Fellow readers, how would you define the Mc as a neutral or good evil?(Browser translator) It's more like a monologue than novel. And storyline went absurd he can't eat humans cause he'll develop conscience. My dear author the character you made lived two lives as human and died before 20 after living in hunger and getting stabbed. By eating humans especially adults you should gain more greed, anger, lust cause human is a bundle of mistakes and very sinful, it shouldn't have anything to so with 'conscience '. So after a terrific start you brought us on zero again. On that point, I think the author's idea is not that absurd. The first characteristic of the human being is the conscience or the ability to think. With that ability comes the intelligence but also the greed and etc...I'm not saying you are wrong cause obviously, you're right but the author's is also not wrong. And finally I agree with you, the conscience part feels forced. I hate these kinds of novels but that is not all Imagine there are all powerful and immortal beings living in a world but suddenly they decide to do the most retarded shit they can think of. They give up on their power and immortality to increase their numbers and why? Because it is very difficult for these mighty beings to procreate. I read only a few chapters and this is what I got from those before I dropped it. Don't waste your time with this one. +1 dropped.Дальше будет хуже. Автор вместо того, чтобы развивать гг, начнет упарываться и добавлять в сюжет лишний текст про секс, личные отношения, политику, игры разума. Но, вот читаешь и лишь одна мысль, "они там все тупые?". Ебутся, как кролики. Тупые заговоры и перевороты. ГГ, который умный по словам автора на самом деле не додумался создать в улье сверхразум, существо суперкомпьютер, что будет вместо ИИ обрабатывать информацию и генерировать новые знания. Так этот глупый гг, игнорящий магию, мог очень быстро изучить все книги о магии и не только о магии(политика, бестиарии, история, химия, биология и т.д.). Но гг сидит и по одной книжке листает за раз. Это могло делать любое существо улья. Гг уже мог бы построить улей тиранид и трансформировать природную энергию в биоэнергию/эфир/эссенцию, причем сидя под землей за счет гэотермальной энергии. Эх, вот что бывает, когда гг глупый и его защищает авторский сюжетный щит - синдикат, который дохнет, чтобы дать время гг стать сильным. Ха-ха-ха. Дроп. Good thing I didn't read that far. Hello friend,I found your comment interesting so I wrote this response, I hope you will like it and if you don't, we can discuss. Why they commit suicide? I would say that they get bored. Simply. Imagine living thousands and thousands of years and being the apex of the food a certain point, you get bored of that life.Why they sacrifice themselves to procreate? There could be a lot of reasons why but I personally think that they are projecting. I'm sure you well aware of those parents who try to make their child live a life because they couldn't, I would say it is the same. Being unable after an eternity to reach the top or surpass their limits, would take the reincarnation/procreation solution. They find someone with the qualifications, have an egg or whatever and that's it. They hope their child will make what they were unable to.Anyway, I hope you having a good day. Actually I am not having a good day but since your sounded kind and eloquent and had your points and since I am not a person who would argue much I say: whatever you say 😶Bruh. MC's literally her henchman 🤦🏽‍♂️ whose? the princess's? he is not, read the story man! The issue i have withthis story is that the mc's charecter development is non existent. He is already very much adapted to his body and the psychology of the species of the body he is born in has total disregard for all that is not themselves. Well it is explained that this species is the progenitor of all life on the planet. Still... mc doesnt go thru a phase of changing ideology You know, it's still better than mc which will spare every person We need to see him get into the indifference not the end product of it. We need to see the journey. This type of story doesnt stay fresh for long In some novels, the mc remain weak in character throughout the story. Being immediately normal is already good that one is bland and shit If done well? YeahBut so many authors cant make good character development or it takes way way too little/much time Thats true as wellBut whenever done well it makes for a good story Yeah This reminds me of Chrysalis but like more retarded and less refined i would check chrysalis if you want some cool monster evolution novel Well i personally love Chysalis and dont think these two are the same. Anthony stives to maintain a relationship were he sort of cares for the humans. Here the mc is forced to care about the situation Spoiler due to heavens rath . The guy is too apathetic. Anthony, i feel is just right. He'll kill humans when he has too and he didnt have all that good of a live prior to reincarnation, Spoiler got tortured stabbed and then starved ti death. The mc of devourer on the other hand lost his parents-yes, but not much else. He wasnt personally present only felt the repercussions. Oh shit he got Spoiler Tortured?! I haven't gone to that part yet, But I totally agree with you there I Meant the giant creature aspect of this novel because Chrysalis does it Hundred time's better also the human and monster relationship and chemistry is way better too Its mention in just a sentence while talking about the debt collectors Ohh damn got it También era que había perdido la pierna. If human beings can barely coexist with others of different colors, much less a different race, every monster protagonist who befriends humans for me is just like your face. It sucks no matter how good the plot is, or if the protagonist is interesting. If it breaks the immersion, reading the novel loses any meaning. It is better to go back to anime. Uhhh ok dont get do confrontational man What's your opinion on 'I am monster and I level up?' (story of human trying to regain his humanity) I don't member the exact name of the novel. (wolf/goblin/Orc) were his modes is it good?I dropped it around chapter 13 that princess was way too friendly for meeting for the first time A great story and then the author decides to add women to it. I can see it going to the shit but there’s no romance so is it still good or it’s trash mow I will go with it is better than trash but not so much. I recommend I hate system if you bored it will change your POV in system and learn some new things about them why they mostly choose losers who can’t do shit in their life read on another website, if you can get past some of the more graphic content, this novel is a gem.