Demon Lord Gets Married

Chapter 115

Chapter 115 - Please Walk Steadily

Yin Xu waved his hand, exposing his body to the air. Then, he bent down and pressed his body against Teng Yu's bare upper body.

“Close your eyes!” Do as I say! “

Teng Yu draped his large subordinates who were scattered on the ground over his body, wrapping them in that bit of heat.

Since the two of them were sticking so closely to each other, he knew that Yin Xu was just forcefully holding on. He lifted Yin Xu's hand to his mouth and blew hot air towards him.

Yin Xu sighed, his cheek rubbed against his chest: If I don't do this, I really won't be able to hold on, I'll give you a chance to take advantage of me, it's only this once.

Teng Yu no longer said anything else. He turned his body while hugging Yin Xu, “Then it's still up to me.”

Due to the fact that they were not familiar with each other and their understanding of the operations were off, the two of them sweated profusely, especially when they thought about it later on, they felt that it was not much better than being injured.

“Hold your energy and guard one, don't get distracted …”

Teng Yu laughed bitterly, the perspiration on his forehead dripping down his temples, “It's really hard to not get distracted at a time like this.” How did the person who invented this cultivation technique do it? How much of a test of a man's endurance was this?

It wasn't until the fusion of the spirit and the body that the two of them finally experienced the wonders of dual cultivation. It wasn't just a matter of physical enjoyment, but also a matter of mental satisfaction.

Teng Yu only felt a surge of essence energy unceasingly entering his dantian. In that instant, all the pores in his body opened up, and his body and mind became light and relaxed, as if he had experienced washing his muscles and marrow.

The gap caused by the forceful advancement in cultivation had been filled previously, and he could feel that if he were to use Flame Yang Spell now, it would be much more stable and powerful than before.

Not only that, but his internal injuries had also improved significantly. The internal injuries that he hadn't recovered from for a month had actually healed by half. How amazing.

This was the effect of Duo Cultivation? No wonder Yin Xu kept thinking about it.

He lowered his head and stared at Yin Xu's expression, seeing that the abnormal flush had already gradually faded. His fair skin had a tinge of pink after the affair, and his slightly opened lips had become red and swollen from the intense interaction just now.

Teng Yu felt that the agitation that had just calmed down had risen again, and he asked softly: “How do you feel? Isn't it enough for us to do it again? “

Yin Xu lazily opened his eyes, and coldly spat out two words: “Get down!”

He had said that he would only do it once. Did this man think that he would let him do whatever he wanted in the future?

Teng Yu held onto his wrist to feel his pulse, and said in all seriousness: “Your pulse isn't stable enough, it's clear that you haven't guided it enough. In this prince's opinion, one more time is enough.”

Yin Xu slapped him nonchalantly and sneered: “Then we'll have to see if your Dantian can still hold it, or do you want to experience the feeling of your body exploding and dying?”

Teng Yu also knew that his own Qi had already reached a relatively stable level. If it continued to increase, even if his cultivation could not keep up, it would just become an obstacle in his path to promotion.

However, it was clear that he was not satisfied. Remembering the ecstasy from just now, he said with a bashful face, “Then let's do what a husband should do, shall we?”

Without waiting for Yin Xu to object, Teng Yu held his hand and lowered his head to kiss his lips. The tip of his tongue swept across's mouth and upper jaw time and time again.

Yin Xu didn't want to move at all, he merely allowed Teng Yu to bully him twice.

Yin Xu didn't know when he fell asleep, but when he woke up, he realized that his Devilish Exercise had levelled up. Even though most of his early cultivation went smoothly, and there were basically no bottlenecks in his cultivation.

However, he had never heard of anyone making a breakthrough in their dreams like this.

Looking at the filling Demonic Qi s in his Dantian, Yin Xu happily turned his body, the curve of his mouth immediately became stiff.

His entire body felt like it had been battling experts for three days and three nights. Even his fingers felt soft, and dull pain came from his waist and below.

He opened his eyes and wanted to teach the culprit a lesson. He saw that other than himself, there was no one else in the cave. The fire at the side had already been extinguished, leaving behind a faint warmth.

Yin Xu propped himself up from the hard ground. Maintaining his body in this position was extremely painful, but luckily there were still a few layers of cloth under his butt to ease the pain a little.

