Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 79 - Ren’s return

Chapter 79 - Ren's return

Though most of the nobles that entered Grenton died, some actually survived. These people were the ones who had no more intention of getting Valdel's weapon. After learning that Valdel had a ring with the emblem of the royals, these nobles decided that the risk of offending Valdel was too much for them to handle, so they left the town as quickly as possible.

At this point those that left early didn't know how lucky they were. The nobles that died in Grenton were eight in total. News of their deaths will be known to the public after a few days. The king who heard the news from one of his subordinates, didn't bother hearing the pleas of the family of these nobles, and simply called them traitors. After branding their family as traitors the king needed to wipe out the whole family lineage, since they already were in such a state, the chance of them revolting against the crown was high. So before they could do that, the king went ahead to exterminate future threats to the royal family.


Ren who had just return from his trip to the forest of mist, was now sitting face to face with Nezzard the guild master. Nezzard who was looking at Ren's smiling face couldn't help but want to smack it. Every time this person showed up in front of him some kind of trouble will happen or has already happened. To Nezzard who hates working above all else, decided that Ren the person who makes him work the most was a mortal enemy.

Ren was enjoying the ever changing expression of Nezzard. He could practically guess what this lazy guild master was thinking.

"So did you really go to the forest of mist?"

"Yeah it was a fun little trip. I actually gotten stronger because of that place."

Nezzard who heard what Ren said coughed loudly. Even though he wasn't eating anything he felt like he was going to choke. This guy went to the one place that many venture to and never return, and he treated it as a vacation spot, or some sort of training ground. Not only was he able to return from that place, he even claims that he gotten stronger after a few days of staying there, and he said it so casually.

Nezzard wanted to smack Ren's smug face for saying what he said. What would other people feel if they heard what he said. They might feel like all their efforts to get stronger were worthless in front of such overwhelming talent. Unknown to him, the way Nezzard saw Ren as an incredible talent that doesn't work as hard to get stronger, is the way other people have viewed him. The lazy guild master who does nothing but try his best not to work, yet is still somehow was one of the strongest of the adventurers guild.

"So how did you escape?" Nezzard asked, giving up on trying to understand what Ren was thinking and why does this things.

"Oh that, when my food supply was running low, I walked aimlessly heading deeper into the forest. At first I couldn't understand why it doesn't seem like I was going anywhere even though I've been walking for hours, it was then I noticed something strange. I saw some shining orbs floating around. At first I thought they were fairies of some sort, but they weren't. They were something different, that I couldn't understand. So without knowing how to leave the forest I decided to follow the floating orbs. Cause you know, why not."

The more Nezzard heard Ren talk of his adventure in the forest of mist. The more he understood how abnormal Ren was. Based on how he described the whole sequence of events, not once did he panic or get scared. That was a forest famous for people coming in, but never coming out. Yet Ren described it like it was no big deal, it was like he was certain that no matter what happens he was sure to get out.

"So after following the floating orbs for a while, I reached what looked to be the center of the forest. You wouldn't believe what I saw there."

"Was it the dungeon?"

"No, there was no dungeon in the forest. It was actually something even more incredible. I saw the bones of a Dragon, and based on the look and the mana residue that formed the forest mist, it was a water Dragon and a very powerful one at that."

Hearing about the Dragon bones, the lazy Nezzard suddenly stood up.

"DRAGON BONES! Did you bring some? Of course you couldn't if it was a real Dragon, then the bones must've been huge and heavy. Ren do you think that you could go back, and guide some people to where you saw the Dragon Bones. If we're able to bring them back for an assessment, I promise to give you thirty percent of what the guild will be able to gain."

Even though Nezzard was a lazy one, it was at this moment, he has once again proved why he was the guild master of this branch of the adventurers guild.

"To answer the first question, yeah I got its claws. The answer to the second question is a no. I'm not sure if we will still be able to find those floating orbs again. If I go there a second time, I might not be able to come out. The only way you'll be able to safely get those Dragon bones, is if the mana residue that comes out of the Dragon's corpse disappears. Based on what I saw it would most likely take a few hundred more years before it fully disappears."

Hearing Ren's answer made Nezzard feel disappointed. He knew that Ren would never give him the claws he took for himself. He also understood that what Ren said was reasonable, based on his story up to now the only reason he found the bones, was because of luck.

"Okay then... So how did you escape?" Nezzard who was now a bit depressed, asked with lesser enthusiasm.

"The exit simply appeared. After I discovered the dragon bones, a path towards the exit appeared."


"Yeah I don't understand it either, but that's what happened. Anyway now that I have reported that, I'll be on my way." Ren stood up from his chair and was about leave, but then Nezzard said something.

"Oh right, because you suddenly appeared like this, I forgot about something that I needed to tell you. The Elder Lich Alfred disappeared somewhere in the Arcarcia mountain range. The scout that was trailing him, lost track of the Elder Lich in that area. Since you are the one who fought him directly I thought you might want to know."

Ren who wasn't saying anything, nor turning around, extended his hand forward and looked like he was bout to grab something. Nezzard felt a strange fluctuation of mana, it would seem like Ren had used a spell of sorts. In the hand that grasped empty space, something suddenly appeared.

Ren then tossed this object towards Nezzard, who caught it on Reflex. The thing Ren tossed was a large claw, that was the same size as a longsword. Seeing this almost made Nezzard's eyes pop out. He was confused as to why this was given to him. Like usual it was like Ren read his mind as he answered.

"Take that, it's payment for the information you gave me... See you later Nezzard." After that Ren left the room.

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