Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 120

C120 – You Still Have Some Sense?

This year, the Zhongyuan Palace was not very lively. The Imperial Consort Yun in charge was sick in her bed, reporting that she did not have the energy to handle it properly, so she gave it to the Consort Rong who was pregnant.

There were many concubines in the palace, but in terms of grade, the strongest person under the Imperial Consort Yun was undoubtedly the Consort Rong.

It was a pity that the Consort Rong Inner Palace was an unknown person in the past, and many newly promoted palace maids and eunuchs did not even know that such a concubine existed.

However, Consort Rong did not accept this heavy responsibility and unsteadily refused in her birthplace, so much so that there was not even a festive atmosphere in the vast imperial palace.

Fortunately, the emperor was not in the mood to care about such things. On the same day, he invited all the officials of the civil and military forces to a simple meal. As for the women, they were not summoned to the palace.

After the Central Yuan Festival was over, the officials of the imperial court were restored. The Advice Letter that had been accumulated for half a month were piled up like a small mountain. The Central Book Province had been busy for two days before they had a rough look at these Advice Letter.

The next day, an old official trembled as he brought out a set of Advice Letter and presented it to the emperor. “Your Majesty, the day before that, Hui State Department was loaded with Advice Letter, saying that this year, Hui State had encountered a heavy snowfall that was rarely seen in a hundred years, causing the houses of the commoners to collapse.

“Hand it over quickly!” The Emperor’s sword-shaped eyebrows slanted up and his expression turned serious.

Nobody wanted to face such a calamity so early in the year. The current minister was worried. This year was going to be tough.

The emperor read all of the Advice Letter s in ten lines, and from the beautiful article, he recalled that this Hui State Prefect was DeChang’s top scholar of five years. Back then, he loved the article written by this top scholar very much, and it was gorgeous and exquisite.

However, as he read these flashy long stories from the Advice Letter more and more often, he lost any thoughts of appreciating them.

The Advice Letter emperor who had read nearly ten thousand words spent the time to read it all in a single cup of tea, and only finished with two sentences. The first was that a sudden snowfall occurred during the first month of the Hui State, and it continued for several days straight without stopping, to the point that the citizens had nowhere to live.

The second was to request the imperial government to allocate some food to help Hui State to tide them over this crisis.

After the Emperor finished reading, he passed the Advice Letter over to the ministers for a look. He asked seriously: “Does my beloved officials have any good plans?”

In fact, this kind of natural disaster happened a few times a year. Flood and drought, locusts crossing the border were not rare, so the imperial government had a set of customs for dealing with this matter.

However, the amount of money spent, the amount of food distributed, and who was sent to provide relief was the main point of every court meeting.

From the looks of the Advice Letter that the Hui State government was in, they had suffered from the disaster with a large number of people and a wide area. Adding that the Hui State was located in the north, there was a small amount of food produced, so in order to provide disaster relief, the most important thing was to send the food over.

Fortunately, there had been no large-scale war in the north in recent years. Although there were occasional natural disasters, the overall situation was stable and there was no need to worry about the lack of food.

The silver was mainly allocated to the victims who had nowhere to live. The silver was much more eye-catching than food. It would still have to be calculated how much silver was allocated.

He walked out and said, “Your majesty, according to the situation with the letter from the Meng Prefecture, this subject believes that we should first arrange for a batch of food to be sent over to emergency relief. We can also find a safe man to deliver the rest of the food and silver to you.

“That’s reasonable. Since the Hui State Granary has a storage of approximately five thousand stones, then we should transfer two thousand stones from each of the three nearby prefectures to resolve this urgent matter.”

“Your majesty the Emperor!”

“Then which beloved one should be sent to help the disaster? Are there any candidates?” The Emperor’s eyes flickered as he stared at the rows of pitch-black heads below.

Everyone knew that there were many twists and turns in the matter of the relief efforts. The number of officials who had been investigated in every dynasty due to the misappropriation of relief funds was unknown, and the number of officials who had not been found out was unknown.

Moreover, this corrupt practice often involved a lot of people, so this candidate wasn’t easy to pick out.

