Demon Sword

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Camilla recognized the cold steel sword. It was a treasure any swordsman would want to own.

“You claim to be clueless, but your sword is awfully expensive.”

“Sir bought it for me. When I have a son, I intend to pass it down to him.”

“I doubt you’ll stay alive till then.”

Camilla drew her sword and twirled it around. Her finesse shone. She was handling the sword as if it was her own limb.

Jan, on the other hand, was standing awkwardly, trying to keep his blade still.

‘Does he really not know how to fight? Did the general really bring back someone so useless?’

She could never tell with the general.

Camilla narrowed her eyes and took a step forward. Jan, horrified, took two steps back.

‘He really won’t live long. I’m glad I didn’t get attached.’

Camilla eyed the distance, and swung her sword. It was at a distance where her blade would just barely miss Jan.


Jan stumbled backwards, startled by the blade that wouldn’t have reached.

Disappointed, Camilla waited for him to recover, glaring with disdain.

“You’re a mess.”

“I told you I don’t know how to fight.”

“Try attacking me this time. It’s okay for you to go all out, so fight like you intend to kill.”

Jan’s eyes squeezed his eyes shut, and reopened them. He gritted his teeth. Frankly, he was a little annoyed.

‘Camilla and everyone else… just keep telling me to fight.’

He hated fighting, even disregarding his fathers words. He’d only swung his sword because he had to.


The sword cried in Jan’s grip. Jan steadied his breathing and took a step. As his foot moved, his arm moved in unison. The flow of movement ended with the sword.


Camilla jerked her body back and stared at Jan. Her pupils were shaking.

‘How is he fast?’

It was hard to believe such a fast strike had come from such a sloppy stance. More importantly, it was aimed exactly at her throat.

‘Jan would’ve killed me if I didn’t dodge.’

A chill ran down her spine. She felt her pores open, and her hair stood up. Camilla faintly grinned.

There wasn’t any time to spare. Jan came running, flailing his sword however he could.


Camilla couldn’t believe her eyes. Jan’s movements looked like those of a child, but she felt as if she was facing a master of the blade. Fast and precise.

Regardless of the process, that was the result.

‘He wasn’t lying when he said he hadn’t fought much.’

She could also see why Vermain had brought Jan with him.

Jan’s attacks became faster and faster. Camilla soon had no time to waste on thinking.


Jan stepped forward and swung using the spin of his body. It was a heavy blow that utilized his full weight.

Camilla decided it wasn’t possible to dodge. She raised her sword to block Jan’s attack. It felt like her sword would break.


Camilla’s foot came off the ground. She’d blocked, but the force had physically detached her from the ground. It was a devastating attack.


Camilla fell to the side, giving up on blocking. She quickly stood up and raised her hands high. In her right hand was a sword with a broken blade. The strike was enough to break her sword, even though she’d redirected most of the impact. With a weapon broken, the duel was over.

“Stop! My sword is broken.”

As if Camilla’s shout hadn’t reached his ears, Jan’s eyes seemed to glow. He continued to charge, as if mesmerized by something.

Camilla sensed something was wrong. Jan’s sword wasn’t stopping.


Camilla quickly let her hair loose. Before the hair tie could hit the ground, it happened.


Camilla’s hair stretched outwards as if it was alive. It extended and snatched Jan’s arms, binding them together. It was so tight that Jan couldn’t move a muscle.

“I told you to give it your all… But were you actually trying to kill me?”

Jan snapped out of his trance.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m the type that goes all the way once they get going. uh, b-but, uh, your hair stretched! W-what is this? Ahhh!”

“Shut up, it’s no big deal.”

Camilla shook her head. Her elongated hair returned to its original length. She pulled another hair tie from her pocket and tied her hair back.

“M-magic? Camilla, are you a mage?”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“But magic is… demonic power. You’ll end up in hell.”

“You just need to repent before you die. You’ll get used to it in the Eighth Legion. Anyways, you’re quite good with a sword.”

Jan blushed and fidgeted with his neck. It was the first time he’d ever been complimented by Camilla.

“W-well, I’m lucky to have a good sword. I’m sorry I broke yours. Are you thirsty? I’ll get you some water right away!”

Camilla glanced at Jan’s back as he ran off.

“I hate to admit it, but…”

He was a clumsy fool. But he had amazing talent. She expected dozens to have lost their lives to Jan, fooled by his clumsiness.

‘Jan has a peculiar talent for combat. ‘


Camilla squinted her eyes and pointed to the fortress in the distance.

