Devil Slave (Satan system)

Chapter 853 Turn A Blood Demon Into Dog Fart

Chapter 853  Turn A Blood Demon Into Dog Fart

Lenny was not ordinary. Not even a little bit. This was a man capable of using Darkline magic, Chaos magic and still use Holy magic. His capabilities were void of common sense.

However, it was at this point that Cuban noticed that something was wrong. He had initiated the first attack, but now, he could notice that his body was slowly disintegrating.

That water vapor that Coco and the others could see from outside was not actually from Lenny. No, it was from him. Lenny was literally drying him up. "How dare you. You little maggot. I created you. You will not defy me." Cuban screamed as he brought the full brute force of his power to display. However, no matter how he increased the force of the Tornedo, it did not help matters.

In fact, it only compounded his problems for him. It was like he was fanning Lenny's flames, and their embrace together became hotter and hotter. Soon, it would be reaching temperatures akin to volcano levels. Cuban suddenly found himself in a desperate situation. He did not believe it himself, but he actually needed help against Lenny else he would die. Even though he was royalty, the love for life was the universal propellant to shamelessness. "Cousin!" He screamed out for the Baroness to lend aid.

All of a sudden, Red lightning struck above their heads. Again and again, the Red lighting struck as if it were trying to gather enough power before attacking. lenny looked up and saw this, "Hmmm!? I can do that too, you know." The Red lightning struck. This was the baroness's domain. Her Red Lightning had a far more deadly impart in this place than it did in the outside world. Her red lightning, as thick as pillars used to hold castles of old fell on lenny and Cuban. The aim was obviously to separate them. However, just before it would reach, Lenny, consuming a good amount of his magic, sent his own Earthen lightening, brown in color, back at her.

The collision of both forces in the air was incredible. It literally shook the entire sub plane, and the earth revibrated in praise of the devastating blow that had been exchanged between these two frightening forces of power.

The earth rumbled and broke open at different parts. It was as if the earth was about to meet yet another apocalpse. However, this one was caused by lightning and thunder.

The baroness, where she was in her castle, frowned her brows, and one of her eyes even twitched. This was an insult. A full blown slap to her face and honor as a noble of royal bloodline. Almost as quickly as they had exchanged attacks, the world that had been brightened by the tremendous attacks returned to its state of silence.

The baroness, where she was in her castle, frowned her brows, and one of her eyes even twitched. This was an insult. A full blown slap to her face and honor as a noble of royal bloodline. She had given an attack, and Lenny had thwarted her efforts. This was most significant because she had used this same lightening and had caused chaos during the battle of the Great demon existences. But Lenny had simply defended against her attack with a wave of his hand. However, there was a more detailed science to this. Lenny being the smarty pants that he was, understood certain laws of physics that even demons ignored and this gave him the upper hand in battles. An example was this one. There was an old saying among physicists that nothing could destroy a black hole. It was so strong that even light could not escape its gravitational pull. Even other stars were at the mercy of a Black hole. However, at the same time, it was theorized that nothing could quench a black hole, except another Black Hole. The theory stated that both black holes of equal mass and strength would eventually try to swallow each other and therefore cancel each other out. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

This was a method that was also applied by fire fighters in Lenny's old world. If there was a fire at one side of the forest, then a demarcation was created on the other side, and a new fire was started. This way, both fires would meet in the middle and therefore consume one another. It was indeed an efficient way to end forest fires, hence the phrase: 'Fight fire with fire'.

Lenny knew that using white flames against the attack would have been less than ideal. Besides, he would have needed a lot more magic points to defend against the attack. Also, he could not use blood. Even though this territory was greatly in support of blood for battles, it was a bad idea. After all, at the end of the day, blood is a very good conductor of electricity. And so he therefore decided to use his earthen lightening. Of course, red lightning and Earthed lightning were not the same thing, and knowing the Baroness, her lightning most likely had unique properties. But at the end of the day, at its core, it was just a collision of Electrons. When the opposite charges build up enough, it breaks down the insulating capacity of the air and produces a rapid discharge of electricity.

Lenny had appraiser, and from the moment he saw the red lightening in the air, he had already used appraiser to calculate the Watt size in the clouds. Lenny knew that he did not have to face the attack head on. All he needed to do was be smarter than the person giving it out. And that was what he did. He marched his own attack with the Watt value that was being shot to him.

In this manner, both attacks cancelled each other out. He practically fought fire with fire. Lenny laughed loudly, "You royal Whore! Just wait for your turn where you are. When I am done cooking junior here, I'll come for you."

Those words were a direct challenge to the Baroness. Lenny turned his attention back to Cuban, "Now, where were we. Yes! I remember. I was about to turn you into Dog Fart..."

(Author's note: Okay! That was intense. thank guys. Remember, your support is the reason I research well to give you good fight scenes. thanks a lot)

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