Yin Xu stared down at the mat that was formed from the broken steps, and thought: Teng Yu's clothes are all here right? Did he go out naked?

“What is it that makes you laugh so happily?” A voice came from the cave entrance. Only then did Yin Xu realize that his mind had simulated a certain someone running around the mountain naked in his mind, and even laughed happily.

“Nothing.” The corner of Yin Xu's mouth twitched, and the smile on his face became even. Then, he swept his eyes over Teng Yu's clothes, “Are you going to strip a dead man of his clothes?”

Teng Yu shrugged, “What can we do?” I can't really run naked.

He handed over the wooden cylinder in his hand. “Have some water. I've been calling for so long last night. I must be thirsty.”

Yin Xu reached out his hand and pulled back as if he was electrocuted. Staring at the ridiculing smile on Teng Yu's face, he picked up a piece of firewood and threw it over.

“Don't be complacent. There will always be a time when you return!”

Teng Yu laughed even louder, after getting his wish, his cultivation had improved again, it was truly a happy ending.

He passed some water to Yin Xu and gave it to him to drink. Then, he took off the clothes that were placed on top of the fire and helped him put them on.

After the dual cultivation last night, Yin Xu's body temperature had returned to normal for the first time. This was the first time he felt warmth from the other party's body.

However, it did not seem to last long. When he woke up today, he was once again holding a lump of ice. Fortunately, he was used to losing heat on his own, otherwise, the two of them would have been frozen to death in the middle of the night.

“Can you still walk? “Let's go down the mountain and rest in the palace. There isn't even a proper bed here.”

Yin Xu had no reason to oppose it. Although he was used to living in caves in his previous life, a warm and soft bed was definitely his first choice.

Moreover, what he wanted to do the most was to find a bath barrel to soak in. Yesterday, he had fought and rolled in the forest, and then was tossed around for a long time.

Without waiting for him to stand up, Teng Yu held his back with one hand and wrapped the other hand around his knee to hold him horizontally.

“Don't move, otherwise we won't be able to make it in time for dinner.”

Yin Xu fiercely twisted an elbow towards the wound on his chest. Hearing the other party's muffled groan, he asked sarcastically: “Who exactly is the one that is holding him back?”

Teng Yu bit on his face, “Since you were able to endure such an intense battle yesterday, do you still fear that I won't be able to hug you?”

Yin Xu held onto his neck with both hands and buried them in his chest, “Then please walk stably, it's really ugly to be limping.”

Teng Yu staggered and almost threw his onto the ground. Most of the wounds on her leg had already healed, but the battle was too intense for his to care for even a moment before he was injured again.

“Cough, cough …” “Rest assured, I will definitely bring the prince's consort back safely!”

Within Lu Shan's palace, two groups of people were facing each other with sabers in hand.

Huang Hongda said with a sullen face, “Commander Li, what do you mean by this? From yesterday onwards, you have never intended to properly find someone. Could it be that you want to disobey the emperor's orders? “

Commander Lei sneered, and waved his hand to tell his men to put away their weapons, “I don't dare, haven't we searched every nook and cranny of this place? From what I see, Third Prince and Seventh Young Master Huo have already left Lu Shan. Isn't it a waste of time for us to continue searching here? “

“How can you be sure they left? The Shenlu Mountain is so huge, we have only looked for the outer perimeter, maybe they are still on top of the mountain? “

“How is this possible? Everyone knew that in the depths of the Shenlu Mountain, there was a horde of beasts. And what reason do they have to go into the mountains? “

Huang Hongda also knew that what he said was reasonable, but he still could not bear to see this person's actions. This Li fellow obviously did not want to look for someone with his heart, and he had also heard that most of the palace's guards belonged to the Yun Family Faction, so it was normal for them to not be interested in Third Prince s.

He himself didn't like Seventh Young Master Huo, but with the orders from the general, he would complete it with 100% of his heart.

“General Huang, don't you think you're wasting your time? If Third Prince and Seventh Young Master Huo have already left the Shenlu Mountain, after we search the entire mountain, I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up. “

“What if, what if they're still in the mountains? Perhaps I am injured, perhaps I am in trouble! “

“Haha …” “How is this possible? This mountain …” Commander Li seemed to choke on his words. His eyes were wide open as he stared at the person walking in.