“This is the headquarters, and also the rearmost fortress of the Eighth Legion.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of this place before, Orphiel.”

Today, Orphiel has two meanings. One purely refers to the fortress, while the other refers to the city that formed around it.

The residential area and commercial districts outside the fortress were bustling. It was hard to believe it was such a remote city.

“There are four forts on the Far Western Front. When things were better, there used to be seven.”

“Why are there only four now?”

“The front was drawn back, and we lost the forts with it.”

There was also a lot of farmland around Orphiel. Jan and Camilla approached Orphiel through a path between wheat fields.

Jan and Camilla reached the busy street surrounding the fortress. It was bustling with the sound of merchants.

abruptly, Camilla stopped walking and looked back at Jan.

“Jan, there are some brothels this way. You know what a brothel is, right? It’s a place where you fuck.”

Camila made a circle with her left hand, and dipped her right index finger in and out.

“I-I know that. You don’t need to tell me that.”

“Well, that makes things easier. Go into that alleyway where men are exiting looking satisfied.’

“D-don’t decide that for me! I haven’t said I’m doing it…… yet.”

Jan said, his face completely red.

“People die on the front. You seem to be optimistic, but death isn’t picky. Even if you survive, you won’t get a chance to have sex for a while. I’ll pay. Consider it your enlistment present.”

Camilla reached into her coin sack. Jan almost nodded, before he shook his head.

“B-but shouldn’t you do this kind of thing with people you love?”

“I expected so, but are you a virgin?”

Jan nodded, embarrassed. Camilla thought for a moment, then continued.

“…Think carefully, Jan. Don’t make a choice you’ll regret.”

Camilla crossed her arms and waited for Jan to decide. She didn’t rush him, as she normally would.

Jan’s eyes fluttered. His typically squishy brain seemed to harden.

‘What should I do?’

He wanted to have sex. In his mind, he was accepting Camilla’s coin sack and running into the alley.

But when he closed his eyes, the image of a woman dressed in flimsy clothes came to his mind.


An unpleasant memory flashed through his mind.

One day, his father disappeared. Jan’s mother never told him why he left. Maybe he died, or maybe he just ran away. There’s no way to know now.

Sometime after that, Men began to exit Jan’s house, buckling their pants. Jan waited patiently in the yard for his mother to finish her work. Sometimes, the men who came often would toss Jan a snack, like an apple. Jan would always split it and share it with his mother.

“You’re a good boy, Jan.’

Jan could almost still hear his mother’s voice.

Jan opened his eyes. He could see Camilla, and the people walking about.

“I’m going to survive, and meet a nice girl.”

Jan said, lifting his head. Camilla made a vague expression that could have been either a sneer or a smile, then tucked the money back into her pocket.

Jan and Camilla walked through the busy street and reached the entrance to the fortress. The guards at the gate recognized Camilla and immediately lowered their spears to open the way.

The fortress was filled with well-built men. Some were wearing armor. All of them gave off the air of soldiers and warriors. Jan felt an occasional fierce glance towards them.

Jan felt a little intimidated, so he walked behind Camilla as if he was hiding. Camilla led the way through the complex passages of the fortress. They emerged into a vast training yard.

“There’s a lot of people over there.”

Jan pointed to the training fields. Dozens of men were huddled there. They were talking loudly, and officers were standing nearby, scribbling away.

“Good timing. They’re enlisted men, like you. Wait here while I go talk to them.”

Camilla approached the group of officers. She began talking with them, and pointed her finger at Jan.

When she finished, she returned to Jan.

“Jan, go up to them. I wish you luck.”

“What? Alone?”

“You think I’d enlist with you?”

“I-I thought I was supposed to be a servant for sir?”

“If you want to serve the general directly, you’ve got to be worthy. The biggest guy over there is Instructor Musgal.”

“Ah, well, but… on my own…”

Jan fidgeted uneasily. Camilla sighed and gripped ahold of Jan’s cheeks.

“You have talent. You just need to keep your head on straight.”

“What talent do you think I have…?”



“Whether it’s swordsmanship or fist fighting, you have talent.”

“I mean, thank you for the compliment, but…”

Jan scratched his head. Camilla pushed past him and walked off. Jan started to follow, but she shook her head and pointed to the drill instructor.

Jan stumbled helplessly to where the soldiers were.

‘Crawl up from the bottom, Jan.’

Standing at the entrance to the training field, Camilla watched Jan join the other enlistees.

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