There was silence in the hall for a while before an official stepped forward and recommended, “Your majesty, this subject believes that Minister of Revenue’s Left Deputy, Yun Guangyong, can assume such a heavy responsibility.”

Minister of Revenue’s Left Vice Minister, Yun Guangyong was Imperial Consort Yun’s nephew, the one with the most potential in Yun Family.

Old fox!

Although everything that had happened in the palace could not be known clearly to the outside world, the fact that the Concubine Yang had been beaten up into a cold palace and the matter of the Second Prince being grounded could not be hidden. Thus, everyone felt that the First Prince’s position was now as stable as a mountain.

Therefore, there were many officials who wanted to climb Yun Family recently.

“Oh?” The emperor’s eyelids twitched as he indifferently glanced at Duan Ling Tian. He didn’t say whether it was a good or bad thing.

Some people felt that this was too obvious, and decided to come out and recommend another official who was secretly supporting the Royal Party and had already thrown himself into the embrace of Yun Family.

However, the emperor didn’t express his opinion the entire time. The people below him only thought of breaking their brains to recommend the person.

It was also because of this that the Emperor’s previous affection was gradually replaced by coldness. He silently cursed, “Look, these are a bunch of officials who can see the light of day. Even if I were to die, I’m afraid they would not shed a single tear for me.”

When the officials of the court truly could not recommend anyone, the emperor slowly spoke. “I’ve heard that a new Treasure Pavilion has opened in the capital recently? The things that are sold in there are all rare treasures? “

“…” Everyone was confused as to why the emperor had suddenly changed the topic.

However, the few officials who had visited the Treasure Pavilion all lowered their heads in unison, concealing the worry on their faces.

Naturally, the reason why they were able to buy those gifts was because they liked them too much. It was because everyone had their own love for them. Ever since the Treasure Pavilion opened, many people discovered that the treasure they had been missing in their hearts was within them.

How could this not move his heart?

Although they were hesitant in the beginning, when they found out that someone had bought it, many people secretly went to visit them and spent a large amount of money to hide their treasures.

However, when they bought it, they were naturally on tenterhooks. With the noble status of the Third Prince, perhaps the Emperor would not find trouble with them after the incident.

However, there were always guests who had their hopes up.

Yun Heran’s brows twitched as he glanced at an official standing at the Emperor Star Academy.

Then, the official’s suppressed reprimand rang out in the hall.

“Reporting to the Emperor, this subject reported this matter to the Third Prince yesterday. According to this subject’s knowledge, this treasure pavilion belongs to the Third Prince, and the items sold here are all bestowed items from the palace, many of them are even sealed with palace seals. This action by the Third Prince is not only against the law, but also disrespecting the Emperor, this subject humbly requests the Emperor to seal this treasure pavilion, so that everyone will not follow suit and not put any of the royal gifts in their eyes.”

“How preposterous! Someone … Announce to the palace of the Third Prince! ” The emperor stood up with an angry look on his face.

In that moment, the atmosphere in the hall changed, the important matter of the relief had already been tossed to the side. One court official after another stepped forward to impeach Teng Yu, and some officials who had visited the Treasure Pavilion even took the initiative to ask for forgiveness.

Everyone clearly believed that the emperor would severely punish the Third Prince. After all, this matter was extremely absurd, and none of the previous generations had ever heard of a prince willing to sell royalties.

Your Majesty, this old subject really does not know that the Treasure Pavilion was opened by the Third Prince, much less that it was a gift from the Emperor.

When Teng Yu entered the palace, he saw an old man kneeling in the palace, crying and gasping for breath, as if his entire family had perished.

This was not the first time he was attending Chengde Hall, when the prince was fifteen years old he could go to the side and listen, but Teng Yu only came a few times before he stopped, at that time he was playing the role of an idle prince.

“What’s going on? Is the sky falling? ” Teng Yu walked in with a big smile on his face and bowed to the emperor, then walked to the side and stood up.

“Hmph, you still have the nerve to ask? Isn’t that what you did?” The emperor shouted as he slapped the imperial edict.

Teng Yu patted his chest in a daze and even coughed twice, then asked weakly: “Royal Father, this son has been recuperating in the palace these few days, didn’t I do anything stupid?!”