“Three… Third Prince? ” It was as if Cao Cao Cao was on his way. He was just about to say that the mountain was very safe. The beasts in the mountain must have been scared for two days.

However, the Third Prince in front of him right now didn't seem safe at all. Could it be that the black crow's beak really hit the mark?

“Why are there so many people?” Teng Yu carried Yin Xu and walked in. Ignoring everyone's strange gazes, he placed Yin Xu on a chair.

“Greetings, Third Prince.” Huang Hongda reacted and led his men to kneel down and pay his respects. His eyes swept across the scars on Yin Xu's neck and his brows furrowed deeply.

In order to find the two of them, they had to spend two days in the palace. Could it be that they had gone to search for the two of them?

Teng Yu had changed into a set of undamaged clothes, and the clothes on Yin Xu's body were also very neat and tidy. The two people looked extremely good, and it was impossible to tell that they were injured.

“Seventh Young Master, the Marshal has ordered us to bring you back!” Huang Hongda said in an unfriendly tone.

Yin Xu waved his hand, “I'll definitely return in two days. What's the rush?”

“Seventh Young Master, do you know that everyone is worried about your safety?”

“Oh? I really don't know. ” Yin Xu leaned on the back of the chair and ordered Teng Yu to pour water for him, looking at Huang Hongda with a sideways glance, “General Huang, do you know what time it is? You guys are still holing yourselves up in the palace at this time of the day. Is that what you mean by worried? “

Not giving the other party a chance to explain, Yin Xu ripped off Teng Yu's clothes, pointed at the wounds on his body, and bellowed: “This young master and Third Prince almost died in the mountains, didn't you say you were ordered to stay and find us? Did you really find it? “

Although the majority of the wounds on Teng Yu's body had already been scabbed, it was obvious that it was left behind from a variety of weapons and it was definitely not made by a wild beast.

Huang Hongda and Regiment Commander Li's eyes widened in disbelief as they kneeled down together, “It's this lowly general who is incompetent!”

Teng Yu swept a glance over them and said solemnly: “This prince and Huo Tian wanted to go into the mountains and hunt a fox for the emperor, but who would have thought that they would meet an assassin deep in the forest. If not for Seventh Young Master protecting them with his life, this prince's life would have ended here.”

“This Shenlu Mountain is a place where the Emperor comes every year to hunt, and it was actually mixed in by a group of assassins, and they were clearly heading towards the Royal Father, but unfortunately, the Royal Father returned to the palace early, and was exposed by me and Huo Tian, that's why they want to kill us.”

“Your Highness, this general is willing to lead a hundred Huo Family Army to capture thieves in the mountains!” Cold sweat broke out on Huang Hongda's forehead. This matter was indeed caused by their incompetence. If they had been able to properly search for people in the mountains yesterday, the bandits might not have dared to make a move.

“Hmph, do you think that you're invincible with just one hundred Huo Family Army? I'm afraid they won't even be able to find the shadow of their opponent before they all get destroyed. ” It was not because Teng Yu underestimated Huo Family Army, but because he felt that even if they fought face to face, these soldiers would still not be a match for the group of killers.

Huang Hongda obviously didn't think so. If the Third Prince and the Seventh Young Master could return safely, then it could be seen that the other party wasn't some kind of expert.

“Whatever. If you want to go, go. But in this prince's opinion, they've already run away.” When they met yesterday, the other side should have already prepared to retreat. If not for meeting him and Yin Xu, they would have definitely retreated without leaving a trace.

Commander Li saw that General Huang had already left, and it would be too much of a waste if the imperial guards didn't do something, so he invited them into the mountain to capture him as well.

Teng Yu's cold gaze swept across Commander Lie's face. This person was an informant planted in the palace by Yun Heran, and would most likely be disappointed to see him return alive.

He didn't know if the news of him possessing martial arts would spread out. Even if he didn't have any, he wouldn't be able to hide for long.

Things in the palace should have been settled by now. Perhaps it was time for him to step forward.

“Since the two of you are so enthusiastic, I wish you all success!” He shouted towards the outside, “Men, prepare some hot water!”

Carrying Yin Xu to their own room, Teng Yu did not notice that behind him, Huang Hongda and Commander Li both had strange expressions on their faces.

The two of them looked at each other before quickly separating. At the same time, a wave of doubt arose in their hearts: When did Third Prince become so serious and serious?

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