Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 75 - Gathering of nobles

Chapter 75 - Gathering of nobles

The noble families that have gathered in Grenton had directly went to the knight academy. Majority of them only brought around five to six men, seeing as the boy who held the magic weapon was nothing more than a commoner who had nothing backing him up. Even though the kid was a master rank swordsman, the noble families had brought numerous advance level swordsmen, and even some three circle mages also called advance level mages.

Even though these people were one rank lower than Valdel, they had the advantage of numbers. With the preparations they made the noble families felt comfortable. The only problem was that many of them were here for the same thing. How will they get what they want and justify it to the other nobles present.

That was the question all of them had at first, until they learned that Sepchel Saulon had come for the same thing. All of the lower nobles present decided to band together and try to persuade Sepchel to not join in the chaos.

Still before they could argue about who gets the weapon, they first needed to get the weapon in question. The noblemen and their guards had now surrounded the knight academy. A person then came out and it wasn't Valdel, but the old knight, Principal Galius.

"How can I help you gentlemen?"

"Principal Galius, we heard that you have a student that's has stolen something valuable. This student, no this thief, we the noblemen of the Reschbeauch kingdom wish to bring him to justice, and acquire the weapon he stole so that we may give it back to its rightful owner." The one who spoke was a middle age man, that had a rank of Earl. He was also the one who suggested that they the lower nobles should band together against the heir of Saulon.

"Oh, a thief is it? I don't remember having a thief as a student. Is there perhaps a misunderstanding here? Or do you have any proof that he is indeed a thief?" The old knight responded in a calm manner, unaffected by the numerous people surrounding him.

"He has a magic weapon that even a high ranking noble will have difficulty owning. A commoner such as himself doesn't have the money, nor the capability to gain such a weapon. Thus we concluded that he stole it from another noble, or perhaps ransacked it from a tomb of a powerful warrior, making him not only a thief but a person that desecrated the resting place of the dead." Another noble present spoke his view about the matter, sharing to the others such an outrageous claim.

Galius hearing what the noble said, made him feel like smiling and even almost made him chuckle. Everything that noble said was preposterous. He claimed that only nobles could own such a weapon, and accused one of his students of grave robbing. How hypocritical, everyone knows that most noblemen are grave robbers. In the past war, the only reason that some of the noblemen gained their wealth was by ransacking not only the homes of their enemies but even their graves.

Galius found it even more ridiculous that these people actually act as if they were righteous and were trying to bring back the weapon to its supposed rightful owner. Yet contrary to their words the greed in their eyes was unmistakable.

"So all in all the proof you have, is nothing more but a claim of the people gathered here? You don't really have any hard proof that you can show to prove the legitimacy of your actions. If that is so, then I have no obligation to hand over one of my students."

"Don't be foolish Galius, just bring out the thief and we will settle this peacefully."

"I have not intention of handing anyone to you." Galius stood in front of the various nobles with dignity. He didn't care what they say, all he knew was he would never give up Valdel for something as foolish as this.

The other noblemen started to berate Galius, while some continued to persuade him.


While the trouble in the front gate of the academy was happening Sepchel was now face to face with his brother. Alastair who saw his brother quickly greeted him.

'Finally those foolish commoners will get what they deserve.' As Alastair was thinking this, he was then slapped in the face. The slap was so powerful that he stumbled backward. Alastair was confused as to what had happened. He looked upward and saw his brother had dismounted his horse and approach him, he lifted him up with one hand and started slapping him with another.

This wasn't what he was expecting to happen. Though Alastair knew he was going to be punished, but he never knew he would be punished like this. He simply thought that he would be reprimanded and then be brought back to the main family's home and be on house arrest. He wasn't expecting his elder brother to actually slapped him continuously.

"You thrash, do you understand what you have done wrong?" Alastair who was now red from all the slapping, looked at his brother and was a bit frightened. This was the first time he saw his brother this angry.

"I know my wrongs brother. It's because I lost to a commoner in a fight, that I shamed the family name."

When Alastair gave out his answer, his brother Sepchel once again slapped him in the face.

"You really are thrash! Losing to an opponent stronger than you, also one that the Principal acknowledges isn't shameful. Now initiating the fight against such an opponent, without an actual proper reason aside from your damn ego being hurt, is what's shameful. You're a disgrace, you are not fit to be a knight, much less to be my younger brother."

Sepchel then tossed aside his brother, and as his back was facing his brother he spoke. "You are to quit studying to be a knight, and are to immediately return home. Once you get home, you will be punished. I will tell you now that the punishment will most likely be that the head, our father will make you become a soldier for our kingdom. You will fight in the battlefield and you will die in the battlefield. If you somehow miraculously survive and earn meritorious deeds in battle, you will be allowed to return home. But if you were to die in the battlefield, then at least you have contributed something to the kingdom, aside from being a fool with a large ego."

Hearing what his brother said, Alastair was pale in fright the former proud knight student clung to his elder brother's leg.

"Brother please save me! Don't you think that this is too much! I merely fought a commoner, for being rude!" Sepchel swung his leg and kicked his brother away, he then proceeded to look at him with ridicule and anger.

"First off the way you are acting with no pride or dignity makes you less than a commoner, that you seem to hate so much. Do you understand that even we the Saulon's have started out as commoners as well. I don't understand how you can speak so arrogantly against commoners, knowing this. Also you're telling me that all you did was fight a commoner? How stupid do you think I am?! I had one of my men placed here in the city to guard and spy on you. Obviously I'm sure you didn't notice him. When I got here he reported to me all of the idiotic things you have done."

As Sepchel was saying this, his face grew angrier and angrier.

"Not only did you fight without proper reason and lost, but instead of trying to improve yourself to beat that person on a later date. You instead tried to have him and his friends killed, by using assassins. When that failed, you spread a rumor about that boy Valdel's weapon. So instead of learning from past mistakes, you instead went deeper into your wickedness. I feel ashamed to have a little brother such as you!"

After pointing at the fearful Alastair in anger, Sepchel calmed himself down, before speaking again.

"I will talk to the Principal regarding you leaving the academy. For now pack up your things, and wait for me in your dorm room." Sepchel didn't say anything anymore, mounted his horse and with his nine men left his little brother Alastair to sit on his butt, looking at his elder brother's back in a daze.

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