“Then tell me, where did you put everything I gave you?”

Teng Yu blinked, “Which one are you talking about? You have given too many things, this son cannot remember them. “

The emperor asked with a stern expression, “Are you the one who opened the Treasure Pavilion in the capital?”

“What Treasure Pavilion?” Teng Yu was confused, his expression extremely sincere.

“You already sold the things that This Emperor bestowed you, and you still dare to say that you don’t know? Could it be that there is a servant in the mansion who is so daring? “

“Oh, you said that.” Teng Yu rubbed his nose, then said: “I did indeed get people to take a look at the things in the storage room and sell them, but I don’t know how these slaves were sold.”

“You really dare? Are you in a hurry to use the silver? Could it be that I lack your food and clothes? “

“Of course not, it’s just that a steward from one of the days came to complain that the warehouse can no longer hold anything and wanted me to expand. But I heard that someone took part in the expansion of the warehouse, so I was afraid!”

“But what if we can’t put it down? This son has seen the list in the storehouse. I have discovered that many of them are ancient items that cannot be used. Rather than leaving them in the storehouse to be covered in dust, it would be better to leave them to those who need them. “

“So you sold it? Do you know the punishment for selling such a gift? “

Teng Yu blinked his eyes, straightened his chest and said loudly: “Royal Father, there is no such rule in the Big Dipper Law, right? And there’s a reason. “

Everyone thought to themselves: So you actually know the Big Beam Law? Truly not simple!

The Emperor grunted coldly. “Tell me, do you still have reason?”

“Yes sir!” Teng Yu walked to the center of the room and kicked the old man who was still kneeling down, “Royal Father should also know that a lot of the things that you bestow are useless things, and sometimes you reward them whatever you see. If I continue to be unable to handle this matter, after a hundred years, the entire prince’s mansion will probably be filled with them.

Furthermore, since it is useless, it would be a good thing if I could find a way to get rid of it, because I will remember all the silver that was sold. Although the Royal Father bestowed this item to me, and even if I get the money, it is useless for me to keep it, so I have a plan to use this silver to help the world! “


“…” Everyone was stunned, they never thought that Third Prince would be able to say such words.

Although the emperor was also very surprised, he was still able to accept the fact that he had hidden his true self in the past.

“You mean… You want to use this money to provide relief? ” the Emperor asked uncertainly.

“Yes, since it is a gift from the Royal Father, it is a great gift that should be taken from the common people and used by the common people.”

“Haha!” Good! “Alright!” The Emperor praised him repeatedly. Regardless of whether he was sincere or not, he was naturally happy to have the silver delivered to his doorstep.

As for what Teng Yu was plotting, it was not that he did not know. He just wanted to change his image and build a good reputation for himself.

He had been wondering what his son would do next, but he didn’t expect the answer to come so soon.

What was displayed on the surface was not something to be feared. The Emperor had no reason to reject it.

“Since you have such intentions, well, since you have met with a disaster in Hui State, you can send the silver along with the relief money!”

Teng Yu agreed without thinking, “This son obeys the decree, I only have one condition.”

“Hmm? “What conditions?”

“I want to personally head over to the Hui State to provide relief. I want to see all of that silver being used by the common people to prevent myself from being plundered by some worms. I want to waste all of my effort.”

This request was not too much, but Emperor Dechang still narrowed his eyes and looked down at his son who he viewed as trash from above.

He laughed in his heart: Damn it, Teng Yu, you actually hid yourself so deeply. After such a long time, your mentality and endurance can’t be compared to ordinary people. “Alright, since you want to go, then I will leave it to you to handle this disaster. How much food should be given and how much silver should be given? Go and check and return it to us. If there are any mistakes, we will ask for your help!”

All the officials in the hall looked at each other, not knowing how the situation had developed to this point. Didn’t Third Prince Teng Yu not have any intention to conduct political affairs for a long time? Was he trying to get ahead of himself?

The officials were shocked, but they did not reveal it on their faces. They only waited to see the predicament Third Prince was in.

Yun Heran was even more determined that he wouldn’t let this brat handle this matter properly. As long as he got to a good start, he might really rise in power in the future.

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